Girl Meets the Moment

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When they had discussed their ideas for today's plans over breakfast, they all had had different kinds of proposals. Even after a whole hour, they couldn't come to an agreement. Farkle sighed. 'This shouldn't be so hard', he said. Everyone nodded. Riley, Lucas and Maya had wanted to go to the beach, but Zay hadn't been so fond of that idea. Emily opted for shopping, but, except for Vanessa, no one had even seemed remotely interested. Then, Farkle, to everyone's surprise, came up with the idea to go zip-lining, just like last year. But the others wanted to have a more relaxed first day. They would go on adventures later.

'Well, since we obviously can't agree on one single thing, I think we should just go our separate ways.' Even though the group had originally planned on doing something together, while the adults were busy planning the wedding, this seemed like a good idea. When everyone agreed on Josh's plan, he walked over to Maya. 'Would you like to accompany on a beautiful walk on the beach?' he asked her, remembering how she had wanted to go to the ocean. Maya nodded. 'I'd love to', she told him. Josh smiled.

'I wanna go take some pictures of the island today', Farkle announced. Haven't done much of that last year.' 'Sounds great. I'll join you', Smackle said. 'Hey', Maya spoke to Farkle, 'could you show me the photos afterwards? I've been meaning to get back to drawing, but I haven't been inspired lately.' Farkle nodded. 'Sure, Maya.' Riley sat up straight. 'Guys, would you mind if I joined you?' she asked Farkle and Smackle. 'Not at all', the couple said in unison. 'Yeah, it sounds like fun', Vanessa then said. 'Zay, what do you think?' she asked her boyfriend. 'Well, if they don't mind, we could-' 'Of course we don't mind', Smackle interrupted him. 'The more the merrier', she added. At first, she had felt a little secluded, like she was the outsider of the group. Lately, though, it felt more like a second family. It gave her a warm feeling she couldn't quite explain, but she knew she liked it.

'It is a good way to explore the island. We probably haven't seen everything yet', Lucas said. He turned to Emily. 'We could-' 'I feel like going to the beach', Emily said bluntly. 'Oh, okay', Lucas said, a little disappointed. 'You can still join us, Lucas', Zay told his friend. Lucas looked at Emily, who was not at all amused with this comment. 'No, it's fine. I think I'll go to the beach. I mean, the ocean is nice. It's great weather...' Riley shot him a sympathetic look. When their eyes met, Lucas looked away almost immediately. Emily put his arms around him. 'It'll be so much fun, babe', she cooed. Maya rolled her eyes. Riley normally would've laughed with her friend at the use of the word 'babe', which she knew Maya hated, but not this time. This was about Lucas. Lucas! Maybe it was for the best that he wouldn't be joining them on their trip...

'See you later guys', Maya said cheerfully, as she left the mansion twenty minutes later, her hand holding Josh's. As their fingers intertwined, she felt a flutter in her stomach and wondered if he had the same feeling. It wasn't a long walk to the beach. It felt great walking along the familiar road she'd walked so many times last time she was on the island. As she breathed in the fresh island air and felt the soft summer breeze brushing through her hair, she could feel all of the stress and problems from the past year sliding off her. 'I'm so glad to be here', Josh suddenly said. Maya looked at the ocean that she could see glistening in the distance. 'Yeah. Kauai truly is beautiful.' Josh shook his head. 'That's not what I meant. I mean, I'm so glad to be here. With you.' Maya's cheeks turned pink. 'I'm glad too', she told him. They stopped walking at the same time and turned to face each other. They both leaned in and after a few seconds, their lips met. Now, the butterflies in Maya's stomach went crazy, fluttering all over the place. The kiss with Josh, combined with the breathtaking venue... The moment was perfect. Without any warning, Josh lifted Maya up, so that they were piggyback riding. Maya laughed as she clamped onto him, while he started walking towards the beach. Yeah, she thought. The moment really is perfect.

Hi everyone :D I hope you liked the new chapter! I wanted to add some Joshaya to the story, since there hasn't really been much of that so far. Thank you so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters! I appreciate you support so much :) I wish you all a day that is as amazing as Josh and Maya's!


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