Girl Meets Wedding Dresses, part II

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'Mm, what should I wear?' Emily asked the group. She tapped her chin with her finger. The girl stood in front of the long racks of clothing. No one responded. Katy and Topanga were over by the cashier, paying for their daughters' dresses. 'Ooh, I know!' she said. 'I'll be right back', she told the group. But before she took off, she walked over to Lucas and kissed him on the lips. Riley looked away from the couple. Emily then disappeared towards the fitting rooms. Maya had noticed her friend averting her gaze and Lucas avoiding looking towards pretty much anyone. 'I'm glad we have found these dresses', Maya said to Riley, in an attempt to take the kiss out of Riley's head. 'Yup', Riley replied. Maya felt bad for her. She knew how hard she was trying to get Lucas out of her head – and, more importantly, out of her heart – and Emily's behaviour was making it more and more difficult. When Riley realized her answer had been a little short of enthusiasm, she added, 'I can't wait until we are able to wear them at the wedding.' Maya smiled. Then, Emily returned from the dressing rooms, wearing a dress in a beautiful shade of- 'That's my dress!' Riley exclaimed. When she recognized the burgundy fabric, she boiled with anger inside. 'It does look like a little bit like yours', Emily said as she admired herself in the mirror that hung from the wall. 'It doesn't look ''a little bit'' like mine. It is exactly the same dress!' Riley clenched her friends. The girl was stealing everything that was or had been hers: the dress, Lucas... But she wasn't going to freak out and give Emily the satisfaction she wanted. No way. 'Emily, there are plenty of dresses in the store. Maybe you could-' Lucas tried, but he was cut off by his girlfriend. 'I like this one best. It suits me great, don't you think?' Her eyes met Riley's, who told herself to take a deep breath before she did something crazy like jumping the girl. 'I'm gonna buy this one', Emily announced. 'It's the same dress as Riley's', Maya said, trying to remain calm. 'So back off.' 'Nope. I like it, so I'm wearing it to the wedding.' 'No, you're n-' 'Leave it', Riley told her friend. 'She isn't worth it.' 'But your dress...' Maya tried. Riley shrugged. 'It doesn't matter.' It did, and Maya knew it. But she knew not to push further and stopped talking. She'd figure something out later to help Riley.

The ride back to the mansion was even more tense than the one to the store had been. No one said a word to one another. When, after a painful thirty minutes, they got back home, Riley announced she would be going for a swim. The pool looked very appealing after the heated argument with Emily. 'What a lovely idea! How 'bout we join you?' Emily asked in her infamous faked sweet voice. She batted her eyelashes and put her arms around Lucas. The girl often was jealous of Riley when it came to Lucas and she despised seeing the two of them together, but she enjoyed seeing her rival struggle so much that she still proposed to hang out with her and Lucas. 'Um, I'm actually not really feeling the pool anymore. I'm just gonna read', Riley softly said. 'Actually', Maya then joined the conversation, 'I'd love to go for a swim. Mind if I join you and Lucas?' she asked Emily, who was clearly annoyed. 'I don't-' 'Great. It'll be fun!' Maya exclaimed. No way she was letting this girl hurt her best friend. 'Riley, are you sure you don't want to join us? It's really hot outside and we can have a little swimming competition.' She knew her friend was a sucker for those. 'Maybe', Riley said. Maya noticed Lucas looking over at his ex-girlfriend somewhat longingly. She'd never seen his eyes sparkle so much when he looked at Emily like they did when he was looking at Riley. Maya could easily understand why. While Emily was in fact a pretty girl, she was horrible as well. The endless backstabbing... Ugh. Maya hated to see this girl bugging Riley so much. It was hot outside. Maybe the pool really was a great place to cool off. Except for Emily, Maya thought, who was pretty much the queen of ice herself.

At that moment Maya realized what was making her angry about the girl as well. She was intruding her group of friends, tearing it down, even. And she would be attending her mother's wedding! What if she pulled one of her sneaky tricks there as well and ruined everything? The girl was a danger to Maya's friends and family, destroying everything on her path. And Maya sure as hell wasn't going to let her.

Hi everybody :) I hope you liked the new chapter! I know the story's been a lot about Emily, but I'm pleased to announce that next chapter will be more Joshaya and Rucas based. Thank you all so much for reading, and a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters. I wish you all an amazing day!


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