Girl Meets Truth or Dare, part I

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The next night, the teenagers decided to have some friends-only time. 'Okay, so we have here: two bags of crisps, one bag of M&M's, the sour patch kids Riley was begging me to get, and a two bottles of Pepsi. Did I forget to bring anything?' Maya asked after having summed up everything stalled out in front of her. Vanessa widened her eyes as she said, 'I don't think so. But how did you manage to get all of this? The store was closed today.' 'I have my ways', Maya replied casually. When she saw everyone's questioning looks, she explained, 'Mr. and Mrs. Matthews have their secret stash of food and drinks that they think we can't touch. Apparently, they think we eat everything and want some for themselves. So, I figured out where they stashed the extra food and might have took a few things. Hey, sharing is caring!' she added after noticing the look Riley was giving her. 'Won't my parents notice all of their snacks and drinks are gone?' she asked, a little worried. She did not want to get in trouble the next day. Maya shook her head. 'You'd be surprised at how much they stashed away. I'm telling you, it's like they are two squirrels making sure to gather every last nut in the forest before the winter has arrived.'

'Everyone here?' Josh asked, looking around the circle in which everyone was sitting, counting how many people were there. 'All set, I think.' Maya clapped her hands enthusiastically. 'Why are you so happy and excited again?' Lucas asked, curious to know the answer. The blond girl shot him a look. 'Are you implying that I usually am grumpy and not excited about anything, Huckleberry?' She raised her eyebrow, awaiting the answer. 'Could you blame me if I said yes?' Lucas shot back. When he caught Maya's deathly glare, he shrugged. 'Forget I asked anything', he quickly mumbled. 'That's what I thought', Maya said, nodding approvingly. 'Now, where were we?'

After playing Twister for about thirty minutes, everyone was tired and practically dehydrated. Except for Farkle, of course, who had instead opted for being the game master. He just sat and read out the different colours, laughing, as everyone got tired and in fell down on top of each other. 'That sure was a tiring game', he said after Twister was finished, receiving many glares from his friends. 'You did amazing, love', Farkle told Smackle, who had sat down next to him. Much to everyone's surprise, she had been the last one standing. Maya rolled her eyes. 'I would have won if Smackle hadn't pushed me', she said. 'The rules don't forbid you from doing that', Smackle answered matter-of-factly. 'Yes, they do!' Maya protested. Lucas walked past her, a grin spreading on his face. 'Aw, look who's grumpy now', he said. 'Zip it, Ranger Rick!' 'Anything for you, ma'am', Lucas replied, the grin never leaving his face, even after he had sat down in between Riley and Zay.

'Next game', Vanessa announced. 'Any suggestions?' she asked, looking around. 'We could play truth or dare?' Emily said. She was a little disappointed that Evan couldn't join them tonight, but luckily, they had seen each other earlier today. 'Sounds good', Vanessa replied. 'Who starts?' 'I will', Farkle said. 'Since I have been such an amazing game master with Twister tonight.' Before anyone could say anything or protest, he said, 'Zay, truth or dare?'

'Man, why do I always get picked first when playing this game?' Zay whined. 'Well, why do I always get picked last during p.e. lessons?' Farkle asked, mimicking Zay's complaint. 'Fair enough', the Texan boy said. 'Er, let's start of with a dare.' 'Good choice', Farkle commented with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

'Vanessa', he said, turning towards the curly-haired girl, 'did you happen to bring any lipstick on this trip?' The girl nodded. 'Of course', she said. 'Which color do you need?' 'Hmm', Farkle hummed, tapping his chin with his finger. 'You don't happen to own a bright red lipstick, do you?' Zay's eyes widened as he realized what was going to happen. Vanessa nodded, also having caught up on what Farkle's dare was going to be. 'Actually, I do. It's this really bright, fiery red colour. It'll look great on you, Isaiah. I'll go get it right now. Be right back', she told the group before running up the stairs.

Vanessa returned with the make-up product after less than twenty seconds. 'I also brought my camera, since, you know, there's no way in hell I am not filming Zay's first make-up experience.' Zay whimpered. 'You know', Lucas began to say, 'it's actually not his first-' He was cut off by Zay covering his mouth with his hand. 'Let's just get on with the dare, alright?' the dark-skinned boy said. 'No, no, wait', Riley intervened. 'I wanna hear what Lucas has to say.' ''Course you do', Zay said, rolling his eyes.

'So, we were about seven, and Zay had just found his mom's make-up collection', Lucas said, his eyes glimmering with joy. 'And little, seven-year-old Zay picks this ugly, purple lipstick and smears it all across his face. He then went out on the streets and asked everyone who passed him by if the colour suits him.' Lucas snickered at the memory. 'Yes, thank you, Lucas, for bringing up that traumatic experience again', Zay told him, clutching his heart with his hand. 'It has scarred me for life.'

'Time to get rid of that fear, then', Farkle said. 'I dare you, Zay, to let Lucas put lipstick on your lips with a blindfold on.' A few people laughed. 'And who will be wearing the blindfold?' Zay asked, not looking forward to having his best mate caking his face with the make-up. 'I think you know the answer to that question', Farkle replied smugly.

Emily had grabbed one of her scarves to use as a blindfold for Lucas. Once he was blindfolded, the blond Texan was given the red lipstick and placed in front of Zay. 'Be gentle, okay?' Zay asked, a little scared. 'And don't you dare come near my eyes!' Lucas tried his best to find Zay's lips, but soon, the latter had lipstick smeared all across his cheeks, nose and forehead.

'I mean, it could be worse', Lucas said, in an attempt to make the situation better as he washed the lipstick from his friend's face with a wet wash cloth. 'How could it be worse?' Zay asked. 'Vanessa got all of that on film!' 'Yep, and I'm never deleting it', his girlfriend added.

It took Lucas ten whole minutes to get every bit of red from Zay's face. After that, they could continue playing the game. 'Smackle, truth or dare?' Zay asked. 'After that whole thing, I think I will be fine with a truth for now', the girl replied. 'Wise choice', Zay told her. 'Let's see... Who do you think is the prettiest person in the room - you can choose anyone, but, I mean, is it really a tough question? We all know I'm the prettiest', Zay said. Smackle just looked at him. Everyone looked at the girl expectantly.

'It's okay, love, they all know you find me the prettiest. They won't blame you', Farkle told her. 'Well', Smackle said, 'I actually was gonna say Riley. She has the eyes of a doe, and is so cute. I'm sorry, Farkle, I love you, but you guys all can't compete with the girls here.' That earned Smackle a high-five from Maya, Vanessa and Emily, and a hug from Riley. 'Aw, thanks, Smackle!' the girl said happily. 'I think you have pretty eyes, too', Riley said with a smile.

'So, Smackle, your turn now', Lucas told the girl. 'Oh, right. Emily, truth or dare?' Smackle asked. 'I'll go with a truth as well', Emily replied. 'I was hoping you'd pick truth. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you fancy Evan?' A blush immediately spread on Emily's cheeks. 'Smackle!' Maya exclaimed. 'They kissed yesterday. Of course she will say a ten. You kind of wasted a truth.' Farkle put his arms around his girlfriend protectively. 'Hey, she didn't know. No need to be so hard on her.'

Hi everyone :) I know this chapter has an open ending. It's because I am not finished writing the rest, but I wanted to already give you something to read. Part II will be here soon. Thanks for your support! I wish you all a great day :)


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