Girl Meets Forty-One Hours, Thirty-Eight Minutes

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A/n: I suggest you read the previous chapter again before reading this one(Girl Meets Fighting, not the author's note), because these two chapters are a whole. The chapter before is important to this one, and I think you might like this a little more if you read the other one again.

'Guys, I have news', Smackle announced as she ran into the living room. 'Good news or bad?' Riley, who was lying on the couch with her head on Lucas' lap, asked. 'Good. I think.' 'Well, go on then', Maya told her. The blonde was sitting next to Josh on the other couch. Her hand was in his. Farkle entered the living room and gently placed a kiss on Smackle's cheek as he passed her and sat down on one of the chairs. 'I wanna hear too', he said. A blush had spread on Smackle's face, and she couldn't hold herself back from giggling after the kiss. The more she was she getting used to these signs of affection, the more she started loving them.

'Um, the news?' Maya then asked, snapping Smackle out of her trance. 'Oh. Right. Well, I talked to Zay and he's off to find Vanessa and apologize to her. For a moment, I was worried about their relationship, simply because they never argue and this came as quite a shock. But I think they've probably made up right about now', she told the group. 'That's great!' Josh exclaimed. Riley smiled. 'They're probably the least problematic couple here.' When she noticed Maya, Lucas and Josh glaring at her, she added, 'C'mon guys, don't act like none of us have ever argued or had some sort of drama happening.' Maya rolled her eyes as Lucas and Josh both shrugged. Farkle stood up from his chair. 'What about Smackle and I? We never fight!' Riley thought for a while. 'True. You guys are doing great. Keep up the good work!' she said. Farkle chuckled. 'Will do', he replied.

'When did Zay leave?' Lucas was now asking Smackle. 'About an hour ago, I think', she answered. 'And you're just telling us now?' Maya asked, frowning. Smackle shrugged. 'I first had to read the rest of the chapter from this science book I'm reading. Do you want to know what it's ab-' She was cut off by everyone but Farkle as they shouted 'No!'. Smackle scowled. 'You're missing out on something great.'

Everyone looked up when they heard footsteps. Someone entered the living room. 'Hey, Vanessa', Farkle greeted the girl as he recognized her dark curls. Vanessa slowly turned around. The group was shocked to see her bloodshot eyes and the tears glistening on her cheeks. 'Vanessa?' Riley asked carefully. Vanessa sniffed once before turning her back to the group again and going upstairs. 'I should go check on her', Smackle told the group. She ran off into the direction Vanessa had gone. 'Vanessa, honey, what happened?' she called after her best friend.

In the living room, the others were still in shock. 'H- how did that happen?' Maya asked. 'I thought Zay was going to apologize and everything would be fine again.' 'Apparently not', Riley said, a sad look in her eyes. 'We don't know whether she was crying because of Zay or because of something else. It could be everything.' Riley, Maya, Farkle and Josh shot him a look. 'Dude, seriously? I don't know much about girls, but even I understood she was crying because of Zay', Josh said to Lucas. Farkle sighed. 'Will there ever be a drama-free day?' he asked himself out loud. The others just looked at him.

Twenty minutes later, the group heard Zay entering the house and going to his room upstairs. 'I'm gonna go, you know...' Lucas said awkwardly. 'Yeah', Riley said, lifting her head from his lap so he could leave his spot on the couch. 'Go', she told him.

When Lucas was upstairs, though, he changed plans. Instead of going to his best friend's room, he went to someone else's. Someone who was probably balling her eyes out right now. He knocked softly on Vanessa's bedroom door. Lucas carefully opened the door just a little. He saw Vanessa lying down on the bed, a used tissue in her hand. Smackle was sitting in a chair next to the bed. Lucas now opened the door completely. 'Smackle?' he said. 'Can I please talk to Vanessa for a little while?' Smackle nodded before rising from her seat and leaving the room.

Vanessa sat up straight when Lucas entered the room. Her mascara was smudged and was currently running down her cheeks as the tears washed away the make-up from her eyes. 'What did Zay tell you?' she asked the boy sniffing. 'Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with him?' Lucas sat down next to her on the bed. 'Calm down', he said, placing his hand gently on her shoulder. 'I haven't spoken to Zay yet. I want to hear your story first', he replied. Vanessa bit her lip. 'W-we b-broke up', she told him. As soon as the words left her mouth, she started crying harder. 'Z-Zay and I are o-over.' She wiped away a few tears, before deciding she didn't care whether they would soak her shirt or not. 'What?' Lucas asked, surprised. 'B-but you love him. And he loves you.' Vanessa sniffed. 'I'm so sorry to hear that', Lucas told her, pulling her in for a hug. He didn't care that it felt awkward, and instead stroke her back comfortingly.

'I need to do something', Vanessa suddenly said. 'Please come with', she added. Lucas nodded. 'Of course', he answered. Vanessa now wiped away her tear and quickly blew her nose again in the already-used tissue. Lucas followed her to the room Zay was currently in. 'Um, shouldn't we-' he started to say, but Vanessa had already pushed open the door. She marched into the room and faced her now the guy she had called her boyfriend until very recently.

'Forty-one hours and thirty-eight minutes ago', she said to him. Zay looked up, confused and a little surprised. Lucas saw that his best friend had been crying too. 'W-what?' Zay asked Vanessa. 'Forty-one hours and thirty-eight minutes ago', she repeated. 'The last time I told you I loved you. You fell asleep around midnight. I stayed with you a little longer, kissed you on the cheek. Then I told you I loved you.'

Those words made Zay's heart sank. He looked at Vanessa one more time before she turned around again and left the room.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the chapter. Thank you all so much for reading! And thanks a lot for all your comments on last chapter(the author's note one). And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list! I wish you all a great day :)


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