Girl Meets the Kiss

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The minutes it took to walk from the school to Maya's home were probably the most awkward minutes Riley, Maya and Lucas would ever experience. 'Oh, shit!' Maya suddenly said, breaking the silence. 'What's wrong? Is it your stomach?' Riley and Lucas asked in unison. They awkwardly exchanged a glance. 'No, no. I'm fine', Maya quickly said. She'd just remembered she hadn't told Josh about her leaving the dance. She had been too caught up in Riley's love life to remember that she had a date. He'd probably be wondering where she was... She mentally scolded herself for being so stupid. As long as she didn't forget to text him when she got home to explain what had happened. It was her second mistake that night. By attempting to get Lucas away from Emily, Riley and the dance by faking an illness, she had only increased the problem as Riley and Lucas would be alone as soon as they had reached Maya's home. The building was already in sight...

'Maya, do you want me to go inside with you?' Riley asked. Maya didn't know whether her friend had proposed that because she was worried about her ''stomach ache'' or she feared being alone with Lucas. 'I'll be fine', Maya said. She felt bad for putting her friend in such a terrible position, but if she invited Riley in, Lucas would probably follow as well to make sure she was okay and that would make it even worse. 'Text me when you get home', Maya told Riley. 'I will.'
Maya took her friend's hand and squeezed it a little. She then said her goodbye to Lucas left the two of them alone. She was still doubting whether she'd made the right decision. But it was either having them walk together for five more minutes without her, or having them at her home for maybe an hour! She knew Riley, and she'd probably want to make sure Maya was one hundred percent fine and taken care of before she left. As for Lucas... He probably didn't want Riley to walk the New York streets in the dark alone. She sighed before taking out her phone and typing a message to Josh.

Meanwhile, Riley and Lucas had almost reached the Matthews' residence. 'Thanks for, um, walking with me', Riley said. 'Yeah, no problem', Lucas replied. 'I'm sorry you had to leave the dance early.' Lucas shrugged. 'Yeah, well... It's no big deal.' 'It's really sweet of you to take Maya home', Riley told him. Lucas didn't know what to say. They came to a halt when they reached the building's doorstep. 'So, this is my home', Riley said like that was new information to Lucas. 'I know', he said and he chuckled a little. 'So, um... good night', Riley said. 'Thanks again for walking with me.' 'It's no problem at all. What are friends for?' he added, offering her a small smile. 'Yeah, but you had to leave Emily and...' Riley fell silent. Any other night a year ago, she would have thought that moment was magical: It was a clear night, the stars shining down on them. The silence felt strange in the usually oh-so busy New York. Her thoughts were interrupted by Lucas' lips crashing on top of hers. After less than a second, he had pulled away already. 'Wha- what was that?' Riley stuttered. 'Why did you...?' She was breathing heavily, still not over the surprise of him kissing her. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I don't know why I did that. I have to go. I'm really sorry, Riley.' Before Riley had any chance to react, he had walked away, leaving her speechless and dumbfounded. She sat down on the steps in front of the building and stared off into the distance. A million thoughts were running through her mind when she slowly brought her hand up to her lips and softly touched the spot where Lucas' lips had been less than a minute ago.

Hey everyone :)  I hope you liked this chapter even though it probably was really confusing ;D Thank you all so much for reading! I want to say a special thank you to those who have voted on previous chapters, it means a lot to me!! I wish you all a great day :D


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