Girl Meets Texts

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Hi everyone :) This isn't the usual chapter, but I wanted to make one of text messages between members of the group! It takes place during their first evening/night in Hawaii.

Smackle & Farkle

S: Save me!

F: What's wrong, Isadora?

S: Emily. I don't want to be rude, but I hate sharing a room with her.

F: ?

S: Well, she puts her clothes literally everywhere. There are dresses draped over every single chair, our whole closet is filled with her stuff... She's driving me crazy! And she has nothing nice to say about Riley :(

F: What did she say?

S: Not much. But ugh, why did I have to share a room with her of all people?

F: I'd offer you to stay in my room, but...

S: I know. Not really an option, but thanks though.

F: Wanna go to the living room and talk for a little bit?

S: Nah, it's late. A girl with my brain should have her sleep :P

F: Of course haha. Well goodnight :)

S: Goodnight, my former arch Nemesis. And thanks for your support ♥

F: No problem!

S: Oh my God, I just send a heart-emoji.

S: Feelings! How do you get rid of 'em?

S: Farkle?

S: Honey?

S: Oh my God. Someone help me!

Riley & Maya

R: Maya, are you still awake?

M: Yep.

R: I can't sleep. Wanna play a game?

M: Riley, I am literally right next to you. Why the texts?

R: Dunno.

M: Okay... What game do you want to play?

M: Riles?

M: Hello? You still there?


M: Did you just fall asleep?

M: Figures.

Maya & Josh

M: Hey!

J: Hi :) You still up? I thought girls were always so keen on their ''beauty rest'' ;)

M: I was almost asleep, until Riley started texting me.

J: Don't you two share a room together?

M: Yes.

J: Girls...

M: I'm so tired, but I'm fully awake too. You get me?

J: I get you.

M: :)

J: Are you looking forward to tomorrow?

M: I sure am! But not as much as I'm looking forward to the wedding. I can't wait!

J: Me neither. I'm so glad they're getting married. I'm really happy for you, Babe.

M: Oh God no, not ''Babe'' again!

J: As I recall, you started this whole thing.

M: Did not!

J: Did too!

M: Okay, maybe I did.

J: Haha

M: I'm going to try to sleep.

J: You should. If you're still awake in a while, you can always text me ;)

M: If I'm still awake in five minutes, I'm gonna get my revenge on Riles tomorrow.

J: Good idea haha. Good night Maya ♥

M: Good night Josh! ♥

Vanessa & Zay

Z: Hey ;)

V: Isaiah Babineaux, it's midnight and if you're not asleep in ten minutes, I will personally come to your room and make you sleep.

Z: Is that a promise?

V: Goodbye.

Z: I was just kidding.

Z: Love you♥

Z: I have already been waiting five minutes on a response! I'm so embarrassed right now.

V: Yeah yeah, love you too, you silly :)


I hope you liked this chapter, even though it wasn't like the regular ones! Than

Thank you all for reading, and a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters. I really appreciate everyone's support :D I wish you all an awesome day!


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