Girl Meets Girls' Night

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Maya didn't have to wait very long; Riley showed up at her home twenty minutes after their conversation. She was carrying two boxes of pizza with her and Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream. Maya quickly dried her tears when her friend entered the room. 'Riles', Maya said wide-eyed as she looked at what Riley was wearing, 'you didn't go to the store and the pizzeria in your pajamas, did you?' Riley shrugged. 'I did. Why?' Even though Maya was feeling sad, she still smiled a little. She could already see her friend running through the streets of New York with her nightgown on. 'Well, this pizza isn't going to eat itself', Riley said as she sat down on the ground and put the two boxes in front of her. 'And then you can tell me what happened.' Maya sat down across from her friend and opened the first box. She took a slice of pizza in her hand. 'I was ready for my evening out with Josh, but he didn't show up. I was here waiting, and after quite a while I received a text.' Maya retrieved her phone from her bed. She showed Riley the text Josh had sent her. 'Oh', Riley said with a sympathetic look as soon as she'd read it. 'Maya, I'm really sorry.' 'Don't be', her friend said. 'He's busy with college, I get it. I just wished...' Riley placed a hand on her friend's arm. Maya didn't need to finish her sentence. Riley understood.

The girls finished the first pizza in less than ten minutes and went on to the next one. 'Maya', Riley suddenly said after a few moments of silence. 'Yes, Riles?' 'He loves you, you know that right?' Maya sighed. 'I know... But maybe I don't know. If he cares so much about me, wouldn't he have come anyway?' Riley bit her lip. She didn't know what to say. 'I don't know why he did what he did', Riley finally said, 'but I do know that he cares about you. A lot.' She gave her Maya a small smile. 'Thanks, Riles.' 'Hey, if you have any boy trouble, you can always come to Riley Matthews.' Maya laughed at that. 'I think you have a few problems of your own at the moment.' Riley could have been offended at that, but it wasn't meant as a rude comment. So the girls just laughed.

'I ate way too much', Riley said, clutching her stomach. Maya nodded. 'Same.' The pizza was all gone. 'Hey, Peaches, can I braid your hair?' She'd always wanted to do it, but Maya insisted it didn't suit her. 'Sure.' Riley was surprised at the answer, and settled down on the ground behind her friend before taking Maya's blonde hair in her hands. 'If this succeeds, you should consider wearing it like this at the formal', Riley said. 'Ugh, the dance is next week already.' Maya felt like puking at the thought of it. She'd been so excited to go with Josh, but here she was, her eyes red and puffy from the crying, and she'd never wanted to not go so bad. 'Yup', Riley said, who wasn't exactly stoked to go either. 'We should've been each others date', Maya stated, sighing. 'Maya, I know you're sad right now. You have every right to. And I would understand if you were angry with my Josh. But you still have a week until the dance. I promise you, it will be fine.' Maya shrugged. 'I still prefer team Rilaya', she said. 'Rilaya?' Riley laughed, raising her eyebrows. 'You heard me. On an entirely different topic, Riles, that ice cream you bought... We kind of forgot to put it in the freezer.' Riley's eyes widened. 'Whoops.' The girls took the Ben & Jerry's and put it in the freezer in the kitchen, even though it was probably a little bit too late to save the ice cream.
They laughed at their own ignorance as they shut the freezer's door. 'Why is this so typical Rilaya?' Riley asked. 'See, it's catchy!' Maya exclaimed at her friend's use of the nickname. 'It is, it is', Riley admitted. 'What is it with you and nicknames?' she then asked her friend. 'I remember in Hawaii you called me and Lucas - what was it? - Rucas.' The girls fell silent as soon as those words had come out of Riley's mouth. Riley ran her hand through her hair and Maya stared at the ground awkwardly. 'Do you want to watch a movie or something?' Maya asked her, breaking the awkward silence. 'Sure', Riley quickly said, thankful for this change of topic.

The girls didn't mention Lucas or Josh anymore that evening and just enjoyed their time together while it lasted. Because, whether they liked it or not, there were only six more days between them and the dance.

Hello everyone :D Thanks for reading this new chapter of Girl Meets Wedding Bells! I hope you all liked it. Next chapter will take place at the dance, so prepare for some drama! Thank you to those who have voted on previous chapters, your support means a lot to me :) I wish you all an awesome day!


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