Girl Meets Wedding Day, part I

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Riley woke up the next morning to the sound of someone practically shouting ''Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!' She slowly started opening her eyes as she said, 'Wha- what's going on?' She flinched as she saw Maya dancing through the room, then jumping on Riley's bed. 'Maya?' she asked softly. 'What are you doing?' The blonde let out a deep, content sigh. 'Oh, it's just that my Mom's gonna get married today', she said happily. Riley, who had been mid-yawn, was now fully awake and started smiling uncontrollably. 'That's right! Shawn's going to be your Dad!' she exclaimed cheerfully. Maya, nodding ferociously, started dancing around the room. 'Oh, Riles, I'm so happy. Happier than I've been in a while', she admitted. Sure, she was happy with her friends and Josh, but now that she was going to have a father again? She was sure it was one of the best things that ever happened to her - along with becoming best friends with Riley and having Josh like, no, love, her back, of course.

'For the first time in such a long time, I'm not even thinking about something going completely wrong. I'm just so happy and-' She was cut off by Riley belting out ''Cause for the first time in forever, I finally understa-' She stopped singing when she noticed Maya glaring at her. 'What?' she asked. 'No, Riles. Just don't.' 'Bu- but it's frozen?' Riley tried, pouting. 'Why do you hate Disney songs?' she asked. 'I don't hate Disney songs. I just hate it when you sing 'em', Maya replied. 'I would fight you', Riley said, 'but today's a happy day, and we don't fight on a happy day.' 'Girl', Maya told Riley, chuckling, 'if you tried to fight me, you'd be down on the ground in less than a second.' Riley raised her eyebrows. 'Oh, no you didn't', she said sassily. 'Oh yes I did', Maya shot back.

The girls started laughing. 'I could totally take you down, though', Riley said, suddenly turning serious again. 'Oh Riles', was all Maya said. 'Oh Riles', she repeated. They were then interrupted by their bedroom door being opened. 'Everyone decent?' somebody asked. The girls had recognized Lucas' voice even before they looked up and saw the boy standing in the doorway, his right hand covering his eyes. 'You're okay', Riley told him. 'Good', he answered, removing his hand from his eyes.

'Hey Huckleberry, I have a question for you.' Lucas looked at her. 'Yes, Maya, I have ridden a sheep in a rodeo when I was little. You've asked that question about a million times already', he said, sighing deeply. Maya grinned. 'That's not what I was going to ask you, but thanks for bringing that up. I always enjoy hearing about your failures in life.' Lucas rolled his eyes. 'Then what question did you have for me?' he asked. Maya sat down in one of the chairs in the bedroom, before opening her mouth, and saying, 'Riley and I were talking about fighting one another. And my dear friend here thinks she could, and I quote directly, ''totally take me down''. Do you, Ranger Rick, agree with my friend's statement?'

'Riley, babe', Lucas started to say. 'Ugh, there's that word again', Maya groaned as she heard him say ''babe''. He shot her a look before continuing. 'I really love you, Riley, but um... If you and Maya were to ever get into a fight, you wouldn't stand a chance.' Riley stood up from the bed, an annoyed look on her face.

'How could you say that?' she said to Lucas. 'You're my boyfriend; you're supposed to take my side. And by the way, I'm a very strong human being and I can take both you and her down and I-  Aargh!' she screamed as she tripped over her own two feet and was sent flying to the ground. 'Way to prove your point, Riles', Maya told the brunette as she knelt down next to her and patted her head lightly. 'Don't be so rude', Lucas said to Maya as he gave her a scolding look. He walked over to where Riley was lying on the ground and where Maya was still kneeling, and extended his hands. 'Need help?' he asked his girlfriend. Riley, being very grateful for this, started to take his hands, before realizing she shouldn't.

'Nope', she told him. 'I'm a very strong, independent woman, and I don't need a man's help - or anyone's for that matter.'

Topanga then entered the room. 'Good morning', she greeted the three teens, before turning to her daughter alone. 'Riley, are you almost ready with changing and brushing your teeth? You could come to my room when you're done, so I can do your hair. You needed my help braiding it, right?' This caused Maya and Lucas to look at Riley. 'I thought you didn't need anyone's help for anything?' Maya said teasingly. Riley scoffed as she left the room, still in her pajamas and with teeth that hadn't been brushed yet. 'Milkmaid braids are very hard to make on your own!' she shot at her best friend and her boyfriend before disappearing down the hall.

Lucas chuckled. 'Oh shut up, Huckleberry', Maya told him. 'She's still tougher and courageouser than you are.' Lucas smiled a sweet, visibly fake smile as he walked past her and whispered to her, 'Oh oh dear Maya Papaya, you might be tougher than Riley is, but at least knows that ''courageouser'' isn't a proper word', before leaving the room as well. 'It sure is!' Maya shouted after him. When he was gone, she looked at her fingernails. 'Or isn't it?' she asked herself, confused.

'Ugh, who even cares?' she asked herself out loud. 'Today's a happy day. My Mom's marrying Shawn!' The mere thought of it made her smile all over again. 'Oh what the heck', she said before jumping up on her bed. She started singing loudly. ''Cause for the first time in forever, I finally understand. 'Cause for the first time in forever-'

'I knew you liked it!' she heard Riley call out from her mother's room. Maya rolled her eyes, and a big grin started spreading on her face. God, she loved her friends.

Hi everyone :) I know this isn't the real wedding chapter yet, but I wanted to add a more playful chapter so I hope you liked it! Thank you all so much for reading :) And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and/or added this story to their reading list(s), I appreciate your support a lot! I wish you all an amazing day :D


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