Girl Meets An Unexpected Surprise

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Ever since their arrival in Hawaii, Katy and Shawn had spent all of their time there planning the upcoming wedding. Now, however, they decided to take a day off and explore the island with the rest of the group.

'Where are we going?' Maya asked excitedly. 'It's a surprise', her mother, who had left the hotel she and Shawn where staying at to have breakfast with her daughter, answered. 'But I promise you you'll love it. I've heard it's one of the most beautiful locations on the entire island.' 'Well, I can't wait', Maya said, smiling. Three days had passed since the girls' night with Riley, Vanessa and Smackle, and ever since that night, she felt a lot closer to the girls than she had before. 'Good morning', she now said to Vanessa, who was descending the stairs. 'Good morning, Maya', the dark skinned girl replied cheerfully. The two girls and Katy set up the dinner table for breakfast as the other people started to enter the room as well.

'Smells great', Zay told them, rubbing his belly as he looked at Katy who was busy preparing bacon. 'Thanks, Isaiah', Katy replied. 'Breakfast is ready in five', she then added. Zay made a face when she used his full name. 'Vanessa sometimes calls you Isaiah too', Maya said, laughing. 'That's... different', Zay told her. Maya nudged him playfully. 'Because someone's in love?' she teased him, wiggling her eyebrows. 'In love, huh? Sorry, are we talking about you and Josh?' Zay shot back. 'Touché', Maya said.

Soon, everyone had sat down at the table and was now enjoying the food Katy had prepared. 'So, what's this beautiful venue you want to take us to, Mrs. Hart?' Josh asked. 'You can call me Katy, Josh', Katy said, smiling. Josh smiled back. 'But about the venue... Well, that's a surprise. I can only say it was called ''one of Hawaii's most spectacular and breathtaking spots'' in one of the brochures I read.' Josh nodded. 'Well, I'm sure it's going to be lovely', he told Maya's mother. 'Do we have to walk?' Emily asked. Katy nodded. 'Yes.' Emily sighed. 'I hope it's not too long. I hate hiking', she complained. Riley and Maya looked at one another and rolled their eyes, before both of them let out a giggle. Farkle saw their exchange and laughed sheepishly. Emily, not noticing any of this, turned to Lucas. 'Babe, I'm gonna change. I don't want my dress to get all filthy.' 'Sure', Lucas replied. 'While you're at it, you might wanna put your hair in a bun. Imagine what would happen if it got a little messed up!' he joked. Riley let out a nervous giggle, while the rest of the group held their breaths. Emily shot her boyfriend a look. 'Are you mocking me?' The smile that had appeared on Lucas' face faded. 'Um, no', he said quickly. 'Good.'

An hour and various wardrobe changes on Emily's behalf later, the group was ready to leave. By that time Cory, Topanga and Shawn had arrived at the mansion and joined the group. 'So, where are we heading out to?' Topanga asked Katy, who was not only the mother of her daughter's best friend, but who was her own best friend as well. 'It's a surprise', Katy replied. 'You know I do not like surprises', Topanga told her. She hated not knowing what was about to happen. 'Trust me, you'll like this one.' After that, they took off.

The walk to this special location took a while, but when they arrived, they saw it had totally been worth it. 'Wow', Maya said, mesmerized. 'I know', Josh mumbled, looking at the beauty around him. Riley and Lucas recognized the place. How couldn't they? They knew it all too well.

'Oh God', they both said at the same time, looking at each other, their eyes wide.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's a little short, but I want to update soon. What do you think this ''special venue'' is? Thank you all so much for reading, and a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters :D

I just saw Girl Meets Hawaii has reached 100K views and I'm so thrilled! Thank you so much for your support, you have no idea how much it means to me <3

I wish you all an amazing day!


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