Girl Meets Wedding Plans

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'God, I wish school was over already', Maya sighed as she climbed into Riley's bedroom through the bay window on a Wednesday morning. Riley was already waiting for her. 'Only a few more weeks', she told Maya. 'That's too many. I want holiday now!' Riley patted her friend on the shoulder. 'Girls, are you ready for breakfast?' Topanga called from downstairs. 'Just a sec', Riley replied. 'Do we have to go?' Maya asked. 'I'm afraid we do. Come on, get up', Riley said as she offered Maya a hand. She took it and they walked to the kitchen together.

'Smells delicious', Riley said as she sat down. Topanga placed a plate full of pancakes on the table. The girls, Riley's parents and Auggie were enjoying their food, when they were interrupted by a door opening. 'Hey, family!' someone called cheerfully. A tall guy with dark brown hair entered the room. Cory immediately rose from his chair and greeted the boy with the usual 'My brother!' The boy, Josh, answered with, 'My brother!' He then walked over to Maya and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled at him as he sat down at the table as well. 'I just ran into Shawn', Josh said. 'He was wondering if he could come by later this evening.' 'Of course he can!' Cory said. 'Oh, and he asked me if it was okay if he invited a few others too', Josh added. Cory nodded. 'Wait', Topanga said, 'He asked if he could invite people to our  apartment? That's... Well, I don't know. It's Shawn, I guess.' She laughed. 'Josh, do you want some pancakes too?' Josh shook his head. 'No, I've already eaten breakfast. But thanks for the offer. I actually just stopped by to do what Shawn asked me to do.' 'And it gave you an excuse to see Maya and give her a smooch', Auggie said. Everyone turned to him, eyes wide open. 'Auggie!' Riley and Topanga exclaimed in unison. 'What?' he asked, confused. 'It's true. He just did.' Maya was quiet and looked down at her plate, her cheeks turning bright red. A few months ago, she would've laughed it away, but now... Riley could see something was bothering her best friend. 'I think we should go', she announced. 'Otherwise we'll be late for school.' Maya looked at her, grateful for this escape. 'Bye!' And then they were out the door. Maya may have not wanted to go to school, but now, she was glad she was able to leave.

Riley had planned to ask Maya what was going on when the door had closed behind them, but she decided not to. What if Maya didn't want to talk about it? Maybe it was nothing. She decided to let it rest for a little while. She went for another question instead. 'So, how's your Mom doing?' 'She's doing great', Maya replied, and, for the first time that day, a smile appeared on her face. 'She seems really happy with Shawn. They're planning the big wedding.' Riley smiled. 'Aw, that's great! I'm really glad they are doing this.' Maya nodded. 'Me too. I'm going to have a Dad again.' Riley put an arm around her and pulled her close. 'Well, it's not like I don't see him as a father now. I mean, I don't need to have it written on paper to make it feel like he is, but... It'll make it official, you know?' She didn't need to ask. Riley understood.

When the girls arrived at school, they found their other friend huddled together by the lockers. 'Hi, guys', Riley said. Lucas, Farkle and Zay turned towards her and Maya. 'Oh, um, hi', Lucas said. The other two boys greeted the girls as well. 'I need to go to the bathroom before the bell rings', Riley said. 'Do you want me to come with you?' Maya asked her. 'Nope, I'm all good', she replied before hurrying towards the nearest bathroom. She stepped into one of the stalls and closed the door behind her. She just stood there for a few seconds before the tears came. Her sobbing was the only sound in the usually silent bathroom. The warm, wet tears kept streaming down her cheeks. It was only after a few minutes, when the bell rang and she had to go to class, that she took a pack of tissues out of her back and dried her tears. 'Get it together, Riley', she told herself, before opening the door and stepping out of the stall. She looked at her reflection in the bathroom's mirror. Her eyes were a little red, but it wouldn't be all that noticeable. She brushed back a strand of hair and took a deep breath before walking into the school's halls. First period was English class. When she arrived, her friends were already there. Get it together, act normal, a voice in her head said when she sat down next to Maya. Act normal, act like you're okay, even though you aren't. Not even a little bit.

