Girl Meets Maya's Masterplan

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'Farkle, I'm fine. I've told you so, like, five hundred times now!' Riley hissed. 'Riley, you don't have to pretend with me.' Farkle had pulled her to a corner of the gym where no one could overhear their conversation. Riley smoothed her dress. 'What do you want from me?' 'Riley, I've known you for a very long time now. I know you still like Lucas and don't you don't even have to bother denying it.' 'Farkle!' Riley exclaimed. She mentally scolded herself for shouting out his name and quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed the two of them arguing. 'I'm here with Charlie', she continued, her voice now softer. 'Are you really, though?' Farkle asked her. 'He's your date, yet you're talking to me right now.' 'You dragged me here', Riley protested. 'I want to be there for you, Riley. I love you.' 'I love you too', Riley replied. 'Than why aren't you telling me the truth about your feelings for Lucas?' 'Farkle... I... I can't.' 'Why?' 'Because...' Riley was searching for a valid reason. 'Because he's here with Emily! He's gotten over the idea of us together and so should I.' 'I'm not sure he even likes her in that way.' 'Didn't he just stuck his tongue down her throat!' Riley said a little louder than she had intended to. Now, a few people were turning their heads in their direction. 'Farkle, if you truly are my friend, which I know you are, then...' 'Then what, Riley?' Farkle asked. 'Then don't ever mention me liking Lucas ever again. I'm gonna return to Charlie now. You were completely right. I'm on a date with him.' Riley then walked away from Farkle, who shortly after was joined by Maya.

'How was she?' Maya asked him. She was concerned about her best friend, yet didn't feel like Riley wanted to talk about what happened, at least not for now. 'Um, she was-' 'Wait, hold up, you went talking to her? Do you know about...?' Maya wanted to say ''Riley's feelings for Lucas'' but immediately stopped herself. What if he didn't know? 'I do', Farkle answered. 'Was she... okay?' Maya was pretty sure she wasn't, but she asked anyway. 'I don't think so. She's a strong girl, but this can't keep going on like this.' Maya shook her head. 'Riley wouldn't want us to interfere', she said. 'There's nothing we can do for her, except for just being there when she needs us the most.' Maya looked over to where Riley was dancing with Charlie. He was looking at her lovingly and Maya couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. As much as Riley probably wanted to, she would not be able to return his feelings. Then, Maya noticed Lucas. He was still with Emily, the two of them laughing and sharing a kiss every now and then. 'Or maybe there is something we can do', Maya told Farkle. Without telling him what she was about to do, she took off.

'Lucas', Maya said as she gripped her stomach and groaned. 'Maya, what's going on?' Lucas asked shocked as he saw his friend approach him with her left hand clutching her stomach. 'Ouch. It... hurts. A lot.' Maya moaned. She fake-tripped and clutched her stomach even harder. 'Bad stomach ache. Can you please - ouch - take me home?' Her little act was an Oscar-worthy performance. 'Aren't you here with Josh? Can't he take you home?' Maya shook her head, hoping he would take it as a sign she was in too much pain to say much. 'Well, why not?' Lucas quickly glanced at Emily, who offered him a sweet smile when she noticed him looking at her. 'He... promised... Ouch!  Cory he would... take... Riley... home.' 'Right', Lucas said, in his mind debating whether he should take his friend home or stay with his date. It was only eleven o'clock, with two more hours to go until the end of the party. 'Please', Maya pleaded. She had never thought she'd actually be begging for his help someday, but here she was, pleading he'd take her home because of some fake stomach ache! 'How about Farkle?' 'I... don't want to ruin his evening... with Smackle.' Maya wanted to give herself a face-palm when she realized how stupid that answer was, but couldn't, for she forced herself to keep her hand to her stomach. She didn't want Lucas to find out about her act. 'I'm kinda in the middle of something too', Lucas awkwardly responded. And that was when Maya noticed. When he said those words, he hadn't been looking at her, but rather past her. Maya turned around to see what or rather who he had been looking at. She saw the brown hair bounce up and down the girl's shoulders as she was dancing to the music with the brown-haired boy. She looked happy, but Maya knew the truth. She knew how Riley felt, no matter how hard she was trying to have a fun time dancing with Charlie. She turned her attention back to Lucas. 'So will you?' she asked him, momentarily forgetting she had to act like she was in great pain. Lucas was still making up his mind. 'Oh, come on, Huckleberry... I mean Lucas. It's, you know, my time of the month and I'm sure your lovely date knows how it feels.' Maya may had never thought about begging Lucas for help, but this was whole new territory. If it wasn't for Riley, she'd never even considered talking about that  kind of stuff. Not in her worst nightmare. 'Fine', Lucas said, trying to hide his reluctance to leaving the dance. But his friend was in need of help and he needed to provide that. Riley then rushed to her best friend's side. 'Maya, are you okay?' 'I'll be fine. Lucas is taking me home.' Riley quickly caught up with what Maya was planning on doing. 'Fine. I'll come with you just to make sure you're fine.' That wasn't what Maya had planned. Maya had wanted Lucas to go away from the dance to let Riley end her night in some kind of peace. Riley just hadn't thought of one thing: Maya's home was closer to the school than Riley's was. So Riley would have to walk the rest by herself. Well... Not completely by herself. Both girls looked at Lucas, who was, most probably, thinking the exact same thing.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this new chapter. Thank you all so much for your support, it means so much to me! Thanks for reading and a special thanks to those who have voted on previous chapters, I really, really appreciate it. I wish you all an amazing day!


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