Girl Meets Dates

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When school was finished, everyone went separate ways. They'd be meeting up at Riley's later that day. Maya immediately went to her friend's house. She spent a lot of time there. It was like home to her. Her mother was working anyway, so she didn't really have a reason for going to her own home. 'Do you want something to eat?' Riley asked. 'Sure', Maya said, sitting down at the table. 'I can make us some Mac 'N Cheese', Riley suggested. 'As long as you don't pour ketchup all over it like you did last time.' Maya shivered at the mere thought of it. 'It wasn't that bad.' 'Oh, yes, it was!' Riley shrugged. 'I forgot to ask', Riley began, 'but how was you date yesterday?' 'It was great.' Maya smiled. She shifted in her seat. 'And I see things are getting a little smoother between you and Lucas', Maya said, making it sound like more of a question. 'Yeah, they are. I'm glad we're... Well, I don't know what we are, but, whatever it is, it's good.' 'I'm happy to hear that. Hey, can I help you with that?' Maya asked her friend as she started preparing their food. It was partly because she wanted to help Riley, and partly because she hadn't forgotten about the ketchup-incident. 'Nah, I'm fine. But could you get us something to drink?' Maya nodded and walked to the fridge. She pulled out two cans of Diet Coke and placed them on the table. 'All done', she said. 'At what time did the others say they were going to come?' 'Around five, I think.' Riley had finished preparing their Mac 'N Cheese and she placed two bowls of macaroni on the table. 'Food's ready', she announced. She and Maya sat down to eat. Maya looked at the ketchup-free bowls. 'Nicely done', she said, giving her friend a pat on her back. 'Oh, I'm not even done yet', Riley said as she pulled out a gigantic bottle of the red sauce Maya had been fearing so much. She poured a lot of ketchup on her food before turning to Maya, who was covering her bowl with her hands. 'Oh no, don't even think about it! My stomach hasn't recovered yet.' When she saw Riley was about to pour some of it on Maya's hand, she quickly stood up and ran as far away from the table as she could. Riley didn't give up and ran after her friend, laughing hysterically. She was holding the bottle of ketchup like it was a weapon. 'Nooo!' Maya called out. Riley was chasing her around the couch in the living area. 'Okay, okay, I surrender', Maya said. Riley smiled triumphantly. 'Good.' Maya slowly approached her, carrying the bowl now in only one hand. When she got to Riley, her movements fastened as she lashed out and grabbed the ketchup from her friend. 'Hey! That's not fair', Riley said, pouting. 'Life ain't fair, honey', Maya stated as she returned the bottle to its original spot in one of the cabinets above the counter. She sat down again and ate her food in peace. Riley sat down, too. Maya suddenly thought about something she'd heard a few weeks ago. 'Hey, have you heard about that semi-formal party thingy that's coming up soon?' Riley had. The school was holding a dance to celebrate the end of the school year. Bringing a date was mandatory. 'Yes. Will you be going?' Maya asked her. 'I think so. Who are you bringing?' Riley immediately gave herself a mental slap for asking such a stupid question. 'Josh', Maya replied. 'They said it was allowed to bring people from other schools, so...' Riley nodded. 'Who are you bringing?' 'I don't really know', Riley answered. 'I can't ask Farkle, because he has Smackle. Vanessa is flying over for the dance, so Zay isn't an option either. That only leaves... Lucas.' 'There are lots of guys', Maya said. 'You don't have to ask one of our friends, there are plenty more fish in the sea.' Riley thought about it for a while. 'Yeah, I guess. Is it weird of me to actually want to ask Lucas? As friends of course', she quickly added. Maya shrugged. 'Maybe... a little. I don't know. You still have time to think about it.' Riley nodded. 'I must sound weird, first saying I don't want to talk to him and now wanting to ask him to the formal. But...' 'Riley, are you still in love with Lucas?' Maya suddenly asked. Riley didn't say anything, but the look in her eyes gave it away.

