Girl Meets Party Prep

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A/n: After this one, there are only three more chapters left, one of which is the epilogue. Enjoy x

'So, music', Josh said as he and Lucas stayed behind on the couch while their friends left the room one by one. 'What vibe are we going for?' Lucas tapped his chin as he thought.

'What do you usually listen to?' he asked Josh. The older boy sat up straight and coughed before answering, 'Um, you know, typical guy stuff. Heavy metal, and things like that.' Lucas raised one eyebrow as his gaze fell on Josh' phone that was lying on the table.

'Can I?' he asked, pointing at the phone. Josh nodded. 'Sure. What do you want to do? Are you gonna call Riley or Maya?' Lucas didn't reply, which confused Josh. 'Earth to Ranger Rick, whatcha doing with that?' Josh said. Now, Lucas did react. 'Ugh, you've been hanging out with Maya way too much. You've even copied her nicknames for me. And I'm just scrolling through your Spotify playlist.'

Josh's eyes widened. 'Some really heavy metal-ly stuff on here', Lucas said. 'Last listened to: Britney Spears - Baby One More Time.' He looked at Josh with an amused look on his face. 'Er, that's my mother's playlist', he quickly said. 'On your phone?' Lucas asked skeptically, a grin spreading on his face. 'Yes?' Josh replied questioningly.

'Bro, it's fine. Myself, I listen to Little Mix from time to time', Lucas told him. 'Really? Oh gosh, that's such a relief. Most of my other friends make fun of my taste in music. So, you listen to Little Mix often?' the older boy asked. 'Nope. Never', Lucas replied. 'Just wanted you to admit you like to listen Britney Bitch.' Josh scoffed at that response. 'But, I'm serious. Whatever you like to listen to, it's completely fine. I hate these stereotypes that girls always listen to bubblegum pop and guys to the more ''heavy'' stuff. It's ridiculous. You should listen to whatever you want.'

Josh offered him a smile as an idea popped into the dark-haired boy. 'We should get a steel band to play!' he exclaimed. 'That's a great idea', Lucas praised Josh's suggestion. 'Do you think we can still arrange that on such short notice?' Josh asked. 'We can always try', Lucas replied, shrugging.

He went to retrieve his laptop, which was set on the kitchen counter. 'I'm going to Google for some suggestions and if we find a good steel band, we'll call them.' Josh nodded in approval.

'Hey. I just realized something', Lucas said all of a sudden. 'And what is that?' Josh asked him. 'You called me your friend', Lucas answered, smiling broadly. 'You said ''most of your other friends'', so you consider me a friend', he explained. 'Dude, I thought that was clear. I like you, man', Josh told him, giving Lucas a friendly clap on the back. 'Aw, I like you too, bro', Lucas replied.

'Hey', Josh was now saying. 'Do you think we can get the band to play Britney?' Lucas looked at him incredulously. 'Yeah, didn't think so', Josh mumbled.


'Thank you so much for coming', Emily said to Evan as he walked up to her. 'I'm glad I could help', he replied, greeting her with a light peck on her mouth. 'You look beautiful', Evan told her. 'I'm wearing sweatpants and a plan white T-shirt', Emily stated. 'I know', Evan said simply. 'You look beautiful', he repeated. Emily blushed before grabbing his hand and starting to walk.

'Have you thought of any venues yet?' she asked. 'Yep. Since it's Hawaii-themed, I think it's best to do it on the beach. Gives you that holiday feeling, you know?' Emily nodded. 'And it's a good place to set up, like, a party tent of some sorts', Evan continued. 'And I know this secluded beach nearby. It's neither large nor is it small, and even when it's high tide, there's always a relatively large stretch of sand. Not many people know of the beach's existence, because it's hidden between two large cliffs.'

Emily smiled. 'That sounds amazing', she said. 'Do you think we're allowed to use the beach?' she asked. 'Of course', was Evan's reply. 'As long as you don't leave any litter, you're good.' Emily clapped her hands, excited that they found a location for the party.

'Can we go there now?' she asked. 'I really want to see it.' 'Of course we can', Evan said, smiling at his girlfriend's enthusiasm. 'Yay!' Emily exclaimed, practically skipping now instead of walking. She pulled Evan with her, saying, 'Lead the way!'


'Hmm, cupcakes, cake pops, apple cake, lemon cake, regular cake... So much food', Zay said, inhaling the bakery's sweet scents and scanning the sugary goods.

'You love food so much, I sometimes wonder if you're not actually a girl', Vanessa told him, her arms crossed over her chest, waiting patiently for him to finish looking around.

'A love for food is not just for one gender', Zay protested. 'Yeah, but you love food a lot. Like, a lot', Vanessa said. Zay looked at her, wide-eyed. 'I can't believe you just said that. Are you calling me fat?' he asked her in that stereotypical white girl-voice that was used so often in movies. Vanessa rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, but smiled nevertheless.

'Can we pick some pastries for tomorrow now?' she asked him. Zay scoffed, but nodded anyway.

'So, how about that lemon cake? Or should we get those cake pops?' Zay was asking when a woman approached them.

'Hi, darlings, are you looking for anything in specific?' she asked, her tone friendly and warm and welcoming. Judging from the flour that was in her hair and on her apron - and the fact that she wearing one too - she was the one who made all of the pastries that were laid out in front of them.

'Oh, hi', Vanessa greeted her, and Zay waved and smiled sheepishly at the woman who seemed to be in her late thirties. 'We need some pastries for a party. We want something typically Hawaiian', Vanessa told her, and the woman nodded.

'How about Malasada?' the woman suggested, pointing at doughy pastries the size of a large egg. 'It's originally Portuguese, but it is nowadays also considered Hawaiian cuisine', she explained. Vanessa nodded. 'Sounds good', she said.

'We also have chocolate haupia cream pie', the woman continued, pointing at the food. 'It looks delicious', Vanessa told her. 'What do you think, love?' she asked Zay, who was eyeing the pastry suspiciously, like it was about to attack him. 'So that's a no to the lemon cake, then?' he asked slowly.

Vanessa let out a long and deep sigh before turning to the woman and saying, 'We'll have twenty of each of those Hawaiian pastries, and one lemon cake for him', she said, pointing at her boyfriend. Zay was looking at her pleadingly with doe-eyes.

'Ugh, fine. Make that two lemon cakes', Vanessa told the woman, giving in. Zay smiled at her happily, and Vanessa rolled her eyes playfully. 'I'm in love with a dork', she said to herself.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this chapter. Like I said at the beginning, there are only three more chapters left. As always, a big thank you for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and who added this story to their reading list, it means so much to me! I wish you all a great day :)


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