Girl Meets Stranger Danger

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'Are we really going to do this again?' Maya asked Riley, who nodded. 'Strangely enough, Lucas was the one who suggested it', the brunette answered. 'Of course it was Ranger Rick', Maya said, rolling her eyes. Riley nudged her playfully. 'It's going to be great', she told her friend. 'You'll see.' Maya groaned. 'You also said getting up at five a.m. would be great, because it would ''give us more of the day to enjoy''', Maya pointed out. Now Riley was the one rolling her eyes.

'Don't be cranky. You'll spend the day with Josh. And I'll be there. That's nice, right?' Riley said. 'Huckleberry will be there too', Maya replied. 'I know you consider him a friend, Peaches. No matter how many times you annoy him or make fun of him, you still like him. And don't even thinking of trying to fight me on this one; you know I'm right.' Maya shrugged. 'I guess he's not one hundred percent awful. He has some good qualities', she admitted, a little reluctantly. Riley nodded, amused. 'I think so too.' A dreamy look appeared on her face. 'Please don't go all gooey sap on me now', Maya warned her. 'Only if you hurry up. We were supposed to be downstairs five minutes ago.'

Not so long ago, Lucas had suggested he and Riley go on another double date with Maya and Josh. He thought it would be rather nice to make it a tradition of sorts, seeing how they had gone on a double date during their first trip to the island.

'So, um, I guess they're coming soon', Lucas awkwardly told Josh, after having checked the time on his phone. 'They, er, should have been here about five minutes ago', he added. Josh nodded. ''S fine.' 'Yup', Lucas replied, looking at the ground. He'd had a few conversations with Josh before, and he really liked the guy, but he felt kind of awkward being alone with him. He didn't know whether it was because Josh was his girlfriend's uncle or whether it had anything to do with them not knowing each other all that well. Lucas was desperately trying to come up with topics - really, anything would be fine - to start a proper conversation with the older boy, but before he could say another word, Riley and Maya finally arrived in the living room, where the two boys had been waiting.

'Hi guys, you ready?' Maya greeted them. 'About ten minutes ago', Lucas mumbled. 'Not my problem, Ranger Roy. Let's get going!' she said before guiding the other three out of the room, and towards the front door.

Since most of the holiday had been spent on either planning the wedding or being in the woods or at the beach, the four had opted to spend the day in a small town, just roaming the streets, chatting, and occasionally stopping to snap a few pictures.

'My feet hurt', Riley whined after barely an hour of walking. 'Already?' Lucas asked incredulously. 'I'm hungry', Maya then stated. 'Oh, so you want to take a break now too?' Josh asked her. The boys look at each other, not believing they had only been strolling for an hour and their girlfriends were already tired. 'Yep, let's go find a place to eat!' Maya exclaimed. 'Couldn't agree with you more', Riley told her, as her and Maya linked arms.

'I'm telling you, it's more like the two of them are on a date', Josh said. 'Wouldn't that mean we're on a date too, then?' Lucas said jokingly. They awkwardly exchanged glances, both not knowing what to say, before they followed the girls.

The two couples walked into a small café, Riley and Maya immediately plopping down in the chairs by the nearest table they could find. When a waitress approached, Lucas said, a little uncomfortable, 'I, uh, would ask for a table, but it seems like they already got one', and pointed at the girls. The waitress smiled. 'That's fine. I'll be right back to take your order', she told him before walking off. Riley was torn in between wanting to read the menu and eyeing the waitress. The girl was very pretty, with long, dark hair and green eyes. And the way she had smiled at Lucas... Well, Riley thought it was a little bit too friendly. Maya, having caught up with what Riley had been thinking, placed her hand on top of her best friend's. 'Don't worry so much. Enjoy the date', she told Riley, offering her a smile, which Riley returned. 'You're right. God, how do you know so well what I am thinking all the time?' 'I pretty much know you better than you know yourself', Maya answered, letting out a small chuckle. 'That's probably true', Riley replied.

In the meantime, Lucas and Josh had sat themselves down at the table as well. Josh kissed Maya's cheek as he slid into the chair next to her. Underneath the table, he grabbed one of her hands in his, which led to a blush spreading on Maya's cheeks. She quickly grabbed the menu and studied it, hoping Josh wouldn't notice how flustered she had gotten when he had taken her hand, even though they had been dating for a year now.

Soon, the waitress reappeared. Maya noticed how Riley was busy taking in the girl's actions. Maya hated to admit it, but the waitress was indeed very pretty, and the green-eyed girl did not even try to hide the fact that she was only staring at Lucas. Maya looked at Riley, and immediately thought that even though the waitress, who looked about their age, was gorgeous, Riley was even more beautiful. The girl radiated happiness - well, most of the time, at least, when she wasn't shooting daggers at raven-haired girls with her eyes - and her brown eyes sparkled. To Maya, Riley looked a little like a baby deer. Cute, fluffy, and cuddly. No way Lucas would even think to give up his relationship with Riley for some chick he'd just met in a café. She was trying to send Riley that message with her eyes, but the brunette girl was not looking in her direction.

'You ready to order yet?' the waitress asked, and yet again, she did not take her eyes off Lucas once. Maya shifted in her seat, not liking where this was going. Things had just started getting better with Riley and Lucas, and they did not need this girl marching in and destroying everything the couple had built the past week.

Hi everyone :) So, I know it's a bit of a cliffhanger, but the next update will be very soon. Thank you all so much for your patience the past week, I appreciated it a lot! And thanks for reading, and thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list. All of your support means so much to me. I wish you all an amazing day, and a great weekend!


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