Girl Meets First Official Date

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'Do you really have to go?' Josh asked Maya in a tone that was sort of whining. 'I mean, Riley's on a date with Lucas. She won't be attending surfing class either', he added. 'I promised Farkle I'd go. Besides, I'm paying for these lessons, so I'd better actually go to them', Maya answered. 'Should I really let you go alone with Farkle? I mean, that ''Ladies'' he always does is by far the best intro ever', Josh joked. Maya nudged him playfully. 'As much as I love that intro, you have nothing to worry about', she said. Josh smiled. 'We still up for tonight, though?' he asked. Maya nodded. 'Of course. I'm already looking forward to it', she replied, smiling. Josh would be taking her to a nearby restaurant for a nice, private dinner together. 'Me neither', he told his girlfriend. 'Have fun on the beach', he added. 'Thank you. You have fun too', Maya replied as she grabbed her rental wetsuit and walked out the door. About three seconds later, she entered the mansion again, walked up to Josh, gave him a kiss on the cheek and left again, leaving a grinning Josh behind.

'So Farkle, you ready?' Maya asked as the brown-haired boy walked up to her. 'Do you want a truthful or more optimistic answer?' Farkle replied. 'Optimistic, please.' Farkle cleared his throat. 'I love surfing so much, I'm so good at it, today's the perfect day, there's no way in hell I'll drown because I'm such a great surfer and it's the perfect day today, and have I mentioned how good a surfer I am?' Maya chuckled. 'You'll be fine, Farkle. You have me with you, and our instructor Thomas is there to help you at all times.' 'He wasn't there to help me last night when the most awkward silence ever fell between me and Smackle!' Farkle exclaimed, protesting. Maya rolled her eyes. 'He's here to help you with the surfing, Farkle', she said.

They had reached the beach and could now see Thomas in the distance, four surfboards ready next to him. 'Good morning Maya and Farkle', he greeted them. 'Where's Riley?' 'She couldn't come today', Maya told him. 'Oh well, she was ahead of y-' He quickly stopped talking when he saw Maya and Farkle's raised eyebrows. 'Nevermind', he said. 'Are you ready to get into the water?'

After a rather exhausting, but also fun surfing lesson, Maya was excited to head home and change for her date with Josh that evening. 'You look happy', Farkle told her as they walked back to the mansion together. 'I do?' she asked. Farkle nodded. 'Well, Josh and I... We kind of have this dinner-thing planned for tonight.' 'That sounds nice', Farkle said. 'You seem kind of nervous, though', he told her. 'Why is that?' Maya sighed. 'I guess I'm a little nervous 'cause this is our first date as a real couple, you know? I know nothing's really changed, but still... It sorta feels different now', she explained. 'But, like, a good different or a bad different?' Farkle asked her. 'A good different, definitely. I think', Maya answered. 'You have nothing to worry about', Farkle assured her. 'It's going to be great.'

And it was. Maya quickly took a shower and changed into her favorite dress - a blue, satin one her mother had gotten her last Christmas. After she did her hair, she walked downstairs where Josh was already waiting for her. He'd also dressed up for the occasion, which made Maya blush.

'You look amazing, Maya', Josh said as soon as he saw her, which made the blonde girl's cheeks turn even more red. 'You too', she softly said. Josh offered her his hand, which she took. Maya's heart started beating faster as his fingers laced through hers and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'Are you ready to go?' he asked her. She nodded. Farkle had been right. She had nothing to worry about. It was just her and Josh. The boy she'd been loving for so long. The boy who was now holding her hand, making her feel safe and warm inside. They left the mansion and walked to the car Josh had rented for the night. 'After you', he said to Maya as he opened the vehicle's door for her and she gladly stepped inside.

It was a short drive to the restaurant. Maya wouldn't have mind if it had taken longer. All the way to their destination, she and Josh had talked, and laughed, and joked. He had asked her about the surfing, and she had asked him how his day had been, which he had spent with Auggie. 'It's just mind-blowing to see how much he's grown up', Josh told her. 'It seems like yesterday he was still counting on his fingers. Today when I bought us ice-cream and drinks, he named the price even before the cashier had rung up everything.' 'That's amazing', Maya said. Josh nodded. 'It is', he replied.

The restaurant Josh had picked was warm and cosy. 'This place is so nice!' Maya exclaimed as they sat down. 'I'm glad you like it', Josh said. 'Of course I like it. Josh, you could have literally brought me to some old food truck on an abandoned street and I would've loved it, simply because you would be with me', she told him. 'In that case, I heard about this food truck nearby that serves the most terrible fish in Hawaii', he said jokingly. 'I'm fine here', Maya said, laughing. She smoother her dress.

'You know, I was kind of nervous about tonight', Josh admitted to her. 'Really? Why?' she asked, surprised. 'This is our first date as an official couple', Josh answered. 'I want it to be special', he told Maya, who placed her hand on top of his. 'It is special', she said. 'And to be honest I was kind of nervous too.' Josh frowned, though it was visible he was relieved to hear he hadn't been the only one. 'Why?' 'Same reason as you, I guess', Maya told him.

'Maya, it's like you said: I don't care about what we're doing or where we're going; as long as I'm with you, it's always special. You're the most beautiful, funny, slightly crazy, and smartest girl I've ever met', Josh said. 'Don't let Smackle hear that', Maya replied, referring to Josh calling her the smartest girl he'd ever met. Josh laughed. 'You're right', he said. 'Thank you though', Maya told him. 'For what?' 'For saying all those lovely things.' Josh smiled at her. 'I love you so much, Maya Hart.' 'I love you more, Joshua Matthews.' They then both leaned over the table to gently place their lips against each other's. When they pulled back, all Josh could see was the sparkle in Maya's ocean blue eyes.

Hi everyone :) I'm so sorry you had to wait so long, but I'm back now. I really hope you liked this Joshaya chapter! Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading lists. I really, really appreciate your support. I wish you all an awesome day!


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