Girl Meets Truth or Dare, part II

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'So, Smackle, your turn now', Lucas told the girl. 'Oh, right. Emily, truth or dare?' Smackle asked. 'I'll go with a truth as well', Emily replied. 'I was hoping you'd pick truth. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you fancy Evan?' A blush immediately spread on Emily's cheeks. 'Smackle!' Maya exclaimed. 'They kissed yesterday. Of course she will say a ten. You kind of wasted a truth.' Farkle put his arms around his girlfriend protectively. 'Hey, she didn't know. No need to be so hard on her.'

'Emily, your turn now', Riley said. Emily looked around the circle, not sure who to choose. 'Er, Maya, truth or dare?' 'Dare, duh!' Maya replied like it should have been obvious. A mischievous glint appeared in Emily's eyes. 'I dare you to wear a clean pair of Josh's boxers for the rest of the game.' The others all frowned at her. 'Why?' Riley asked. Emily shrugged. ''S funny', she simply said. 'Alright', Maya said, rising from her spot on the ground. 'You don't think it's weird?' Lucas asked. Maya shook her head. 'Why? I don't mind. Boxers seem comfy. Always wanted to try them. And besides, they're clean anyways, so why should it be strange?' She helped Josh stand up. 'Well, beautiful boyfriend of mine, please go get your underwear so I can put it on', she said, trying her best not to burst out laughing at the sentence she had never thought she would ever say.

As soon as Josh had fetched a clean pair of boxers, and Maya had put them on, the game went on. Maya was now deciding who to pick. 'Before I choose, I have to say: damn, these feel way better than skinny jeans', she said in regards to the boxers. 'But, um, I choose Lucas.' 'Oh, crap!' Lucas exclaimed, already knowing this wasn't going to be good. 'Truth seems like the least dangerous option', the blond Texan said. 'Probably a wise choice', Maya told him. 'What to ask Huckleberry?' she then asked herself, tapping her chin with her finger.

'I'll be easy on you, but only this time. My question for you is, what do you dislike most about me?' Maya asked Lucas. 'Oh, that's quite easy', Lucas said bluntly. 'Well, thanks a lot, Ranger Rick. Don't hold back', Maya shot at him. Lucas sat up straight. 'What I dislike about you most, is how you are so insecure about yourself yet you have no reason to be. Like, a year ago, you refused to believe there was even a chance Josh liked you. You always put yourself down. You act like your confident and all towards others, but you seem to always be questioning yourself inside. You really shouldn't. You're amazing Maya. Everyone knows, and you should too.'

Maya was taken aback by Lucas' answer. 'W- what?' she asked, mouth wide open. 'D- did I say something wrong?' the boy asked. Maya walked over to where he was sitting, and for a moment, Lucas thought she was going to hit him. 'Maya', he said cautiously, 'what are you-?' He cut himself off when Maya's arms wrapped around him. 'Thank you for that', she whispered as she hugged him. A few seconds later, she pulled away. She was a little surprised at what she'd just done, but gave Lucas a smile anyway, which he happily returned.

Maya did her best to hold back the few tears that were about to shed. She didn't want to cry in front of the others, for she didn't want them to know just how much Lucas' statement had affected her in a positive way. Luckily for her, Lucas was quick to continue the game. 'Riley, truth or dare?' he asked with a big smile on his face.

Maya noticed how the boy always got a little more shy, a little more giddy, and a little more happy whenever he looked at Riley. Maya loved how happy he and her best friend made each other.

'Dare', Riley asked. ''Cause I'm a daredevil.' Everyone laughed, except for Riley herself. 'Why are you all laughing?' she asked, confused as to why they were making fun of her. 'You do realize that you're literally the cutest, un-daredevil-ly person there is roaming the earth?' Vanessa asked her. 'You're such a smol bean', she added. Riley pouted. Maya put her arm around her best friend. 'Hey, if you want to be such a badass, to me you are', she told her. Riley smiled at her, resting her head on Maya's shoulder.

'You know', Smackle said. 'I'm quite tired. I think I'm going to bed a little early tonight', she told the group, trying her best to hold back a yawn. A few others nodded. 'I'm tired too', Zay admitted. 'Well, how about we continue this game some other time then?' Josh suggested. Everyone agreed.

Twenty minutes later, when everyone was in their bed and sleeping, Riley and Maya were still awake.

'Lucas was right, you know?' Riley whispered to her friend. She kept her voice low so she wouldn't wake up the people in the room next to her and Maya's. 'You deserve to know how amazing you are', she added. Maya stood up from her bed, and walked over to Riley's. She crawled under the covers, next to her best friend, and put her arms around her. 'I love you, Riles, you know that, right?' She could feel the brunette nod. 'And I love you, Peaches', Riley told Maya.

'Maya?' Riley asked after a few moments of silence. 'Yeah?' Maya said sleepy. 'You're still wearing Josh's boxers, aren't you?' 'They're comfy! Sue me', Maya replied. The two girls chuckled. Soon after, they both fell asleep, Maya's arms still around Riley's waist.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you all so much for reading! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, I appreciate it so much :) I'll try to update again this weekend, though I'm not sure if I will be able to make it. I wish you all a truly amazing day!


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