Girl Meets Party Shopping

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After Lucas had told - or rather texted - them his plan, everyone went crazy out of enthusiasm. Before anything was confirmed, plans had already been made and the girls were discussing on what to wear.

'So I'm guessing you're all agreeing with my plan?' Lucas asked, breaking the silence and ending the conversation that was going on via text. 'Yes, a hundred times yes! It's great', Riley gushed, running over to her boyfriend and tackling him to the ground in a hug. Lucas chuckled. 'Alright then.'

Maya, who had been the most enthusiastic since this whole idea concerned her parents, was now having second thoughts and pacing around the living room. 'What's the matter?' Smackle asked, confused at her sudden change of heart.

'It's just that we barely have any time left. How will we ever manage to organize it all with so little time left? And when are we going to do this?' she asked the group.

Lucas looked up from the ground, and said, 'We'll do it the night before we leave. That gives us some time to prepare. If we start planning and shopping now, it'll work', he assured her. Maya bit her lip, still in conflict with herself.

'Look, we'll assign everyone a task and have this ready in a jiffy', Lucas continued. 'Alright', Maya gave in. 'If you promise you'll never say the word ''jiffy'' again. You sound like a grandpa.' Lucas laughed a little before answering with, 'I promise.'

'So, what are we gonna do first, Huckleberry?' Maya asked. 'Why should I decide? It's important for all of us, but mostly for you', Lucas said. 'Yes. But I'll end up making a mess out of it, and I trust you with this', Maya replied with a small smile. 'Thanks', Lucas said, genuinely moved. 'Now don't go all soft, Ranger Roy. Be a tough leader', Maya joked, causing Lucas' smile to widen. 'Whatever you say, Shortcake', Lucas said. 'Did you just-?' Maya started to ask, but cut herself off, remembering they had an important task to do.

Lucas looked at the people around him, trying to figure out how each person could help in making his idea reality. 'Zay and Vanessa, you two take care of the food', he said, pointing at the couple. 'YES!' Zay exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. 'I love food!' Vanessa shot him a look as she said, 'I know that. You ate all of my chocolate.' Zay shrugged. 'What can I say? I love me some sugar. God, that sounded so weird.' Lucas rolled his eyes at his friend. 'Right, sorry', Zay said after catching his look. 'We'll take care of it', he promised, putting one hand over his heart as the other one was holding Vanessa's. 'Good', Lucas told him.

The blond Texan tapped his chin with his finger as he contemplated what other tasks had to be taken care of. 'Farkle and Smackle, you go make sure everyone knows they have to pack their bags in time so they have the night free. Don't tell them about the surprise, though', he added quickly. Farkle and Smackle nodded solemnly, accepting the task.

Lucas then turned to Emily. 'Do you think you could maybe call Evan and look for a venue together? He's lived here all his life so he probably knows just the place.' Emily nodded. 'Sure, I'll go call him right now', she said, before exiting the room so she could call him.

'That's taken care of then too. Riley, Maya, could you two whip up some decorations? Something Hawaiian and floral', he told them. 'Of course. We got this. High-five, girl!' Riley exclaimed happily as she high-fived her best friend.

'And Josh', Lucas continued, 'we can take care of the music and whatever else we'll think of.' Josh nodded. 'Sounds good, bro.'

'Everyone clear on what they have to do?' Lucas asked his friends. 'Yes, sir!' they all shouted in unison, bursting out laughing after. 'Great. Let's get this thing going then, shall we?'

'Riles, you ready?' Maya asked her friends. 'Yep', the brunette replied. 'Let me just get my money.'

Half an hour later, the girl had found a little shop that sold multiple party items, including decorations. Even though it was small compared to the New York stores, they had everything Riley and Maya needed.

'Hawaiian and floral', Riley said aloud, recalling what Lucas had told them to get. 'Isn't that practically the same?' Maya asked. Riley shrugged as she went inside and scanned the small aisle. Maya followed her friend.

A friendly-looking lady who seemed to be in her late forty's smiled at the two girls and greeted them cheerfully from the cash register, adding in a wave. 'Good afternoon! If I can help you with anything, just let me know.' The girls smiled at her and said they would before looking around at the products.

'Ooh, this is very Hawaiian! I've seen these things in, like, every beach movie I've ever watched', Riley said as she grabbed a lei. It was a colourful necklace, made of flowers. Maya nodded enthusiastically. 'Me too. We should get everyone one of those', she replied. Riley grabbed some more lei's, not counting them, and placed one around Maya's neck, who giggled.

'And? How does it look?' she asked Riley. 'It looks fabulous, honey', Riley answered, letting out a giggle. 'You sound like one of those consultants on Say Yes to the Dress', Maya told her. 'Say yay to the lei', Riley joked, causing her friend to laugh. 'I'd watch it', the blue-eyed girl said, still smiling.

'We should really focus on getting the stuff Lucas requested though', Riley said. 'The boy was vague as hell. He didn't really request anything, but alright', Maya said. The girls walked down the aisle - in a non-wedding type of way.

'Maybe we could get some of those cute lanterns?' Riley suggested, stopping when she saw the items. 'But what if we can't hang then somewhere?' Maya asked, frowning. 'Then we'll just put them on the ground', Riley replied. 'They're cute anyway.' Maya nodded as this seemed logical. 'Alright. A few of each colour, then?'

They left the store with bags full of decorations. It had cost them some money, but it was worth it. For their final night and present for Shawn and Katy, they wanted to go all out.

'Let's get something to eat and drink, yeah?' Maya suggested as they passed a small, cosy-looking café.' 'Sounds good', Riley replied as her friend led her inside. The place wasn't crowded, but it wasn't completely empty either. It had just the perfect amount of people.

As they sat down at one of the wooden tables, Maya said, 'Reminds me of a little while ago.' Riley blinked, waiting for her friend to continue. 'Of right before we went to Hawaii for the first time. We went shopping for holiday clothes and after that we went to eat pie', Maya explained, smiling.

'Oh yeah, I remember that', Riley told her, grinning. 'We were so excited about going on that trip.' Maya nodded. 'That seems so long ago, though. Now, Hawaii feels like a second home to me', she said truthfully. 'I feel ya gurl', Riley said. Maya laughed.

'I also remember you pretty much confessing your feelings for Lucas back then', Maya told her friend. 'Oh my God, yes, I remember that. And when I asked you about Josh, you were in denial at first. And after a few seconds you were like ''oh sweet, I'd be your aunt''.'

The girls chuckled. 'Little did we know all of our ''dreams'' would come true', Maya said. 'Oh hell nah, you're not going to be my aunt', Riley told her, sticking out her tongue at her best friend. Maya just flipped her off.

'I'd be honoured to have you as my aunt, though', Riley said after a while. Maya grinned mischievously. 'Does this mean-' she started, but Riley interrupted her. 'I said I'd be honoured. Like I said before, no way you're going to be my aunt.' 'We'll just have to see then', Maya said, and winked at Riley before a waiter approached them to get their order.

Songs: Camila Cabello - Consequences / Harry Styles - Only Angel

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this Rilaya-centered chapter and I hope this chapter won't get deleted. I added the songs I listened to writing this(I had them on repeat haha). I have no idea why, just thought it'd be fun, and maybe someone even shares my taste in music :D Anyway, thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who added this story to their reading list and to those who voted on previous chapters, I appreciate all of your support so much <3 I wish you all an amazing weekend! :)


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