Girl Meets Lost Connections

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'Where's Emily?' Riley asked hesitantly as she walked over to the pool, where Lucas was. His girlfriend and Maya were nowhere to be seen. Lucas looked up, surprised at her question. 'I don't know', he replied. 'I think she'll be here soon.' 'Oh.' Riley remained where she was, standing a couple feet away from the pool. When Lucas noticed she wasn't going to say anything else, he cleared his throat. 'Care to join me?' he asked her carefully. He had no idea how she was going to respond. The boy was already in the water. 'Um...' was all Riley could say. When she saw he looked down, she quickly added, 'I guess it won't hurt if I do.' Lucas then looked up again and gave her a small smile. 'Gosh, I forgot how hot it could be here, after spending the whole year in New York', Riley said. Lucas chuckled. 'Yeah. Me too.' Both of them were surprised at how well the conversation was going. 'Ooh, this feels great!' Riley exclaimed as she stepped into the pool and the cold water hit her. She let out a deep sigh. 'Pretty great, right?' Lucas said as he swam a few laps. 'Mm', was Riley's reply. At the end of the pool, Lucas stopped swimming so Riley could catch up with him. 'Riley, I need to talk to you about something...' Riley smoothed her wet hair with her hand. 'Don't', she told him. 'You don't know what I was going to say.' 'I do', she said. 'You want to talk about what happened before we went to Hawaii. How you weren't sure if you should go and asked my permission. That's what you wanted to talk about?' 'How-?' 'I know you', Riley told him. Lucas fell silent. 'I understand why you said what you said, Lucas. No hard feelings.' 'There's something else as well that I-' 'Lucas!' a voice then interrupted him. 'Sorry to have kept you waiting.' A brunette girl ran towards the pool. Emily. 'That's okay.' He turned to Riley as Emily approached them. 'Can we talk lat-' 'Yeah, sure', Riley cut him off, and she started swimming again.

An hour later, Riley was enjoying the sun as she rested on one of the sunbeds. It had been fun swimming. Well, not at first, when she had only been with Lucas and Emily. But as soon as Maya joined them, Riley could finally relax. The others had left the pool and were now in the mansion. At least, some of them. 'Can I sit down?' somebody asked Riley. She opened her eyes and looked right into Lucas'. He was pointing at the sunbed next to her. 'Sure', Riley said softly. 'Thanks', Lucas said as he sat down. 'You remember before, um, when we were in the pool and I wanted to tell you something?' Riley nodded. She closed her eyes again, but listened to every word that came out of his mouth. 'Well, I just wanted to say. Um... Emily isn't the bitch you think she is. I know she hasn't been treating you all that well, and that situation with the dress was just...' He cleared his throat. 'I know she can be mean sometimes, but maybe you two don't know each other well enough. Maybe you can be friends.' Riley processed all of this. She hadn't known what to expect when Lucas had told her he wanted to ''tell her something else as well''. 'I don't think your girlfriend wants to be my friend.' 'She's not my... Well, she is, but...' 'But what?' Riley asked him. Lucas bit his lip. 'But what, Lucas?' Riley repeated her question softly. 'But I... I just don't want you to think badly of her, that's all', he said, letting out a deep breath. 'That's what you wanted to tell me?' Riley asked. 'Yes.' Riley stood up from the sunbed. 'It was good talking to you. Um... I think I'm gonna go look for Maya, okay?' Lucas nodded. She then started to walk away. 'Riley?' She turned around. 'Yes?' she said, confused at why she sounded hopeful to hear something from him, even though she didn't know exactly what she wanted him to say. 'I, um, I'm glad we...' He didn't know how to finish his sentence. But he didn't need to. Riley understood. 'Me too', she told him. And then she turned and walked to the mansion. Lucas stared at her, not once averting his gaze before she had entered the massive building and shut the glass doors behind her.

Hi everyone :) Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you all liked it! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, it means a lot to me! I hope to update soon, since this chapter wasn't very long. I wish you all an amazing day! :)


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