Girl Meets Mother

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After her friends had gone, Riley sat alone on her bed. She didn't feel like sitting in the bay window. Especially not with Maya. Her friend hadn't done anything wrong, but she preferred being alone for a little while. Maya, thoughtful as always, had suggested she'd stayed over, but Riley had shook her head in a 'no' at the offer. She now was replaying every single moment of the past few days in her head. A part of her felt humiliated. She had just told Maya about her lingering feelings for Lucas, while he was talking about how he was going to ask out that stupid girl. Riley had never had any problems with Emily, but she now felt a little bit of resentment toward the girl. Maybe if she'd asked him sooner... Doesn't matter, she told herself. He wouldn't have said 'yes' anyway. 'God, I'm such an idiot', Riley said. At that moment, Topanga entered her room. 'Dinner's ready', she said. She frowned as she looked at Riley and saw her daughter's sad expression. 'Everything alright, sweetie?' Riley shrugged. 'Yeah, I'm fine', she managed to say. She didn't feel like lying to her Mom, but what choice did she have? 'You can tell me if anything's going on?' Okay. That option was there, too. 'It's nothing important, Mom', Riley told her. Topanga approached her daughter and sat down next to her on the bed. The duvet was fluffy and colorful. She loved it; it suited Riley. Topanga gave her a look that said, You can tell me anything. No matter how important or unimportant it is. 'There's this boy', Riley began. 'I like him. A lot. And I wanted to ask him to the school dance, but I just found out he's gonna ask somebody else.' Topanga looked at her sympathetically. 'Aw, sweetie, that sucks.' 'Mom!' Riley exclaimed. 'You're not supposed to cuss in front of me.' While she said it, she had to laugh a little, because it was so unlike her Mom. 'This boy, he hasn't asked the other girl yet?' 'No', Riley said with a frown. She didn't get why this piece of information was of any value. 'Then you still have time to ask him', Topanga said. 'I can't do that! He likes that other girl.' 'Maybe he just sees her as a friend. You'll never know if you don't ask him.' Riley bit her lip, considering if she might still had the chance to ask Lucas. 'It's really not important, Mom. By the way, Lucas will say 'no' anyway.' 'Hold on', Topanga said shocked. 'This is about Lucas?' Riley looked at the ground. She'd said too much. 'Maybe... A little.' Topanga took a deep breath and let Riley's words sink in. 'You like Lucas? As in, your ex-boyfriend?' Riley nodded. 'I know, it's stupid and-' 'No, darling, it's not stupid. It's love.' 'Well, then love is stupid', Riley stated. 'It can be', Topanga admitted. 'But it can also be the most wonderful thing in the world. But you have to do something for it. Why don't you tell Lucas how you feel?' 'I just can't, Mom. Me and Lucas... Lucas and I... it's done.' 'It doesn't have to be', Topanga tried, but Riley's look said everything. 'We should go downstairs', Riley said. 'I thought you said dinner was ready.' She stood up from the bed and left the room, her mother watching her with a worried look in her eyes.

Hi everybody :) I hope you liked this new chapter :) Thank you for reading. And a special thanks to those who have voted on previous chapters, I really appreciate it! I wish you all an awesome day :D


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