Girl Meets Awkward Encounters, part II

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'Oh... that's nice', Emily said. Evan nodded slowly. 'Yeah... So are you two friends or something?' he asked. The girls looked at each other awkwardly. 'Uh yeah, something like that', Riley said quickly and Emily nodded in agreement. 'We were, um, just going to get some ice cream', Emily said. 'Do you happen to have any?' Evan raised one eyebrow and looked at the glass counter, under which large pints of ice cream. 'Right', Emily said slowly.

'How many of us are there again?' she asked Riley. 'There's Vanessa, Zay, Farkle, Smackle, Lucas, and us. That's seven.' 'You forgot Maya and Josh', Emily stated. 'No, I didn't. They're with Maya's mom.' Emily blinked. 'Oh. Right. Well, I'd love me some vanilla ice cream', she told Evan. Vanessa and Zay wanted apple ice cream, I think. And chocolate for Farkle and Smackle. Lucas didn't say anything, so I'll chose for him. I think he'd like lemon ice cream.' 'No!' Riley quickly intervened. 'He's allergic to citrus', she explained. 'He is?' Emily asked surprised. 'I mean, yeah, I knew that. I just forgot for a moment', she said. 'Strawberries, then?' Emily said. 'One vanilla, two apple, two chocolate and one strawberry ice cream coming up. What about you, Riley?' Evan said. 'Make that two strawberry ice creams', she replied. 'Sure thing.'

When Evan was busy getting the ice cream ready, there was silence between the two girls. 'So, um', Riley started in an attempt to break the ice - no pun intended - but then quickly shut her mouth again. 'What?' Emily asked, sounding a bit snarky. 'Nothing', Riley answered. Emily's voice softened a little when she said the next thing, 'Look, I know we don't get along at all, but maybe we should try again.' Riley caught Emily looking at Evan for the tiniest of seconds. 'For Lucas', Emily then added. 'Um, okay', Riley said. 'You don't like Lucas anymore, do you?' Emily asked. As much as Riley did not like the girl, she felt sorry for Emily. Everything mean she'd ever done to Riley were caused by her own insecurities. 'Even if I did', Riley began to say, 'I would never act on it. I'm not a homewrecker.' 'Right', Emily said. 'I, um, appreciate that.' She said it like it were a question. 'No problem', Riley said softly. 'It's done', Evan then said.

The girls turned towards him. 'What?' they asked in unison. 'Your ice cream?' 'Oh yeah', Riley said and she chuckled. She was surprised to see Emily smiling as well. What had gotten into that girl? she asked herself. She then saw Emily and Evan looking at her again. Could it be...? Riley thought to herself. Nah. She just asked me about Lucas.

'That'll be thirteen dollars and seventy cents', Evan told the girls. 'Here you go', Emily said, handing him the money. Their hands touched for a brief moment and Evan felt a wave of heat rushing through his body. 'Well, have a nice day', he quickly said to the girls. 'You too!' they replied.

'That was weird', Riley said as soon as they left the shop. 'Why?' Emily asked her. Riley noticed the smile still hadn't left the girl's face. 'I don't know, it just was', she replied. Emily shrugged. They walked back to the rest of the group, while struggling to carry the ice creams without letting one of 'em drop.

'Hey', Lucas said as soon as he saw the girls approaching. 'Hey ba- Lucas', Emily replied. Lucas found it weird how she'd corrected herself when she was about to say 'babe', which was how she usually called him. 'Everything alright?' he asked her carefully. 'Never better', she answered him.

Hi everyone :) I'm sorry this is such a short chapter! I didn't have much time. I'm updating tomorrow or Sunday though. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and who added this story to their reading list, your support means a lot to me. I wish you all a great day!


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