Girl Meets Scary Walks

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The next morning, Maya woke up at eight to the sound of her phone ringing. 'For the love of God', she mumbled as she looked for the device on her nightstand. Because she wasn't able to see clearly since it was still dark in the room, she opened the curtains, letting sunlight flow in. She could now see her phone laying on the floor next to her bed - she must have pushed it off the nightstand in her sleep - and scooped it up. She checked the caller's ID before answering: it was Riley. 'What?' Maya looked over at her best friend's bed, where she found Riley lying down with her own cellphone in her hand. She was smiling triumphantly. 'Finally', the brunette said, 'you're awake.' Maya rolled her eyes and let herself fall back onto her bed. 'It's only eight a.m. When will you ever let me sleep in?' 'Never. So you'd better get used to it', Riley replied. She winked at Maya as she rose from her bed. She walked over to the blonde. 'C'mon. It's a beautiful day. We should be out.' Maya groaned. 'Can't you be out without me?' Riley shook her head. 'Nope. Get up.'

Maya made a point of getting ready slowly, just to have a little revenge on Riley, who was trying her hardest not to get impatient. 'Maya!' Riley cried out when she couldn't wait no longer. 'The others are waiting!' Maya frowned. 'The others?' she asked. 'Yeah, Smackle, and Vanessa. Some people don't mind getting up early.' Because of that last comment, Maya decided to switch her outfit for the billionth time.

When Maya was finally done getting ready, the four girls walked downstairs together. They were going for a walk before breakfast. They'd found out Kau'ai's Waimea Canyon was a few miles from the mansion. They knew they could never reach it and return in time before breakfast, but they wanted to see how far they could get - except for Maya, who had rather stayed in bed for an hour longer. When they walked through the living room, they saw Emily sitting on the couch, reading a book. 'Hey girls', she said, looking up from the book. 'Hey', they all replied. 'Where are you going?' 'Um, just for a walk. We're trying out how far we can get to a nearby canyon in-' she looked at her watch - 'one and a half hour', Vanessa answered. 'Oh. Sounds cool', Emily said. The other girls felt a little awkward for not having invited her. It hadn't been on purpose, they had just never thought of asking the girl because they weren't that close. 'Do you want to join?' Riley asked. 'No, no, it's fine. You planned this with the four of you. Besides, I have my book. I don't mind...' 'No, come with us. The more, the merrier, right?' Maya told Emily, surprising everyone. The blue-eyed girl wasn't known to like Emily all that much. 'Really?' Emily asked. The four other girls nodded. Emily put her book away a little too excitedly. She practically threw it away and it flew off to the dinner table, where it surprisingly made a perfect landing on top of the empty bowl in the middle. 'Nice shot', Maya said approvingly. 'Thanks.'

'Girls', Maya said after they'd been walking for barely ten minutes. 'I have a confession to make. I'm not really a morning person', she said, sounding almost solemn. 'No', Smackle said in a fake surprised tone. 'You don't say.' Maya rolled her eyes. 'Whatever. I'm just saying, it's not too late to go back to the mansion and sleep.' 'You can go back if you want, Maya', Riley told her. 'But you'll have to walk through this forest all by yourself.' A few minutes into the walk, the girls had found themselves entering the forest. It was kind of dense and somewhat creepy. 'You know what', Maya said, looking up at the large trees, 'I think I'll say for a little while longer.' 'You won't regret it, Maya', Vanessa assured her. 'In twenty minutes, you'll have the best view ever.'

After thirty minutes, they were still surrounded by trees and bushes, with no end of the forest in sight. 'Maybe we should just go back', Emily suggested. 'These woods could go on for a while, and soon, everyone will be waking up and wondering where we are.' 'Good point', Smackle said.

As they turned around and started walking back to the mansion, everyone was starting to get a little scared of the lack of light in the forest. 'You guys', Riley began to say slowly, 'is anyone else scared too?' 'Yep', the other four girls said in unison. 'Can someone please say something funny?' Emily asked, shivering even though it was warm. 'Er...' Maya said, not knowing what to say. 'Zay makes me get rid of the spiders in his house!' Vanessa blurted out. Everyone looked at her in surprise. 'What?' Riley asked. 'Whenever I fly over to New York, I stay at his house, right?' The girls nodded. 'Well', Vanessa continued her story, 'every time he sees a spider, he makes me catch it and bring it outside. He's, like, legit afraid of spiders. He always screams like a little girl.' The girls burst out laughing. 'For some reason, I can easily imagine that happening', Maya said. 'And this isn't even all. Once, there was this really big spider, and as I was trying to catch it, Zay was going like, 'Oh my God, it's moving, it's moving, it's MOVING' in this really high-pitched voice. Then he stormed out of his home, still screaming like a little girl.' This made the girls laugh even harder.

'One time, Maya and I tricked Josh into thinking someone stole Maya's phone', Riley then said. 'Maya was staying the night at my house, and we texted him ''Hey, bae'' and called him, and he completely freaked out. It was hilarious!' 'Genious', Vanessa said. Smackle and Emily nodded. 'We should have a sleepover at my house sometime, and prank call all of the guys sometime', Emily said. She immediately regretted even suggesting it. What if the girls still didn't like her? They'd never want to go to her house. 'Sounds great', Vanessa replied. 'But please wait until I'm back in New York. I wouldn't want to miss it.' 'Of course', Emily said, smiling. Relief washed over her. Soon, the girls were busy planning the sleepover and making fun of the boys, and the creepiness of the forest was all forgotten.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the all-girls chapter. If you want more of these girl-moments with them making fun of the guys and more weird things the boys do, let me know. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list! I wish you all an amazing day :)


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