Girl Meets A Good Listener

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Emily was mad about Lucas and his stupid move to go on a stroll with Riley. Or at least she felt like she should have been. Truth be told, apart from the initial sadness and anger that had come upon hearing the idiotic plan, she did not care as much as she wanted to. Emily found herself walking away just a few minutes after Lucas and Riley had left. She did not know where she was going until she started recognizing the route she was walking. The route that led straight to the beach... and Evan. She found herself smoothing her hair continuously as she approached his workplace. Why am I so nervous about seeing him? she asked herself. She took a deep breath and entered the beach shop.

'Hi', she softly said as she saw Evan. 'Oh hey, Emily. Your timing is great, I'm just ready for my break.' Emily smiled at him. 'So... You wanna go for a walk?' Evan asked her. Emily thought about this. Wouldn't she be a hypocrite if she got mad - sort of - about her boyfriend going on a stroll with another girl when here she was, about to go for a walk with another guy? This is different, she told herself. Evan's not my ex. When she didn't say anything for a while, Evan raised one eyebrow. 'So... The walk?' 'Oh yeah. Sure, it sounds great', Emily quickly said, giving him an apologetic look for keeping him wait. He offered her his hand, before quickly pulling back. 'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... I don't know what got into me.' Emily shook her head. 'It's fine', she said, even though she was feeling really awkward on the inside. 'Let's go', she said. They started walking away from the shop, now with half a meter distance in between them.

Riley & Maya

'What was that all about?' Maya asked her best friend as soon as they were able to sneak off from Lucas and Josh for a moment. 'What are you talking about?' Riley asked. Maya gave her a look. 'You know what I'm talking about. You were holding hands with Lucas!' Maya whisper-hissed. 'Be quiet!' Riley told her, looking at the two boys in the distance to see if they'd heard Maya. 'Oh come on. It's not like Heehaw can hear me from here. And don't change the subject. What was up with that holding hands-thing that was going on just a few minutes ago?' Riley shrugged. 'It just happened, I guess. We heard noise and I started getting scared, so he offered me his hand.' Maya widened her eyes in shock. 'Wait, he took your hand?' Riley raised her eyebrows, not knowing whether she should be offended by this or not. 'Why is that such a surprise to you?' 'Riley, he has a girlfriend, for God's sake!' 'So?' Riley asked. 'Riley, you do not want to go there again. I know you have feelings for him. Hell, maybe he even has feelings for you too. But I cannot see you get hurt again.' 'I won't get hurt, I promise. I know he has Emily. I just... I don't know.' Riley let out a deep sigh. 'Hey, whatever happens, I'm here for you.' Maya shot her friend a sympathetic smile. 'Thunder', she said. 'Lightning', Riley replied softly. 'Ring power', they then said.

'Hey, you girls ready?' they then heard Josh call. 'Just a minute', Maya called back. She then put her arms around Riley, as a sign of friendship, and to protect her from the world.

Evan & Emily

'So what's up?' Evan asked as he and Emily were sitting on the soft sand, just a few feet away from the warm ocean water. 'Not much', Emily replied. 'I know we have met just recently, but I can tell something's going on with you. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm a good listener.' Emily looked at him. 'It's just... I feel like a lot's going wrong lately.' 'Like what?' Evan asked her. 'Like what?' she repeated. She shook her head and started drawing little shapes in the sand with her index finger. 'Lucas and I got in a fight', she blurted out. 'And I stole Riley's dress. We were finally on good terms, but not after this morning. Because she and Lucas were about to go after Maya and Josh, who were on a walk, to give them the backpacks they forgot to bring. And I get they need food and water - I mean, damn, it gets hot on this island, it's not even normal...' When she noticed she was rambling, she continued with the story. 'But Lucas and Riley alone? They have a lot of history together. What if something happened between them?' She let out a deep breath and stared at Evan, waiting for him to answer.

'Man...' he said. 'You stole Riley's dress? How did that happen?' 'That's what you got from the whole story?' Emily asked him, letting out a nervous laugh. Even though the situation was stressful, she found it funny how she had told him everything about the fight, but he asked about the dress. 'I'm curious', he said, shrugging. 'Well, if you must know, Riley and Maya had ordered dresses for the wedding of Maya's mother. I was jealous of Riley and afraid she might make a move on Lucas, even though he was my boyfriend now. So I did something very low and bought a dress that was identical to hers, causing her to need to find something else to wear to the wedding. Please don't think all too badly of me. I regret what I did. We may not get along all that great, but that was a stupid thing to do of me', she said. Evan took a deep breath. 'That's quite the story', he said. 'It was pretty stupid of you to do that.' Emily looked down at the ground. 'But I don't think badly of you. I think you're one of the most amazing girls I've ever met', he told her. 'That's probably because this island's population hasn't even reached seventy thousand yet', Emily joked. Evan laughed. 'But thanks', Emily then said, smiling at him. 'No problem', he said. 'I meant all of it.'

He looked at the brown-haired girl and sighed. 'Emily, I need to tell you something', he said. 'Sure', she replied. 'What's on your mind?' Evan took a deep breath. 'I-' He was interrupted by the sound of Emily's cellphone ringing. 'Oh, shoot', she said. She was about to decline the call, but then saw it was from Lucas. 'It's, um, Lucas', she told Evan, her cheeks reddening. 'I should take this. I'm sorry.' 'It's fine. My break's over anyway', Evan replied. 'We'll talk soon', Emily told him. 'Then you can tell me whatever it was you wanted to say', she said. 'It's okay. It was nothing important anyway', he answered. Emily gave him a small smile before walking away, raising her phone to her ear. 'Only that I really, really like you', Evan whispered as the girl disappeared in the distance.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the new chapter and the Evan/Emily moments. Thank you all so much for reading! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, I really appreciate it :) I wish you all an amazing day!


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