Girl Meets Young Love

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'Ah, young love. Isn't it the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world?' Cory asked himself out loud as he watched as Emily and Evan talked outside from the glass doors in the living room that led to the garden. Topanga shut the curtains behind the doors, and said, 'Give them some privacy. And besides, I have never heard you call young love beautiful when it comes to Riley and Lucas?' she added. Cory put his hands on his side. 'That's because Riley's my little baby, and she needs to protected at all costs and kept away from that forty-year-old sheep-riding cowboy', he replied. Topanga rolled his eyes. 'You do know he's only one year older than our Riley?' she asked her husband. 'A year is a lot, Topanga. He's like a male cougar or something!' Cory shot back.

From the couch, Maya, who had overheard the conversation, awkwardly waved at them, saying, 'Um, hello, we're right here?' She motioned to Josh and herself. 'Right', Cory said awkwardly. 'Well, you're not Riley, so I'll let you date your cougar-boy in peace.' Maya just looked confused as Josh said, 'That cougar-boy just so happens to be your brother, Cory. So, er, thanks a lot.' Cory shrugged.

Topanga dragged her husband away from the couple, sensing things would probably get even more awkward if she'd let him say another word. 'Let them be', she whispered to him, sitting down in one of the chairs in the kitchen. Cory grabbed two cups, pouring tea in both before sitting down next to Topanga. 'Thanks, Cory', Topanga said as she was handed the cup. 'No problem, wifey', Cory replied, giving her a playful smile.

'We used to be like them too', Topanga said all of a sudden, smiling at the memory. 'Like who? Maya and Josh?' Cory asked. Topanga shrugged. 'All of them. Young and being in love for the first time.' 'I like to think we are still like that, even if it's just a little bit. I mean, we are not as young as we used to be, but... My feelings for you are still the same as the ones I had when we were little. If anything, I love you more now. I love you as my best friend, as my wife. And those childish crush-feelings I had for you as a little boy... I still have those. I will never not see you smile and get the butterflies. Seeing you... It's still makes my heart jump', Cory told Topanga, who now had a deep-red blush on her cheeks.

'I love you so much', she said. 'Even though you sometimes are the biggest idiot the world has ever known.' Cory laughed. 'I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much. The world needs some idiots.' Topanga took a sip from her tea. 'That's true.' She looked at the clock, and tried to suppress a yawn when she saw it was almost ten o'clock. 'Well, you were definitely right about us not being that young anymore', she told Cory. 'Do you want to go to bed, then?' her husband suggested. Topanga nodded. 'It's been a long day, with all the cooking', she explained. Cory nodded. 'You did an amazing job, today. Not just with the food, but also with getting all of us together', he said, pressing a kiss to Topanga's temple.

'You go upstairs. I'll just clean this up', Cory said, pointing at the now-empty cups. Topanga nodded. She went upstairs, but not before giving Cory a light kiss on the lips. 'What was that for?' he asked, surprised. 'Not that I'm complaining or anything', he added. Topanga smiled. 'That was for being the most amazing husband I could have ever imagined.' Cory smiled to himself as he washed the cups they had drunk the tea from.

'Yep, I have a pretty damn great wife', he said. 'Oh, for God's sake, I'm talking to teacups. I've been watching too much Disney...'

A little later that night, Maya still couldn't push an awful thought out of her mind. 'Josh?' she asked, still in his arms on the couch. 'Yeah, love?' he replied. Maya thought about what she wanted to ask him exactly as she traced figures on his arm with her fingers. 'Do you ever think it's weird we're together? You know, considering the age difference between us.' Josh sat up straight. 'Is this about what Cory said? He was just kidding. You know that, right?' Maya shrugged. Josh pulled her close. 'He was only saying that because he is very protective over Riley. Heck, she could probably date a guy who's merely a day older than her and Cory would still call him a pedophile.' This earned a small smile from Maya. 'Yeah', the blonde-haired girl said, 'but do you ever wonder what others think of us? And does the age difference ever bother you?' she asked, a little unsure of how he was going to answer the question.

'Maya', Josh began, pecking her forehead before continuing, 'I don't care what anyone thinks about us being together. So far, people have only been supportive of our relationship. And with ''people'' I mean our family and friends. Who cares what the rest thinks? As long as I have you, I am happy. And no, the age difference has never bothered me. It's only a few years. And, by the way, mentally you are years ahead of me', he said. He and Maya both chuckled. Josh then added with a wink, 'And honestly, what is three years in the history of love?'

Maya smiled at him. 'You're right. I don't give a damn what people think as long as I can do this', she replying, before leaning in and pressing her lips against Josh's. The older boy chuckled as they pulled away a little while later to come up for air.

'You know what?' he said before leaning in again. 'Not giving a damn has never been so much fun.' Before even a millisecond passed after he'd said that sentence, Maya's lips had already found his again.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the new chapter. Just to be clear, I don't think the age gap between Maya and Josh is weird and I think it is completely normal for someone to date someone who is a few years older. Thanks so much for reading everyone. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list! And thanks in general for all of your support, it truly means the world to me. I wish you all an amazing day :)


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