Girl Meets Sunrise

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There were only three more days left. Three more days and they'd be leaving the island again. There was one thing Emily needed to do before she could leave. That was why she dragged Riley out of bed at 5 a.m. She had blindfolded the girl so Riley wouldn't know where they would be heading. Emily had been planning this for quite a while already and she didn't want to spoil the surprise.

'Is the blindfold really necessary though?' Riley asked, not liking the fact that everything was black around her. 'Yes', Emily insisted. 'But don't worry, we're almost there.' It hadn't been easy getting there, as she had to lead Riley, who couldn't see anything, but they managed.

A few minutes later, Emily told her she could take off the blindfold. 'Finally', Riley said, sighing out of relief. 'Walking like that isn't pleasant at all.' She struggled with the knot, so Emily helped her.

When the light hit her eyes, Riley was momentarily blinded. She blinked to adjust to the harsh brightness. When she was able to fully see again, she gasped. 'Oh wow, that's just... wow.' The sun was rising and they had a perfect view from where they were standing on top of a hill.

'That's not even the full surprise yet', Emily told her excitedly. 'We're going to watch the sunrise from up there.' The girl pointed upwards, to the sky. 'But how?' Riley asked, still mesmerized by the beautiful view. 'Look behind you', Emily replied.

Riley turned around and the surprise and excitement was written on her face. Not far away, Lucas and Evan were waiting for them next to a hot air balloon.

'W- why? How?' Riley asked. 'Well, remember when I planned that couples' day a few weeks ago? And I excluded you?' Riley nodded. 'I felt really bad about that', Emily continued. 'So, I planned another mini-couples' day with the four of us to make it up to you.'

'But this must've cost you a ton!' Riley exclaimed. She couldn't believe Emily had done all of this as a way of apologizing. 'You told me you were sorry. That was enough for me', Riley told her. Emily nodded. 'I know, but still. You told me you loved hot air balloons, so I figured you'd want to do this. And I want to show you I'm very glad to be friends with you.'

Riley pulled the girl in for a hug. 'Thank you so much. I love it!' 'I'm glad you do', Emily replied as they walked over to the boys.

'Hey guys', Emily greeted them. An instructor showed up and helped the four get set for the ride. 'Just to check, no one's afraid of heights?' the man asked. Everyone shook their head. 'All set then. Enjoy', he said with a smile, and then the balloon started going up.

'Oh gosh, this is actually happening', Riley gushed. She had always heard that watching the sunrise in Hawaii from up in the air was spectacular and she couldn't believe she was going to experience it herself.

'You're not afraid?' Lucas asked her. Riley shook her head. 'Not at all', she said. 'Well, I'm gonna hold your hand anyway', the Texan boy told her, grabbing her hand, to which she smiled.

'It's kinda crazy, you know', Riley said. 'What is?' Lucas asked. 'Us four together. We used to date, then we broke up and now we're back together. You dated Emily. Emily is with Evan. Evan hit on me last year.' Lucas snorted. 'That's right', he said. 'I guess life has it weird ways of bringing people together.'

Riley let her head rest on her boyfriend's shoulder as they watched the spectacle in front of them. Millions and millions of different shades of red, pink, orange and yellow were dancing in the sky, and he world was basking in golden light.

'I wish every morning could be like this', Riley whispered. Lucas nodded and pressed a kiss on her top of her head, and put his arms around the girl. 'Me too', he told her. 'When we get back to New York, we'll do this sometime. Somewhere quiet and green.'

Riley looked up at him. 'As great as that sounds, I don't wanna talk about that just yet. We're here now. Let's stay here together. Forever.' Lucas nodded. 'We will. Just you and I. Here. Watching the sunrise.' He leaned down a little bit to kiss her lightly on her temple. Riley leaned back into him comfortably.

Next to them, Emily and Evan were watching the sky too. Well, Emily was watching the sunrise. Evan was too focused on the girl standing next to him. He admired how the sunlight made Emily's eyes shine even more then they usually did, and how her brown hair had a golden glow. It made her look angelic.

'You're gonna miss the most beautiful thing', Emily said to him without taking her eyes away from the view in front of her. 'Yep, I truly am going to miss her when she goes back to New York. That's why I'm using every second that's left admiring that beauty', Evan replied to her, voice soft.

Emily now turned to him and looked right into his eyes. 'You... You mean that?' she asked. Evan nodded solemnly. 'Yes. Of course I mean it. I'm going to miss you so much', he admitted. 'I'm gonna miss you too', Emily told him truthfully. 'A lot.'

Without any communication, they both leaned in at the exact same time, allowing their lips to meet. As they deepened the kiss, Riley jokingly called out, 'Get a room!'

She and Lucas chuckled softly, and Riley looked up at him lovingly. He leaned down to capture his lips with hers. After that, they returned to watching the sunrise.

'I love you so much. Maybe I don't say it enough, but I really do', Lucas told his girlfriend, blushing as the words left his mouth.

'I love you too', Riley replied, enjoying the feeling of safety in Lucas' arms.

Hi everyone :) It's a short chapter, but I hope you still liked it. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list; your support means the world to me♥ I wish you all an amazing day!


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