Exactly an hour later, the others showed up. Coincidentally enough, they started talking about the dance as well. 'I can't wait 'til Vanessa's here!' Zay exclaimed. 'It's been so long since I've last seen her.' 'Dude', Lucas said, 'you were there, like, two weeks ago.' Zay shrugged. 'That's a long time when it comes to love.' Lucas laughed a little. It wasn't laughing at his friend, though. He was happy for him. He'd just never seen Zay as the romantic type of guy. 'I'm kind of nervous to ask Smackle, actually', Farkle confessed. 'Slow dancing isn't exactly our thing.' 'You'll be fine', Riley assured him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. 'She's crazy about you.' Farkle shot her a grateful smile. He needed all the encouragement he could get. 'Is it strange that I wasn't able to talk to Josh a year ago and that I now am not even nervous to ask him to go to the formal with me?' 'You're more comfortable with each other now', Lucas said. 'Yeah, and you're a couple now', Zay added. Maya felt her cheeks reddening. The boys had always just assumed the two were officially a couple after the two of them had started dating, and Maya didn't feel like telling them otherwise. 'How about you, Lucas? Who are you taking to the dance?' Farkle asked. Lucas quickly sneaked a peek at Riley before. He smoothed his hair with his hand before answering. 'I'm not sure yet. But there's this girl at school, Emily, who's really nice. I'm thinking of asking her.' Riley felt Maya gazing at her as Lucas said those words. 'How about you, Riley?' Zay asked curiously. 'Er... I'm still looking for someone. But I was actually thinking of asking Charlie', she quickly made up. No one noticed, though. Maya was the only one who knew about her true feelings. Although... Farkle was looking a little bit suspiciously in Riley's direction. 'Charlie Gardner?' Lucas asked. If he hadn't just talked about asking some other girl to the dance, Riley would've thought he sounded a little upset. 'Yes', she replied. 'Is there something wrong with that?' 'No', Lucas said. 'He's just a little creepy, don't you think?' 'I think he's very kind and funny and I'm going to ask him to the dance', Riley said. 'Now, if you all would excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom.' 'Yeah, me too', Maya said.

The girls ran up to Riley's room and sat down in the bay window. 'What was that all about?' Maya asked. 'Charlie Cheese Soufflé Gardner? You said you were thinking of asking Lucas!' She tried to keep her voice low, because the boys were in the same apartment, but she had a hard time doing that. 'He's asking that Emily girl', Riley said. She sounded really unhappy. 'You know what?' Maya said. 'What?' 'I'm not going with Josh.' 'What? Why?' Riley asked surprised. 'Riley Matthews, will you be my date for the formal?' Maya solemnly asked her friend. She wanted to drop down on one knee for extra effect, but she knew her friend wasn't in the mood for any jokes. 'Maya...' Riley slowly said. 'I mean it. Will you please be my date?' 'I'd love to, Maya.' 'Good, that's settled then.' 'But', Riley added. 'No buts!' Maya warned her friend. 'But you should go with Josh. I'll be fine. Like I said, I'll just ask Charlie. He's a nice guy', she said. It sounded like she was trying to convince herself to ask him. 'Sure. But Lucas was right. He is kind of creepy.' Riley shrugged. 'I don't care. I'll ask him next Monday.' Maya took her friend by the arm. 'You don't have to. My offer's still there', she said, giving Riley a sympathetic look. 'That's very nice of you Maya, but no, I can handle this myself.' 'You sure?' 'I'm sure', Riley told herself. 'But it was very sweet of you to offer. Thank you.' Maya pulled her friend in for a hug. 'You guys ready?' Zay called from the living room. 'What's taking you so long?' 'We'll be right there. Just a sec', Maya replied. She wiped away the lone tear that was rolling down Riley's cheek. 'You okay, Riles?' 'I'm fine, Peaches. Thank you.' 'For what?' 'For being the best friend anyone could ever have.' Riley gave her friend a small smile. 'Right back at ya', Maya said. 'I love you, Maya.' 'And I love you, Riley. Now we're gonna go back to the others, and we're going to have a fun afternoon, okay?' Riley nodded. And together, the girls left the bay window and walked back to the living room, where the boys were still talking about the dance.

Hey everybody :) I hope you liked the new chapter!  Thank you all so much for reading it, thanks to those who have voted on previous chapter and a big thank-you for everyone who's support this story and the previous one, Girl Meets Hawaii. I'm really grateful for all of your support! I wish you all a great day :D


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