Hours passed by and school was finally over. At least, for the day. The group of friends went to Riley's apartment as it had turned out that Shawn had invited Lucas, Farkle and Zay. Smackle would also be coming. 'Riley, do you have a moment? I need to talk to you.' Riley turned to the person who'd addressed her. 'Um, sure, Lucas', she said. She tried to sound confident, even though her legs felt week and her hands were trembling. 'Alone?' she asked, when he started walking away. Riley looked at the others, who were standing next to her. 'If you don't mind', Lucas said. 'No, it's fine, I guess. I'll be right back', she told Maya, who looked concerned.

'About us', was the first thing Lucas had said when he and Riley were finally alone. Riley had been dreading this conversation for a long time now. And here she was, with him, having it. 'Lucas, there's no ''us'' anymore, you know that.' Lucas bit his lip. 'I do know that, but something just doesn't feel right. We broke up a long time ago and I thought we could be friends, but we still act weird around each other.' Riley felt the tears coming again, but this time she held them back. She wouldn't cry in front of him. She wouldn't admit that... 'You're right. This isn't working.' 'Wait', Lucas said. 'That's not what I meant. I want you as a friend, but I can't see why it won't work.' Riley could have told him a lot that moment. Like the way she felt. How just seeing him made her sad. But only one thing came out of her mouth: 'Maybe we shouldn't be friends, then.' 'What do you mean?' 'Lucas...' Riley sighed. It took her a lot of strength to continue with what she was about to say to him. 'We can't pretend to be friendly with each other, when we're... I don't know what we are, but it's not fair to us or the others! Maybe we just need some time to think.' 'What's there to think about? Riley, I can't even imagine losing you!' The tears were like a river trying to break through a dyke. Only Riley wasn't as strong and she knew that if she didn't away from him soon, the tiniest crack could cause her to break. 'I'm just saying I think we need some time and space.' 'So, you don't want to talk to me anymore?' 'I'm sorry', Riley said. 'But no, not for now, at least. I think it's the best option for all of us.' 'What about hanging out with our friends? We'll be together when we're with them.' Riley started turning away from him. 'We can still hang out with them. But I don't want us to act like friends when clearly, we're not even close to becoming anything like that anytime soon.' Lucas stared at her as she walked away from him, before leaving as well. He put a smile on his face as he approached his friends. A smile only he knew, was fake. 'You okay?' Maya asked Riley, who was less than a foot away from him. 'Yeah', she told her. 'I'm fine.'

'Dearest friends and family', Shawn began when all the people he'd invited where together in the Matthews' home. 'I'm so glad we're all here, together. None of this would've happened without my beautiful fiancé, Katy Hart.' He shot her a smile, which she returned. 'We wanted to bring all of you together to announce our wedding. Almost a year ago, I asked this lovely woman to marry me. And she said yes, making me the luckiest man alive. But standing here, I realize that everyone single one has helped me to become the person I am now. And I couldn't be more grateful for that. I want to share this moment with you when Katy and I...' He gestured for her to come stand next to him. ...'invite all of you to come to Hawaii with us to celebrate our wedding.' People cheered. Were excited. Didn't think of what came with returning to the island. Many memories. Riley looked up at Lucas and met his eyes. Both of them were in shock. Revisiting the place they'd become boyfriend and girlfriend... 'That's great!' Riley suddenly said as she averted her gaze and walked over to Shawn and Katy. 'It's going to be amazing!' But the lump in her throat told her otherwise.

Hi everyone :) It's the first chapter of the new book, and I'm so excited! I hope you all liked it and I hope that you're going to like this book! Thank you so much for reading and thanks again for all of your support throughout the first part, Girl Meets Hawaii! I wish you all a great day :D


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