Girl Meets Fears

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The table was already set when the five girls got back to the mansion. Still laughing hysterically, they entered the living room, where Josh and Auggie were sitting. 'G'morning', Josh said to the girls. 'G'morning', Auggie greeted them, mimicking Josh. 'Morning', the girls replied in unison. Zay entered the living room and plopped down in one of the chairs. 'Oh Zay, I wouldn't sit there', Maya told him. 'Why not?' 'I think I just saw a spider there.' Zay immediately jumped up from his seat. 'A spider?' he asked in a high-pitched voice. He ran away from the chair. The girls instantly started laughing again. When Zay realized he was being made fun of, he said, 'Ha ha, very funny.' 'It really was. You should've seen your face', Maya said in between fits of laughter. Zay rolled his eyes. 'Wait a minute', he then began. 'Vanessa, you're the only one who knows about my arachnophobia.' Auggie, who had only now started listening to the conversation, asked, 'What's aranophobe?' 'Arachnophobia is an abnormal fear of spiders', Josh explained to his nephew. 'Spider!' Auggie screamed in the same high-pitched voice as Zay. 'Where?' 'No, Auggie, there is no-' Josh tried, but the little boy had already run off, most likely to find Topanga, who would protect him from the non-existent spider. 'I'm sorry I told them, Zay, I really am. I didn't think you would mind.' 'Well I do!' he said in a tone that Vanessa had never heard come out of his mouth. He sounded almost... angry. 'I would've expected something like this from anyone else, but not from you.' He then left the room.

Vanessa sat down on the couch, letting everything that had just happened sink in. Her vision was blurry from the tears in her eyes that were threatening to spill out. 'I- I don't know what just happened. T- This is not like him at all', she said, sniffing. 'W- we w-were just h-having fun and...' Josh offered her a pack of tissues, which she gladly took. 'Thanks, J-Josh', she told him. 'You're welcome', the older boy replied. Smackle said down next to Vanessa and slowly, and a little awkwardly, put her arm around her friend's shoulder. 'You're right', she said softly, 'this doesn't sound like him.' 'But the words came out of his mouth. It really was Zay. I don't understand...' Vanessa said. The first tear made its way down the girl's cheek. Riley spoke up. 'Maybe he was tired, or maybe he wasn't feeling well, or...' Vanessa shook her head. 'He seemed fine to me.' Maya, who hadn't said anything yet, opened her mouth. 'I- I'm so sorry, Vanessa. I screwed up big time.' Vanessa let out a muffled cry. 'No, this isn't your fault, Maya. I shouldn't have told you guys. This is all my fault.' She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. 'I don't even know why I'm crying. You must all think I'm pathetic for being sad about this little argument.' 'Of course we don't', Josh told her. 'It's completely normal for you to be sad and cry every once in a while. And you know what's the best thing? You always have people there for you, whom you can cry to, who will comfort you, no matter what.' Emily nodded at what he said. 'Exactly', she said. Vanessa smiled sadly. 'Thank you guys so much. I love you all.' 'And we love you', Riley replied, smiling. This made Vanessa tear up again.

Meanwhile, Zay was in his room, sitting on his bed, when he heard a knock at the door. Hoping it was Vanessa, he said, 'Yeah?' The door slowly opened, revealing Lucas. 'Hey, buddy', Lucas said. 'Hi.' 'What went down downstairs? I heard your voice and then you suddenly were here.' Zay sighed. 'I don't really feel like talking about it.' 'Fine, then we won't', Lucas said as he sat down next to his best friend. 'But I'll stay anyway.' 'Why do I have a feeling you won't leave my side until I tell you what happened.' Lucas chuckled. 'Ah, how you know me', he said. Zay looked at the ground. 'I'm an idiot', he said. 'Why?' Lucas asked. 'Why? Because I yelled at my girlfriend! I yelled at Vanessa. She told the girls about...' He cut himself off, because he wasn't sure whether to tell Lucas about his fear of spiders, or not. He didn't want his best friend to think he was lame. Then again, Lucas was his best friend, and best friends love you for who you are. 'She told them I was afraid of spiders, and Maya made a joke, and I just got angry. And if you want to make fun of me too, then I suggest you go downstairs and join Maya.' Lucas sighed. 'I don't want to make fun of you. Fears are normal. Everyone has them. I'm afraid to ride a bull at a rodeo, you're afraid of spiders. Big deal. We all are afraid of something. That's nothing to be ashamed of. I don't get why you would even think you should be ashamed of that. As for Maya, well, she can be a bit insensitive at times, but she means no harm. I don't think she wanted to hurt you.'

'It's not even about Maya, or her joke', Zay said. 'It's about Vanessa.' Lucas put his arm around his friend. 'I'm guessing this isn't just about her telling the girls about your fear.' Zay shook his head.

He took a deep breath before saying, 'Sometimes, I feel like she doesn't love me anymore.'

Hi everyone :) Thank you all so much for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. Next chapter will have lots of ships in it(Rucas, Joshaya, Zaynessa, and maybe more). A special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list! i wish you all a great day :)


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