Girl Meets a New Smackle

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'I'm so excited!' Josh explained. They were seated in the spacey airplane, just five minutes before the aircraft was set to take off. 'Me too', Maya replied, smiling. He reached for her hand. She laced her fingers through his. 'I can't wait to spend the next few weeks with you', Josh said to her. She knew the words were genuine and that warmed her hard. She leaned towards him and he did the same towards Maya. When they were close enough, Maya gave him a peck on his cheek.

'Uh, do you guys mind?' Riley suddenly said. The brown-haired girl's cheeks were red and she glanced awkwardly at her friend and her uncle as she was seated right in between them. To say she had felt weird when her friend leaned across her to kiss her crush, who was also Riley's crush, was the understatement of the century. 'Sorry', Maya and Josh said in unison. They both looked away, blushing. 'Thank you', Riley said, smoothing the blue skirt she was wearing with her hands. When not much later the plane's engines began revving, Riley leaned over her friend to look out of the round window. In a few minutes she would leave New York soil. She'd be stuck on an island, a beautiful island nevertheless, with Lucas and that brat of an Emily. She sighed and shifted in her seat. Averting her eyes from the window, she looked across the aisle. To her delight, Emily wasn't sitting with her boyfriend. Farkle was sitting next to the window, with Zay and Lucas next to him. Riley felt a little bit guilty about being so satisfied, because it meant Emily was sitting with either Auggie and Ava or with Smackle, and she wouldn't wish having Emily sit next to her little brother and his girlfriend/wife or one of her best friends, or anyone, really. She shivered at the thought of someone having to listen to that faked nice tone of hers.

'Hey, Riley', Josh said. 'Yes?' she answered, interrupted from her thoughts. 'Do you mind switching seats?' Riley looked next to her, where Maya was sitting. The blonde gave her an apologetic look. Riley shrugged. 'Of course not', she told Josh and the uncle and niece quickly switched seats. Riley knew she was now almost immediately next to Lucas, with only the aisle in between them. She didn't look at him though, not even for a second. Instead, she held her head up high and her gaze was on the seat in front of her. She remained in that position while she plugged in her earphones in a desperate attempt to drown out Maya and Josh's voices. She was happy for her friend, but it was still weird to hear her uncle call her best friend ''cutie'' or ''sugar pie'' or ''peachy''. That last in particular made her want to barf, especially since it was so similar to Riley's nickname for Maya. Maya and Josh might be great together, but those nicknames were awful. She still flinched every single time she heard one of them.

Riley put away her iPod after an hour or so, long after the plane had taken off. When they began to rise, Lucas had looked at her. 'You good?' he had asked. Because of the loud music, she at first hadn't heard him. She had quickly removed the earplugs, and he'd repeated his question. 'Oh yeah, I'm fine, thanks', she replied. 'Good', had been his response. Riley hadn't needed much time to figure out why he'd asked her that question. She remembered how she'd been scared the first time they flew to Hawaii and how he had told her to imagine she was a bird. It had helped her then and truthfully, it still did. She was surprised he still remembered the moment, but quickly dismissed it.

Maya, who had been pretty tired during the trip to the airport, had fallen asleep soon after their departure. Her head was resting on Josh's shoulder, and her chest rose every few seconds in rhythm with her deep sleep pace breaths. Josh arm was around her shoulder and she looked peaceful. A few rows from her, things didn't seem all too peaceful, though.

'Just tell me!' one girl commanded. 'I told you, there's nothing going on between them. They are just friends and I know nothing more than that', another girl replied. 'Oh, come on! Just tell me', the first girl snapped. She was revealed to be Emily. 'I told you already, I know nothing!' That wasn't a sentence that would come out of the girl's voice a lot. The girl ran her hand through her black hair. 'Smackle, quit lying!' Emily exclaimed. Smackle folded her arms across her chest and said nothing more. She really didn't know if something was going on between Riley and Lucas and even if there was, she wouldn't sell out her friends. 'Ugh, fine', Emily said, clearly annoyed with Smackle. 'I'll just have to find out for myself then', she continued. She had suspected something, what with the way Riley and Lucas acted around each other. It was clear to her Riley still had feelings for her ex-boyfriend, but that wasn't what she wanted to know. What she did want to know, was whether those feelings were completely one-sided, or not. And if they weren't, she would make sure to crush her rival. 'If I find out there still is something between them, I'll-' 'You'll do nothing', Smackle intervened. 'Because I'm telling you not to. And if you hurt my friends, I will hurt you. If you know what's best for you, you leave Riley alone. If I say nothing's going on, then nothing is going on. And you know I'm always right.' Emily shot her an angry look and snorted, before turning her head away from Smackle.

Hi everyone :) Next chapter will take place in Hawaii, and then the fun/adventures can finally begin! I know the chapter's title didn't apply to most of the chapter, but I thought this new side of Smackle was really cool, and I feel like she's underappreciated in the TV series and deserves some recognition. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all liked it. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, your support means the world to me. :D I wish you all an amazing day!


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