Girl Meets Group Chat

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Riley has added Maya, Smackle, Vanessa, Emily, Farkle, Lucas, Josh, and Zay to the chat.

Riley: Hiiii guys!!

Vanessa: Hey, what's this for?

Zay: yeah. why did y'all put me here?

Riley: Maya, you tell them.

Maya: Alright. So, we wanted to do something special for my parents before we leave Hawaii. To celebrate their marriage and to thank them for bringing us here.

Lucas: Sounds good!

Smackle: Great plan. I'm in.

Josh: Yeah, awesome. I'm in too

Zay: Question, though. we're all in the same room, why not just talk?

Riley: This seemed cooler and more spy-like.

Zay: okayyyy...

Maya: So, anyone any suggestions?

Zay: I have a great one

Lucas: A monkey that bakes you cupcakes everyday is not an option, Zay

Zay: who said I was gonna say that?

Lucas: Well, were you?

Zay: maybe...

Maya: Moving on. Anyone any NORMAL ideas?

Riley: We should do something personal.

Emily: I agree. I don't know them that well tho, so I'm not much help.

Josh: that's fine. whenever you think of something, just tell us. anything's okay.

Smackle: Except for cupcake-baking monkeys.

Zay: hey! my pride is gone now. thanks a lot.

Maya: You had no pride to begin with.

Zay: I hate you all so much.

Riley: Guys, back to Shawn and Katy's present, please?

Lucas: I have an idea.

Maya: Oh the great Huckleberry is here to share his wisdom and knowledge of getting someone a gift is. Enlighten us all, oh mighty Ranger Rick.

Lucas: Why do you always have to be so rude and sarcastic when it comes to me?

Maya: You should be honored.

Lucas: I'm not.

Smackle: Stop bickering, please.

Farkle: Yes, listen to my sugar plum.

Smackle: Sugar plum? I'm going to barf.

Farkle: You said we should have nicknames for each other like other couples do.

Smackle: Yes, but not something like sugar plum, honey bear.

Farkle: That one is even worse than mine.

Emily: Guys, the present...

Josh: Sugar plum and honey bear are equally awful. Why not just call each other something simple like baby or idk

Maya: Oh not with the ''baby'' thing again. How many times do I have to tell you I hate that???

Emily: Yes. Do ignore me.

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