Girl Meets Asking Him Out

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Riley had practiced in the mirror what she would say. How she would say it. And how she'd respond if he were to say 'no'. She took a deep breath and smoothed the purple dress she was wearing. It was the one she liked so much, with the cute little yellow flowers. 'You can do this Riles', she told herself. She felt nauseous and still wasn't sure if this was the right decision. Something in her told her it wasn't. But it wasn't the time to reconsider. The dance was slowly approaching and if she didn't act soon... Maya came through her bay window a few minutes later. 'You ready for school?' she asked her friend. Riley turned to her best friend. 'You sure sound cheerful.' Maya nodded. 'This afternoon, I'm going over to Josh's dorm and I'm planning on asking him to the dance then.' 'Aw, that's great', Riley said, offering her friend a sweet smile. 'Riley, about the dance... You don't have to-' 'I do. It's going to be fine.' Maya wasn't so sure, but she didn't say any more.

'There he is', Maya said, pointing. She wanted to tell Riley she could still change her mind and walk away, but she didn't. How could she? It would probably confuse Riley more and more and she didn't want to put her through that. A couple Maya didn't know walked passed them. Riley walked into the direction Maya had pointed in.

'Hey', Riley said to the person who was standing there. 'Hi, Riley.' 'Um, I want to ask you something. I hope it isn't weird.' 'You can ask me everything', the person said, smiling. 'Okay, well then... Will you go to the dance with me?' The boy Riley was talking to almost jumped up in excitement. 'Yes, of course. That sounds great!' 'Okay', Riley said, trying to return the smile he was giving her. 'I'm already looking forward', the boy said. 'I should return to Maya', Riley told him. 'Oh, yeah, sure. Bye, Riley', the boy said happily. 'Bye', Riley replied, 'Charlie.' And that was when Maya suddenly recognized the couple that had just passed her and Riley. They were laughing and that was how Maya knew. She'd recognized the sound. Otherwise she'd never thought to see Lucas there, holding hands with a girl that wasn't Riley. She shifted her gaze from them when she saw out of the corner of her eye that Riley had returned. 'He said yes', Riley announced, not sounding particularly happy about it. Maya kind of felt bad for Charlie. He was stoked to go with her as a date, but she clearly wasn't. 'That's great, Riley, but, um-' 'What were you looking at?' Riley interrupted her friend. She'd seen Maya look at the couple. 'Riley, don't.' She gave the boy and girl a better glance. 'Oh', Riley whispered. 'Well, I'm happy for him and Emily. They're great for each other.' The bell rang, offering Riley an escape from whatever Maya would have said next.

When school was finished, Maya went over to Josh's. She wasn't as cheerful as she'd been that morning. She had wanted to stay with Riley, but she had practically forced Maya to go to him. So there she was, sitting in one of his chairs with a glass of water in her hand, and all she wanted to talk about, was how she could help Riley. 'I just feel so bad for her. She doesn't even like Charlie, but what other choice did she have? And Lucas has this new girlfriend, Emily, and-' 'But Riley doesn't like him anymore, right?' Josh asked. 'I mean, they broke up a long time ago.' 'No, she's completely over him.' Maya hated lying to him, but she didn't want to spill her best friend's secret. 'But it must be hard to see your ex finding someone else before you do.' 'I suppose so', Josh said. Maya forced herself to bring up what she'd initially came over for. 'Now that we're talking about the dance and dates and stuff...' she began to say. 'Yes?' 'Will you be my date?' Josh lifted her up from the chair and gave her a sweet, gentle kiss on her nose.

'I would love to' he answered.

Hi everybody :) I hope you liked this new chapter! Thanks so much for reading :D And a special thank-you to those who have voted on previous chapters, your support really means a lot to me. I wish you all an awesome day!


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