Girl Meets Jealousy

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'You ready to order yet?' the waitress asked, and yet again, she did not take her eyes off Lucas once. Maya shifted in her seat, not liking where this was going. Things had just started getting better with Riley and Lucas, and they did not need this girl marching in and destroying everything the couple had built the past week.

'Yeah, I'll have the cheeseburger and fries, please', Josh said to her, oblivious to what was going on. 'And you, pretty boy, what can I get you?' the waitress asked Lucas. 'You can get me a bucket to vomit in', Maya muttered under her breath. The waitress ignored the comment, and asked Lucas, 'What's your name, handsome?' Riley couldn't take it any longer. 'My boyfriend's name is none of your business', she snapped. 'I think he can speak for himself, yeah?' the waitress said, flashing Riley a fake smile. 'Well, I'm his representative. And as his representative I suggest you back off', Maya said. The waitress didn't go away, though, and snapped back, 'Well, as your waitress I'm supposed to stay here until you ordered, so... Hurry up if you want me gone then.'

Josh, desperate to get out of the situation, quickly said, 'We'll all have the cheeseburger', which earned him a glare from Maya. 'What?' he asked, confused as to why Maya had reacted this way. 'I thought you wanted her to back off.' 'Four cheeseburgers coming right up', the waitress told the group sweetly. 'And by the way, my name's Amanda', she said, her focus entirely on Lucas. She walked away after giving him a not so subtle wink.

After the girl - Amanda - had gone away, Lucas placed his hand on Riley's knee. 'You seriously couldn't have told her you weren't interested?' Riley asked Lucas, clearly annoyed with him. She crossed her arms over her chest. 'You pretty much did that for me. And you shouldn't have, by the way. I though you trusted me enough to know I would never show interest anyone other than you.'

'Let's just forget about all that and enjoy our double date', Josh said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood a little bit. 'Not gonna happen with Amanda around', Maya replied. Riley and Lucas were still looking a bit angry. 'Oh, come on, guys! We're not gonna let this girl ruin our day, now are we? If we let that happen, she would get exactly what she wanted. Cheer up, buttercups!' 'I suppose you're right', Maya mumbled. 'But don't think I'll ever be saying that sentence ever again.' Josh grinned. 'Whatever, love', he told her.

Riley and Lucas were still not convinced. 'Guys', Maya started, 'you're relationship has already been really problematic. No need to make it worse.' Both Riley and Lucas scowled at her. 'See, already looking like a couple again', Maya pointed out.

'They're right', Riley and Lucas then said in unison. 'Jinx!' they then both exclaimed. 'Jinx again!' Maya face-palmed herself. 'It's getting a little bit too Frozen in here, if you know what I'm sayin'.' Riley giggled. 'Hey, we should watch that movie together!' she said to Lucas. 'We have already watched it together about six times', Lucas replied. 'So...?' Lucas shrugged. 'We'll watch it when we get back to the mansion', he told her, glad their fighting had stopped.

Fifteen minutes later, Amanda was back with their food. After having placed the cheeseburgers on the table, she spoke up. 'I want to apologize for earlier. I did not mean for anyone to get upset.' 'Thanks, Amanda', Lucas replied. 'That's really cool of you to do.' He did not see the triumphant look Amanda gave Riley. Riley squirmed in her seat, not knowing what to do. It was obvious that Amanda was not being genuine, with her giving Riley all these mean looks. But Lucas didn't notice all of that, and if Riley now put the girl in her place, the Texan boy would think of his girlfriend as immature and rude. That's why she said, 'Yes, very cool of you indeed, Amanda. Can I ask you for a favor?' Amanda was caught off guard by Riley's behaviour. 'Um, yeah, I guess.' 'Great', Riley replied sweetly, before taking her phone and giving it to Amanda. 'Could you please take a picture of us?'

Riley pulled Lucas close to her for the picture. Well, maybe it wasn't just for the picture. She wanted to make sure that Amanda knew that Lucas wasn't interested. And judging by the look on the waitress' face when she snapped the picture, the plan had worked.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the new chapter. Thank you all so much for reading! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, I appreciate it so much. I wish you all an amazing day :)


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