Girl Meets Awkward Encounters, part I

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Three days passed and the wedding was approaching. There were only four more days left until Shawn and Katy's big moment. Maya was getting more and more excited.

'And it's so weird', she told Riley. 'I was always so worried about my Mom falling in love again, but now I feel no worries at all', she admitted. Riley smiled. 'That's because your mother and Shawn are meant for each other', she said to Maya. 'In just a few days I'll be Maya Hunter', Maya said happily, and let out a deep sigh. 'Well, actually you'll be Maya Hunter-Clutterbuck-' Lucas started to say, but Maya cut him off. 'I'll kick your ass, Ranger Rick!' she warned him. Riley chuckled. Josh, who was just entering the room, put his arm around Maya. 'That's my girl', he said, laughing. Maya blushed a little when he called her 'his girl'.

'So, what are today's plans?' Riley asked curiously. 'Oh, I'm spending the day with my Mom', Maya replied. 'Yeah, and I'm going with her', Josh added. 'What about you?' Riley asked Lucas carefully. 'Probably going to the beach with Emily. She has been wanting to go again for a couple of days now. I don't know why, though.' Riley nodded. 'Okay.' 'Man, that girl sure loves the ocean', Josh said. 'I mean, you've been to the beach for, like, a gazillion times.' Lucas shrugged.

'Farkle, Smackle, Zay and Vanessa will be there too. Wanna join us, Riley?' Lucas asked. 'Um, yeah, sure. That'd be great', Riley answered. Lucas gave her a small smile. 'Well, we're leaving in five', he told her. 'Then I'd better get ready', Riley said. 'Say hi to Shawn and Katy for me', she told Maya and Josh. 'And have fun', she added, before going upstairs. 'Will do. You have fun too', Maya replied.

Not much later, Riley was on her way to the beach with some of her friends. She was surprised that Emily hadn't made some snarky comment about her joining yet. The girl sure had been acting a little differently lately. It was a big relief for Riley, who was currently walking next to Farkle.

'So, what've you been up to lately?' she asked him. 'Not much. Why are you asking?' Riley shrugged. 'I feel like we haven't spent that much time together the last couple of days', she explained. Farkle nodded. 'I suppose you're right. We should hang out more', he told her, smiling. 'I agree', Riley said.

The group had reached the beach and searched for a spot to put the bags they were carrying. 'Pff... it's so hot', Lucas said as he let his his backpack fall on the soft sand. 'Stop complaining!' Emily told him, nudging her boyfriend playfully. 'Ah, today's such a great day', she said, looking at the blue sky. 'Is everything alright with that girl?' Zay whispered to Vanessa, while raising one eyebrow. Vanessa shook her head. 'Not sure', she told him.

'Well, I'm ready for some ice cream', Smackle said, and everyone turned to her. 'We just had breakfast', Farkle said. 'I'm a girl', Smackle told him, 'and I love me some good food.' Zay shrugged. 'I'm down for ice cream and I ain't no girl', he said, causing everyone to laugh, even Emily. 'I can go get us some ice cream', Riley offered. 'Oh, that's fine. You can stay here, I'll get some', Emily told her. Riley was surprised once more by Emily's new behavior. 'You can't carry everything alone', Lucas said. 'I can help you.' Emily shook her head. 'Riley and I can go together.' 'We can?' Riley asked carefully. 'Of course we can!' Emily explained. 'C'mon.'

The two girls walked over to the nearby kiosk, Riley still stunned. They were silent the whole walk there. When they finally reached their destination, Riley found herself surprised for the third time that day. She saw a familiar boy behind the counter. Before she could say anything, Emily did. 'Hey Evan!' she greeted the hazel-eyed boy. 'I didn't know you work here', she said. Evan smiled. 'Hi, Emily', he replied. He then spotted Riley next to her. 'Riley?' he asked in a surprised tone. 'Hello Evan', the girl said. Everyone looked at each other, clearly wondering how they were all connected. 'Um, we were just getting some ice cream', Riley said. 'Although breaking the ice is something I would prefer right now', she added, chuckling lightly.

'Evan? You know Riley?' Emily knew the boy knew Lucas, but him also knowing Riley had not crossed her mind a single time. 'Yeah. We, um, met last year when she was on a holiday here.' Riley nodded. 'Oh. That's... nice', Emily said. Everyone looked at the ground and thought about what had happened. Things had just gotten a whole lot more complicated.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the chapter. More is coming soon! Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters, I really appreciate it :) I wish you all a great day, and by the way, I'm really sorry about over-using the word ''surprised'' in this chapter ;D


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