Girl Meets Rekindled Romances

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Riley was hesitant as she stood in front of the door that led to Lucas' bedroom. She wasn't even sure he was there, as he was the one who walked out of the room in the first place. She felt nervous and excited at the same time. The past five minutes she'd spent walking up and down the hallway, not knowing what she would say, how she would say it, whether to knock or to just march into the room.

Riley tried to calm the butterflies that were swarming in her stomach as she reached for the door and softly knocked three times. 'Yes?' a voice sounded on the opposite side of the door. Riley immediately recognized it as belonging to Lucas. She took a deep breath before opening the door. 'Hi', she said as she entered the room. 'It's me. Riley.' She mentally scolded for introducing herself that way. The boy had known her for several years, so you'd think he would know her by now. 'Hey, Riley. It's me, Lucas', he said with a trace of a smile on his face. Apparently, he'd picked up on Riley's weird introduction too. Lucas was sitting in one of the chairs by the balcony. 'Sit down', he said to her. It wasn't an order, it was more like a question. And so she sat down next to him.

'I'm sorry', Lucas whispered before Riley had to chance to tell him what had been on her mind for the past few weeks - no, more like the past few months. The brunette turned to him. 'What? Why?' she asked with genuine surprise. 'Because I was a jerk to you just an hour ago. And I wasn't just then, I've been a jerk for the last few weeks.' 'That's not true', Riley told him. But Lucas looked down and said, 'It is.' He sighed. 'I'm so sorry, Riley, so sorry. I should not have kissed you that night of the formal. I should have stuck up for you when Emily stole your dress. I-' 'Shhh', Riley soothed him. 'It's okay. We all make mistakes.'

'It wasn't a mistake though', Lucas then bluntly said. Riley looked at him, confused. 'The kiss, I mean. It was a shitty of me to do so, but I- I just can't see it as a mistake. I really...' 'Emily actually told me to go find you just now', Riley blurted out. 'Wha- what?' Lucas asked, surprised by this sudden change of events. 'Yeah. I mean, I was looking for you when she grabbed me-' 'She what?' Lucas exclaimed. 'Let me finish', Riley told him. 'She told me that she knew... That she knew I am still very much in love with you.' Lucas looked at the girl wide-eyed. 'You... You're  in love with me?' Riley didn't answer the question right away, but instead went on with the story. 'She told me that even though she still cares for you, I should tell you how I feel for the slight chance that maybe, just maybe, you still are in love with me too.' Riley now looked straight into his eyes. Lucas' expression softened as he saw the shimmer in her warm brown eyes. 'Riley, I...' He didn't finish his sentence, but looked at the ground.

'I get it', Riley said, the disappointment in her voice clearly audible. 'No, it's not like I don't... Riley, I'm still very much in love with you', Lucas confessed. He bit his lip before continuing. 'It's just that you deserve so much more than what I can give you.' Riley shook her head. 'Why would you say that?' ''Cause it's the truth. I cheated on my girlfriend at the formal by kissing you. I kissed you without even considering how you would feel about that. I brought my ex on this trip. I didn't stick up for you when I should have. And I let Emily think I was in love with her, when all this time, I've only ever been in love with you. With you, Riley. I danced with her at the formal, but all I could see was you and Charlie Gardner dancing nearby and I remember hoping that things would not work out between you, while I was kissing another girl. And while doing so, I was imagining I was with you, even though I knew I could never tell you how I feel. Well, I got that one wrong', Lucas said, chuckling bitterly. 'I am telling you right now. And even that is unfair to you. Riley, you deserve to be treated like a princess, and I've done nothing to prove that I'm worthy of being with you.'

Riley smiled at him. 'Lucas, don't you remember all the good times we've had together? Dancing in the rain here in Hawaii. That one time you took me out to eat in the fanciest restaurant New York has to offer, after which we walked to the park where you'd laid out a blanket so we could watch the stars together. And when you got me that beautiful necklace with the little star so we could forever cherish that evening. Oh, and then I haven't even mentioned the time you picked me up on a white horse, because I said my childhood dream was finding my prince on a white horse. If that's not treating me like a princess, then I don't know what is.' She was now edging closer to Lucas.

'Lucas, I love you', she said. And those words were the last ones being said before their lips met. Now, though, there was nothing making them pull back. No girlfriends, no unspoken feelings, nothing.

When their lips did part, Lucas softly whispered to Riley, 'I love you too, my Princess Dancing Sunshine.' And at that moment, Riley could not have been more happy.

Hi everyone :) The moment you've all been waiting for! Rucas is back together asdfghjkl :D I hope you liked the chapter. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters! I wish you all the most amazing day :)


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