Girl Meets Group Chat

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Riley added Maya, Smackle, Vanessa, Emily, Lucas, Farkle, Josh, and Zay to the chat.

Riley: Hiii everyone!!

Vanessa: Hey girl!

Zay: what's this?

Riley: Maya, please explain to them.

Maya: Alright. So, we wanted to do something special for my parents to celebrate their marriage and to thank them for bringing us to this beautiful island.

Zay: and you could just say that to us? we're all in the same room, ya know.

Riley: NO! This is more secretive and spy-like.

Zay: Okay...

Maya: Anyone any suggestions on a gift?

Zay: I have one.

Lucas: A monkey that bakes you cupcakes everyday is not an option, Zay.

Zay: why did you think I was even gonna say that?

Lucas: Well, were you?

Zay: ...maybe

Lucas: Called it.

Maya: Okay, so anyone any NORMAL suggestions?

Zay: Ouch. that hurt my pride

Maya: You didn't even have any pride to begin with.

Zay: double ouch.

Lucas: I have an idea.

Maya: Oh great, the amazing Huckleberry is here to teach us his ways of getting someone something special. Do enlighten us all, oh almighty Ranger Rick.

Lucas: Do you always have to be so rude and sarcastic to me?

Maya: Yes. You should feel honored.

Lucas: I'm not.

Maya: Not my problem.

Smackle: Please stop bickering, you two!

Farkle: Yes, sugar plum. You tell them!

Smackle: Sugar plum? Seriously, Mr. Minkus?

Farkle: What? You said you wanted us to have nicknames for one another like most couples do.

Smackle: Yes, but not sugar plum. You can do better than that, honey bear.

Farkle: Honey bear is way worse.

Josh: They're equally awful. Why not go for something simple like ''baby''?

Maya: Oh here we go again with the ''baby'' thing. You know I hate that nickname.

Josh: This isn't even about you, baby.

Maya: Well, Smackle, at least you're not dating some eighty year old man who thinks calling someone ''baby'' is cute.

Josh: Yeah, and Farkle, at least you're not dating a three-year-old.

Maya: Excuse me?

Emily: *Aca-scuse me?

Maya: What?

Emily: I just really like the movie Pitch Perfect. I'm gonna go now, bye.

Maya: Great. Now I have forgotten what I was about to rant about.

Zay: it was about Josh calling you a three-year-old and ''baby''.

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