Girl Meets Someday

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After dinner, Maya and Josh decided to go for a short walk. As Maya breathed in the fresh summer air, she felt content, walking there with her boyfriend. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach anytime she thought of Josh being her boyfriend. It was what she'd always wanted.

'What are you thinking about?' Josh asked Maya when he noticed she was deep in thought. The blonde looked up. 'Oh just about how lucky I am to be here right now. In Hawaii. Oh, and you're here too, so that's okay', she added jokingly. Josh rolled his eyes playfully as he put his arm around Maya. 'So you feel lucky you have me?' he asked her, wiggling his eyebrows. Maya slapped Josh's arm lightly. 'Don't get too full of yourself', she said.

Josh led the two of them to a wooden bench. As they sat down, they admired the beautiful landscape in front of them. The bench stood on top of a small hill, from which they could see the valley stretch out beneath them, the beach merely a tiny white strip on the edge of their view with the ocean right behind. In the dark, there was no way to tell where the ocean ended and the sky above began.

'Can I ask you something, Josh?' Maya suddenly said. 'Of course. You know you can ask me anything.' Maya took Josh's hand. 'We've been dating for a year now and, although we just made things official, I wanted to ask you if you see a place for me in your future? I mean, do you think we could be in this for a longer run than just for a few months?' she asked. She immediately scolded herself for asking that. She was only sixteen. She shouldn't be thinking about the long run. She should just live in the now. God, Josh probably thought she was crazy. She forced herself to take a deep breath and wait for a response. When nothing came, she said, 'I shouldn't have asked you that. It's not like it's important now. I didn't mean to scare you with that question, I was just wondering... Let's just forget about it and not mention it again, and then we can-'

'Yes', Josh said bluntly, cutting Maya off mid-sentence. 'Yes', he repeated. 'I do see you in my future. Heck, you're the first thing I want to see there! I know we're still young, but it's not a crime to think about stuff like that. I've been thinking about it too. I've asked myself over and over whether or not I think we're in this for the long run. If you ask me now, I'd say yes. Yes, we are. I have no freaking clue where we are in ten years. Maybe we're together. Maybe we're not. But I have complete and total faith in us. In you. I'm no fortune teller, but I can say this much. I've always wanted to get married someday. And this might sound crazy, or cheesy, and people will probably think I'm stupid because we've only been dating for a year and we're so young and-' 'Josh', Maya said softly, remembering him not to lose track. 'Right. I can tell you this. I hope it'll be you who's walking down the isle toward me.'

'You're right', Maya said. 'We're so young now, and there are plenty years to come, and we have no clue what can happen in those years. But I love you for everything you just said to me.'

Josh smiled at her. 'Who knows what can happen, right? All we can do is wait and see. Maybe someday', he told Maya.

And as they turned back to the landscape that was stretching out right in front of them, Maya said, 'Someday'.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the new chapter. Thank you all so much for reading, and a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and/or added this story to their reading lists. Thank you all so much for your support! I wish you all an amazing day :)


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