Girl Meets the Final Day of School

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Before they knew it, the last day of the school year had arrived. Which meant the Hawaiian wedding was coming awfully close. At 7:00 a.m. Maya entered Riley's room, crawling through the bay window. 'Good morning, Sunshine', Maya greeted her friend as she let herself drop onto the bed next to Riley. 'Morning, Peaches', Riley said with a big smile on her face. Despite recent events, she was still excited to go to school. They never did much on the last day. Classes mostly consisted of discussing holiday plans, watching movies and playing games. Riley threw the sheets off the bed and stood up. 'I'm so ready for today!' she announced. Maya was glad to see a part of the old optimistic, happy Riley back. Her friend walk to her closet and pulled out a blue dress. 'Be right back', Riley told her before taking off to the bathroom to change and brush her teeth and comb her hair. 'Almost done', she called out after a few minutes. Maya didn't mind waiting; she loved spending time in Riley's colorful room. She took out her phone at checked her texts. She got one. It was from her mom.

Have fun at school today, my baby girl!

'Will do', Maya said out loud. By the time she had put her put her phone back into her pocket, Riley had returned and was ready for breakfast. Because Maya's mother had to get to work early, Maya often ate at Riley's home. So it wasn't a surprise when the table was set for five people. 'Hello sweeties', Topanga greeted the girls when they entered the kitchen part of the apartment. 'Come and sit down. Breakfast's ready', she said, pointing at the dining table. 'Smells great, Mrs. Matthews', Maya said. 'Why, thank you', Topanga replied. The girls sat down. Cory and Auggie were already seated. Topanga placed a plate of crisp bacon on the table, next to the plate with pancakes. When Cory was about to get himself some bacon, Topanga blocked his arm with her hand. 'Children first. It's their last day of school.' 'But it's my last day of school too!' Cory protested. He pouted. Topanga shook her head.

When everyone had finished their food, Riley and Maya stood up from the chair. 'We're gonna go to my room for a little bit', she said. 'Sit in the bay window for the last time this school year.' Topanga nodded. 'I have to leave for work soon, so I don't think I'll see you before you go to school. Have a nice day, darlings', she said, pulling Riley and Maya in for a hug. After that, the best friend duo walked to Riley's room and sat down in the bay window like they'd said before.

'It's been a... special year', Riley said. Maya nodded. 'It sure was.' 'Well, I'm glad I'll end it with you by my side.' Maya smiled. 'Me too.'  Riley laughed. 'You're happy to have yourself by your side?' Maya gave her a playful slap on the arm. 'No, silly. You know what I meant.' The girls talked on for about five minutes, when they decided they better get to school if they didn't want to be late.

'Hello, friends', Riley said as she and Maya walked towards Farkle, Zay, and... Lucas. 'Hey, guys', Maya said. 'Hi', the boys replied. The group watched Cory walk past them. 'Since it's the last day of school, may I have the honor?' Maya asked as Riley's father walked into the classroom. 'I have a feeling you're going to do it, whether you got our permission or not', Lucas said, smiling at her. 'You couldn't be more right, Huckleberry', Maya said. She didn't know how Riley wanted her to act around him, so she stuck with her normal attitude towards him. 'What are you going to do?' Riley and Zay asked in unison. 'You'll see', Maya answered. She opened her locker. 'Oh', Riley said, a grin spreading across her face as she realized what Maya's plans were. Maybe she should feel bad for her dad, but she couldn't help but find what Maya was about to do extremely funny. Her friend had done the exact same thing a lot over the past years; it had become some sort of a tradition. Maya then slammed her locker door shut with all the power she had in her. A girly scream sounded from the history classroom, which was situated right behind Maya's locker. 'Still don't get it', Zay said. He raised his eyebrows, confused. 'What did you do?' 'Lockers, blackboard', Maya said, gesturing with her hands. 'Chalk, chalk dust, Riley's daddy', she continued. 'Ooh, now I get it', Zay said, laughing. When the bell rang, the friends entered the classroom and ran into Cory, who was completely covered in white chalk dust. Riley, Lucas and Farkle tried to suppress their smiles, but Maya and Zay laughed out loud. 'Sir', Farkle said, 'you've got a little something on-' 'I know!' Cory snapped. 'Can everyone please sit down?' More students trooped into the history classroom, laughing instantly as soon as they looked at their teacher all covered in chalk dust. 'Don't you all just love history?' Maya said. 'Well, Maya, I actually brought a surprise for you. But since you've been so kind to ruin my incredible outfit', Cory said as he smoothed his suit, 'I might just not bring it in.' 'Hello everyone!' someone exclaimed as they walked into the classroom just after Cory had said that. The boy who entered was revealed to be Josh. Cory gave him an annoyed look. 'Did you have to come in?' Josh shrugged. 'You invited me here.' 'Only because I wanted to grab something to eat together after school as a brother to brother activity and I thought it'd be nice to show you around the school. Oh, how I regret that', he said to himself. Maya giggled as she saw her crush enter the room. Riley smiled at her friend's reaction and in a reflex she turned to Lucas, who was also smiling - right at her. Their eyes remained locked for a few moments, before both of them seemed to realize what was going on and turned away. Riley quickly sneaked a peek at Emily, who was seated in the row on Lucas' left. She was looking at Riley, an angry expression on her face. Riley immediately felt guilty for smiling at Lucas, but she couldn't help it. It just happened, like old times. She bit her lip and turned back to Maya, who had risen from her chair and was now hugging Josh. 'It's good to see you', she told him. He smiled at her and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips. A chorus of 'oooh's' and 'awww's rose from Maya's classmates. 'They're so cute', Darby said, before looking lovingly at her own boyfriend, Yogi. Cory loudly cleared his throat. 'No kissing in the classroom. I'm trying to teach these kids something here, Josh.' Josh looked at his brother. 'Didn't look like it', he told Cory, studying the empty chalk board. 'Oh about that', Cory said as he saw Josh gazing at the black board. 'I have a funny story...'

What was left of the hour was used to tell the famous chalk story, and talk about everyone's plans for the holidays. And after that, everyone was on to the next class, until lunch break was finally upon them.

'Food!' Maya exclaimed as she and Riley walked towards the buffet. 'Finally. I'm starving.' As much as she wanted to, Riley didn't tell her about what happened between her and Lucas during history class. It was better if she just let it rest. Maybe it had meant nothing. But a tug at her heart told her that hadn't been the case. 'Doesn't matter', she said to herself. 'What did you say, Riles? I didn't catch it.' Maya turned around to face her best friend. 'Nothing', Riley quickly said. Before she could rethink not telling Maya, Josh joined the girls. He put one arm around his niece and the other one around Maya. 'Hello, girls.' 'Hey!' Maya exclaimed cheerfully. Riley smiled at her friend and her uncle. It still sounded weird. ''Her best friend and her uncle''. But she was getting used to the idea, and just like Maya had once told Riley. What's three years in the history of love? Riley was now asking herself a different question. What are Lucas and I when it comes to love? She put that thought aside, though, as she, Maya and Josh went to search for a table. Don't start thinking about Lucas again, she told herself. Just enjoy your last day of school. You've earned it.

And with that thought, a small smile spread across her face as she sat down next to her best friend.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this chapter! It was a bit longer than I expected, but hey, that's only a good thing. I kind of made a time jump to the end of the school year, because I felt like I was focusing to much on them in New York, while the story is supposed to take place in Hawaii. So it won't be long until their journey starts. I want to thank you all for reading and a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters. I just want to say I'm so grateful for your support throughout the first book, Girl Meets Hawaii, and this one. I wish you all an amazing day!


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