Girl Meets Rest of My Life

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When the two couples had returned to the mansion, Lucas pulled Riley aside. 'Can we talk?' he asked softly. Riley nodded. 'Of course we can.' Lucas led her towards the balcony on the back of the mansion, where they could talk in a more private setting, as opposed to opting for the living room, where a bunch of other people were already hanging out.

Leaning back against the balcony's railing, Lucas cleared his throat before speaking. 'I think we should talk about what happened today.' Riley frowned. 'Are you talking about what happened with that Amanda girl?' she asked him. 'Yes and no', Lucas replied, which only confused Riley more. 'Please do explain', the brunette girl said. Lucas decided not to beat around the bush, but just tell his Riley what had been on his mind. 'I sometimes feel like you don't really trust me', he told her. Riley bit her lip. 'And judging from the look on your face, I am right to feel that way', Lucas added. Riley shook her head. 'No', she said. 'I mean, well, I guess there's a little bit of truth in there, but...' 'But what, Riley? I want to know why you feel like you can't fully trust me', Lucas said, not sounding angry, but rather sad, and worried. 'Might as well tell you then', Riley muttered. She sat down on one of the sunbeds, and Lucas followed her actions.

'Do you remember our school formal?' Riley asked her boyfriend. 'I remember our kiss that night', Lucas answered. Riley took a deep breath. 'Yeah... Well, um, you were there with Emily, and Charlie Gardner was my date.' Lucas cringed a little, recalling how he had to watch Riley dance with somebody that wasn't him. 'Right', the Texan boy said.

'Um, so Charlie might not have exactly been my first choice as a date for the dance', Riley said truthfully. Lucas raised his eyebrows in surprise. 'Who did you want as your date then?' he asked. Riley looked him in the eyes. 'I think you know.' Lucas didn't know what to say, so he waited until Riley confirmed what he was suspecting. 'I wanted to ask you, Lucas. My feelings for you... They never completely vanished. I was so confused for a long time. I didn't know what I was feeling. We had broken up, but every single time I caught your eye, my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't talk to you without blushing, or without shivers shooting down my spine. I couldn't look into your eyes without getting lost in them. I couldn't do anything with you, and there was nothing I could do about those feelings. Or so I thought for a while. Maya found out about me still liking you, and told me there was a chance you still liked me too. She helped me find the courage to confess my feelings to you. I genuinely thought that I still had a chance with you - be it a small one. I was ready to tell you I was still in love with you. Not a day went by that I did not daydream about asking you to the formal. I had everything I was going to say planned out in my head. Then reality came and ruined everything. I was about to tell you, but then I saw you with Emily. You were smiling, and I just...' Riley swallowed hard, all the bad feelings rushing back to her. 'I just gave up. I was going to tell you I loved you, and then you broke my heart without even knowing it', she finished.

Lucas felt an ache in his chest as Riley was telling the story, and tears were stinging in his eyes. 'I... I can't believe I did that to you', he said. 'Is that why you were so upset about earlier today when Amanda tried to make a move on me?' Lucas asked. Riley nodded slowly, looking down. 'I was crushed when I found out about you and Emily. I had let my guard drop, and ended up getting my heart broken. And now, I can feel myself falling for you again. I mean, I am already gone for you, but it is getting more serious now. I really, really love you, Lucas. And I am afraid that I'll end up getting hurt all over again - and even worse this time around.'

Lucas shook his head as he put his arm around Riley and pulled the girl close to his chest. 'You will never have to worry about that, because I promise you right here and right now that I will never, ever hurt you again', he told the girl sincerely. 'I love you so much, Riley. You're my clumsy, crazy-but-in-a-good-way, sweet, loving, caring, smart, beautiful, amazing, unicorn-obsessed girlfriend. There's no one in the world I love more. When you enter a room, the world just seems to light up. I can't imagine a time where I don't want you right next to me. I want to experience every single moment with you by my side - the good, the bad, everything. I know we're still so young, but I already know that I want to spent my life with you, Riley. That is, if you want that too, of course.'

'There's nothing I want more', Riley told him, before closing the distance between them, and locking their lips.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this serious, but also quite fluffy Rucas chapter. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, it means a so much to me <3 I wish you all a truly amazing day!


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