Girl Meets Surf Lessons

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After they  had helped Shawn and Katy clean up the wedding's venue that morning, Riley and Maya were free to do whatever they wanted. Since the girls hadn't spent that much time together the past few weeks, they decided on taking a few surf lessons together. Neither one of them had ever surfed before, so they figured learning to would be quite a challenge. But as long as they stayed together, they'd be fine.

'I'm so not ready for this', Maya said as she and Riley walked up to their surfing instructor who was waiting for them on the beach. 'Me neither', Riley told her best friend. 'Is it too late to go back to your parents and ask if there really isn't anything else to clean?' Maya giggled. 'I'm afraid it's all done. Remind me, though, why did we sign up for these lessons?' Riley shrugged. 'I can't even remember anymore. I'm so terrified. The waves are huge today!' Just as she said that, a huge wave splashed onto the shore, leaving tons of white foam behind. Maya swallowed hard. 'Great', she whispered. She didn't like to admit it, but she was afraid of drowning. Sure, she liked the ocean. She loved to go for a swim or to paddle, but surfing? It seemed kind of dangerous there. She hoped it wouldn't turn out as that one time she and Riley tried out paragliding - a story she did not want to be remembered of.

'Maya Hart and Riley Matthews?' the surf instructor asked the girls when they reached him. 'Yep, that's us', Riley answered, trying to sound cheerful. 'Great. Well, I'm Thomas and I will try to teach you as much as I can the next few sessions', he told the girls. Thomas looked like he was in his early twenties. He had longish brown hair, broad shoulders and a Hawaiian tan. 'Is this your first time surfing?' Thomas asked. Riley and Maya both nodded. 'Yes. We're a bit nervous, to be honest', Maya admitted. 'That's understandable, since it's your first time. But there's nothing to be afraid of, and I'm always here to help you girls', Thomas assured the girls, who now felt a little relieved.

'There is actually another person who will be joining our lessons, so we have to wait for him, if you two don't mind.' 'Of course not', Riley and Maya said in unison, as the both of them wondered who this other person would be. 'Ah, there he is!' Thomas announced after less than a minute. Riley and Maya looked up and gasped in surprise as they recognized the boy who was approaching them. He was the last person they expected to see here and take surfing classes.

'Farkle?!' they exclaimed. 'Ladies', Farkle greeted them with a big wink. Thomas, the surf instructor, looked confused. 'Wait, you know each other?' 'Yeah, we're on a holiday here together', Riley said, still in shock. 'Farkle? Why are you taking these lessons?' Maya asked the brown-haired boy. 'I thought you despised, well, anything that has something to do with sports.'

Farkle nodded. 'That's one hundred percent true, Maya. But I wanted to try something new', he told her. Riley and Maya raised their eyebrows. 'And could you now please tell us the real reason?' Riley asked him. Farkle sighed. 'Fine. I am doing this to impress Smackle', he explained, looking at his feet. 'I know it's a shitty reason, but-' 'Farkle, that is so sweet!' Maya exclaimed, and Riley nodded ferociously. 'Yeah, it's amazing of you', she added. Riley then frowned. 'But', she began, 'Smackle likes you, even if you don't surf, or do sports in general. I don't think you have to impress her for her to be impressed by you, if that makes any sense.' Maya nodded. 'Riley's right. She likes you just the way you are. Sporty guys aren't really her type anyway.' Farkle shrugged. 'She always seems to admire Lucas, who is pretty much the most sporty person I know.' 'But she likes you', Maya told him. 'She might - or might not - think Lucas is cute, which I do not understand - no offense, Riles - but she's in love with you. Not with him.' 'I guess you are right', Farkle said. 'Maybe I'm also kind of doing this for myself. I'm not always happy with me being that weak dork. I want to try this. Partly for Smackle, but also partly for me.' Riley shot him a sympathetic smile. 'Of course. As long as you don't ever call yourself a weak dork again. You're so much more than that, Farkle.' 'Yeah, and no one can pull that ''Ladies'' off like you do', Maya added with a smile. 'Thank you', he replied softly. 'I really, um, appreciate that', he said, caught off guard by how much the girls cared about him. 'Anytime', Riley told him.

'I don't wanna interrupt y'all, and I have no clue who this ''Smackle'' is, but we should probably start the session', Thomas said. 'Of course, yeah, I'm sorry', Farkle told the instructor. 'Oh, it's fine', he replied, waving the apology off. 'Now, who's ready for some surfing?' Thomas asked, patting the surfboard he was holding. Riley, Maya and Farkle's eyes widened. 'What?' Riley asked. 'We haven't even-' 'I'm kidding', Thomas told them, and laughed. 'First, we'll be going through the basics. Like hell I'm gonna let you get into the water without having practiced on dry land. Follow me, please.'

They followed Thomas to a spot fifty yards away on the beach, where three surfboards were displayed on the soft sand. Riley, Maya and Farkle were told to each choose a board. Riley got the yellow one, Maya the blue surfboard, and Farkle a pink one. 'Well, you sure are going to impress Smackle with that board', Maya joked. Farkle rolled his eyes playfully. 'Shut up, Maya', he said jokingly.

'Now that you're all set', Thomas then said, 'let's get this lesson started.'

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this chapter, even though it wasn't that long. I really wanted to give Farkle a lot more attention than I have in this book and in Girl Meets Hawaii, so he'll be a more important character from now one. Thank you all so much for reading! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and/or added this story to their reading list, your support means a lot to me :) I wish you all a great day!

Love, ♥

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