Girl Meets 'Play'

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'Riley!' The brown haired girl didn't even stir the slightest bit when the alarm clock rang. Its beeping suddenly stopped when another girl pressed the button while groaning loudly. 'Riley!' the other girl hissed again. That girl was Maya. She jumped on top of her friend. 'Riiiley', she whispered in the girls' ear. Maya let out a frustrated sigh when her friend didn't respond. 'I guess I'm gonna go have breakfast by myself then', she said, standing up from the bed. She looked at Riley, who was still under the sheets, out of the corner of her eye. 'And maybe I'll get myself some chocolate as well', she continued. Still no reaction. 'You know what? I'm going to eat every single piece of chocolate we have here in this mansion.' Suddenly, Riley jumped out of the bed and made a mad dash for Maya, who was standing in the doorway. 'Not my chocolate!' she screamed as she jumped on top of Maya. 'Get... Off... Me!' Maya exclaimed, shaking Riley off her shoulders. When Riley finally let go, the girls broke into a fit of laughter, while panting. 'God, you're stronger than I thought', Maya admitted. 'Well, when it comes to my chocolate...' Maya chuckled. 'Should've known. But finally, you're awake', she then said. 'Took you long enough', she added. Riley shrugged. 'It's not like you can talk. I always have trouble getting you out of bed.' 'Yeah, that's why I was so surprised. But now that you're awake, you can go dress yourself and we can have breakfast together.' Riley didn't move, instead just remained where she was and thought for a little moment. 'Hmm... Will you get me chocolate?' Maya rolled her eyes. 'Yes, I will', she told Riley. 'You will what?' her best friend asked. 'I will get you chocolate.' Riley nodded. 'Good.' She disappeared into the bathroom. 'I will so not get you chocolate', Maya silently said.
'What did you say? I can't hear you from here', Riley's voice sounded from the bathroom. 'Nothing.'

When the girls came downstairs, the others were already seated around the table that was filled with food. There was only one seat left. 'Oops', Emily, who sat in between Lucas and Josh. 'There are not enough seats for all of us.' If she was even trying to hide her grin, she was not doing much of a good job. Riley looked at the only chair left. 'Maya, it's okay. You go sit there'', she told her friend. 'No, no, I'm fine. You can sit.' 'I have a solution', Emily said. Everyone turned to her in surprise. 'Maya, you take the seat. Riley, you can have mine.' Riley's eyes widened. Maybe Emily really was different than what Riley thought of her. Maybe the girl wanted to make things up. Maybe the girl really wanted to be her friend... 'I can sit on Lucas' lap', the girl continued. Or maybe she wasn't different from what Riley thought. 'That's not necessary. Riley you can take the seat', Maya said, turning to one of her other friends. 'Farkle, may I?' 'Of course you may', Farkle replied. Maya sat down on his lap. 'Lady', Farkle said, nodding approvingly. Smackle elbowed him, shooting him a warning look. Josh chuckled. 'Hey, why aren't you disapproving of this?' Maya asked him. ''Cause you have my heart and I have yours', he answered. 'Cheesy', Zay coughed. He then pretended to barf. Maya laughed and her cheeks turned red from Josh's comment. Wasn't it weird that he said those kinds of stuff when, really, they weren't even boyfriend and girlfriend yet? She made herself as comfortable as she could on Farkle's lap, while Riley sat down in the empty seat next to Vanessa. Everyone was quiet, not exactly knowing what to say. It was like their conversations had been muted ever since Emily had come into the picture. Emily, who was now looking seriously annoyed by Maya's actions. But Maya didn't care. 'So, what are today's plans?' the blonde haired girl asked as she helped herself to a blueberry muffin. And suddenly, as if someone had pressed 'Play' on the remote control, everyone started talking.

Hi everybody :) Thank you so much for reading the new chapter! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters. I wish you all an awesome day :D


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