Girl Meets Dangerous Questions

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'Alright, have we got everything?' Maya asked her friends. She, Riley, Vanessa and Emily were seated in a circle in one of their bedrooms. 'Food?' she asked. Vanessa held up three bags of crisps and a packet of chocolate chip cookies. 'Check!' she beamed. 'Very well', Maya replied. 'Drinks?' Emily pointed at the bottles of soda next to her. 'Awesome. Magazines?' At that exact moment, Smackle entered the bedroom, her arms full of magazines. 'Check', she said as she sat down, dropping the magazines on the floor in the process. 'And last but definitely not least: a cheesy, girly teen movie we shouldn't cry over but probably will?' 'Check!' Riley exclaimed, grabbing the DVD from her night stand. 'I think that's everything, then', Maya told the girls. 'Let the girls' night begin!'

Half an hour later, they were all lying on the floor, complaining about the way their stomach was aching. 'Oh Lord, I hereby vow to never eat anything again for the rest of my life', Maya said, raising her hands dramatically. 'That really was one cookie too many', Emily added. The girls were all holding their stomach, hoping the pain would somehow magically go away. Well, not all girls. Riley was just sitting there, happily munching on another chocolate chip. 'You're all pathetic', she told them, laughing. 'I could eat for days!' The other four girls groaned in unison. 'Yummy', Riley continued. 'Tasty crisps, crispy cookies...' She was abruptly interrupted by a pillow smacking her in the face. She immediately looked at Maya, who had thrown the object. 'Care to explain the assault?' Riley asked her sternly. 'Stop talking about food! Can we please do something else to distract me from my stomach ache? God, it hurts!' Riley shrugged, putting away the remainder of the food, and grabbing some of the magazines. 'Fine. We can do a quiz or two.' Vanessa's face instantly lit up and the dark-skinned girl clapped her hands. 'Sounds great', she squealed, browsing through one of the magazines.

After a while of searching, Vanessa finally found a quiz that seemed to catch her interest. 'How about this one? ''Are you and your partner meant to be together?''' Emily pouted. 'I don't have a boyfriend though.' Riley nudged her. ''Course you do. Evan.' 'We're not really official yet... But, I mean, I guess I could take the quiz anyway', Emily said. 'Okay. Let's starts!' Maya said. 'Question number one: ''Was it love at first sight between you and your partner?''' Riley was quick to answer. 'Yes! I remember how I first saw Lucas on the subway that one day. I instantly felt a connection. He later on told me he had felt the same way', she finished with a smile on her face. 'With Zay and I it was different', Vanessa answered. 'He had always liked me, but stupid me didn't really notice him at first. So, no, it wasn't love at first sight. But that doesn't make my love for him any less real.' Emily blushed as she thought of how to answer the question. 'Well, I thought Evan was really cute when I first saw him. And he seemed like a genuinely nice boy. However, I was still dating Lucas at the time so I didn't really look at Evan in that way', she explained. 'My turn, I guess', Smackle said. 'I never really understood love until I met Farkle. Maybe it wasn't love at first sight, but that's because I didn't know what love was back when I first saw him. But I don't think that matters, though. I fell in love with him as I got to know him and he thought me what love is, and I wouldn't have it any other way.' The other girls all cooed at Smackle's answer, making the raven-haired girl blush.

'So, I guess that leaves me', Maya then said. 'I, um, always kind of liked Josh, as you all know. And with ''kind of liked'' I'm trying to say that I had a big crush on him and only him ever since I first saw him. I don't really know if he feels the same way. I should ask him sometime.'

She then read the next question out loud. 'Question number two: Have you ever liked somebody else in a romantic way while being with your partner?'

After that, a deathly silence fell.

Hi everyone :) I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. It's a little short, but that's because I couldn't find the time to make a full update but didn't want to let you down entirely. I hope you still liked it anyway. Thank you all so much for reading! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, and to those who added this story to their reading list, I appreciate it a lot! I wish you all a very nice day :)


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