Girl Meets Vows(Girl Meets Wedding Day part IV)

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'You may now read your vows.' Shawn and Katy looked at each other, butterflies soaring through their stomachs. 'You first', Katy said, giggling lightly. 'I'm too nervous.' Shawn smiled at her and took her hand. 'Of course', he said. 'I have been waiting for this moment my whole life', he told her. 'Then enjoy it as much as you can', Katy replied before Shawn started saying his vows.

'Dear Katy', he started. 'You are a mother. The mother of the most wonderful child there is.' Shawn stopped talking for a moment so he could look at Maya and give her a warm smile. Then, he continued. 'Your a friend. The best friend anyone could ever wish for. With you, the word ''friendship'' does not even really exist. The people surrounding you aren't your friends: they have become your family. You are a woman. The most powerful, beautiful, funny, intelligent, genuine and loyal woman I have ever known. And today, standing here, I can call you my wife. And I have never been more happy about something than about this. Katy, oh Katy, I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I didn't see myself marrying, well, anyone for a very long time. Then you came around, and my life turned upside down. Every minute of every hour of every day, I remind myself how blessed I am to know you. I'm so grateful for my friends and family, for without them, I would never have met you. I'm so in love with you, Katy. Your my friend, my love, and now you are my wife. I've been told love is taking a risk, like making a big dive. And I can't wait to make that dive with you. Katy, you are my everything.'

At this point, tears were flowing out of Katy's eyes. 'Give me a second', she told Shawn and the priest, as she tried to compose herself. She took a few deep breaths, before looking at a piece of paper she was holding in her hand. Her vows were written on it. Why though? Katy thought. I shouldn't read from a piece of paper. The love of my life is standing in front of me. She let the paper drop to the floor and looked Shawn right in the eyes. I wanna look him right in the eyes when I say my vows, and I'm going to let my heart speak.

'D- dear Shawn', she started to say, stuttering. A few tears were still rolling on her cheek, and Shawn quickly wiped them away for her. 'It's okay. Take a deep breath', he whispered to Katy, who smiled at him and did what he said. 'Years ago, I was standing here, in the same situation. Well, not here in Hawaii of course, but, you know, at the altar. I thought I had found the love of my life then. As you all know, I was proved wrong. Now, though, something's different. I don't think I found the love of my life. I know. Even if it's not written in the stars or whatever, the person standing in front of me is the only person I want to spend my life with. You are the only person I want to spend my life with. Shawn, you're my friend, my companion, the one who knows me better than I know myself, my one true love. I remember meeting you and immediately feeling a spark. Not a romantic one per se, but more of a friendship spark. I've always wanted to marry someone I could consider my best friend, and you are. You are my best friend. But you are also so much more. I fell in love with you, and I'm still falling for you more and more every day. I do not even need a ring to tell me that. But I do like what we have here today. Because we are standing here, surrounded by all these amazing people, and I am so happy they are here while I tell you, I have never loved a man as much as I love you, Shawn.' She started crying again. 'And I want to spend every day of the rest of my life trying to show you just how much you mean to me. I will listen to you when you need someone to talk to. I will hold you and wipe away your tears when you're sad. I will carry you when the world tries to get you down. I want to be the person you wake up next to every day, and be the one who makes that beautiful smile I adore so much appear on your face. And, more than anything, I want to make you feel the exact same way.'

A tear was now rolling down Shawn's cheek as he told Katy, 'There is no need to, Katy. I already feel the exact same way about you. I love you so much. And if you are forever the person I wake up next to every day, then everything I have ever wanted in life is fulfilled.' After those words, both of them broke out in tears, while also smiling broadly.

After they said their marriage declarations and their 'I do's', Shawn had another announcement to make.

'Dear family', he said, making a point of calling everyone family, 'along with having Katy as my wife, today brought me something else as well. Maya.' He turned to the blonde. 'I am so glad to be officially part of your family right now', Shawn told her. Maya smiled at him as she wiped away a tear of happiness. 'I love you, my beautiful daughter. You deserve the world. And as a father, I will try my best to give you just that. I hope that someday you will find what Katy and I have. And I hope, and think, this will be a step in the right direction', he said. Maya frowned. 'Josh, get up here!' Shawn called out.

The Matthews' boy walked over to where Katy and Shawn were now hugging each other, and where Maya was standing in shock by all of this. 'What is happening?' 'Maya', Josh said. 'We've been going out for a while now. We hold hands, we kiss... I have been in love with you for so long now. You're the most amazing girl I know. I have been wanting to ask you something for quite a while, but I never did because I wanted the moment to be special. Because, like Shawn said, you, Maya Hart, deserve the world. Then, Katy, Shawn and I came up with a plan... On this day it's exactly a year ago we told each other about our feelings for one another. My feelings haven't changed since. If anything, they just grew. I can't promise you we'll be together for the rest of our lives, or that we'll be exchanging wedding vows one day. But I can promise you I'll do everything in my power to make you happy. And I hope that one day I can be the Cory to your Topanga, or the Shawn to your Katy. I can't promise it's gonna happen, but I promise you I want to try and see where life takes us. 'Cause I think life has taken me to right where I have always wanted and needed to be.'

'Josh? Wha- what are you saying?' Without any hesitation, Josh replied by asking the question he had been wanting to ask for so long. 'Maya Hart, will you be my girlfriend?'

Hi everyone :) So, um, I guess this is kind of a cliffhanger. What do you think Maya's answer will be? I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you all for reading! And a special thanks to those who voted on this story or added to their reading list. I appreciate all of you support so much :)              I wish you all the most amazing day!


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