Girl Meets the New Couple

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''Maya will you be my girlfriend?'' Those words were repeating their selves in Maya's mind. 'J-Josh', she carefully said, not wanting to ruin this moment, the moment that seemed so fragile, like it would break immediately if she said something she wasn't supposed to. 'A-are you really asking me to be your girlfriend?' Josh's cheeks turned bright red. He felt uncomfortable. Not because he felt awkward having asked her that question, no, he really, really liked Maya. He was uncomfortable because he had hoped she'd say 'yes' right away, while, right now, she wasn't giving him much of an answer.

'Y-yeah', Josh replied, stuttering. 'I am.' Just when he almost gave up all hopes of her saying ''yes'' and not rejecting him, Maya spoke up again. 'God', she said. 'Finally.' She ran to him and practically jumped on top of him as she pulled him in for a hug and pressed her mouth against his. 'I thought you'd never ask', she said in between kisses.

'So I guess that's a yes?' Josh asked with a huge grin on his face. 'Of course!' Maya exclaimed. 'I will be your girlfriend', she added. Everyone looked at the new couple with a big smile plastered on their face.

'They're so cute', Riley whispered to Lucas, who nodded. 'I know, right? I'm so happy for them.' He looked directly in Riley's eyes and gave her a soft, sweet smile. When he was about to say something, Cory was suddenly standing in front of them. 'Maya and Josh are being very cute right now', he began. 'Unfortunately I can't do anything about that since Maya is not my child. But', he told Riley and Lucas, 'I will not take my eyes off of you two, not even for a minute! So Huckleberry', he continued, using Maya's nickname for Lucas, 'you better be good to my sweet and innocent child, or else! I be kicking yo butt back to Texas', he said with sass. 'Remember', he said, when Riley nor Lucas responded, 'I'm watching you! I promise you that I'll keep my eyes on you and I won't get distracted. I never do. I-'

'Who wants cake?' Katy called out, standing in front of the table on which a huge wedding cake was placed. Cory immediately turned towards the bride. 'Me!' he exclaimed enthusiastically. 'Er, sir', Lucas said. Cory turned back around to face the boy. 'What now, Lucas? I'm about to have the best cake of my life!' He quickly looked around in search of Topanga. When he saw his wife over at the table with Katy, he softly added, 'Don't tell Topanga that, though, she thinks I love whatever she it is she always bakes.' He shivered. 'It really is awful.' Lucas did not know how to respond, so he just said, 'I won't tell her. But, sir, you must know you just broke your promise... about a thousand times already in the last thirty seconds.' Cory looked surprised. 'What?' he asked, clearly confused. 'Oh, nothing, sir. Next time, don't forget to keep your eyes on me and Riley', he said with a playful wink.

'Dammit!' Cory mumbled as Riley and Lucas walked over to where Katy was cutting the cake and handing out pieces, laughing loudly.


Maya and Josh were sitting on the soft grass, each eating a piece of wedding cake. Normally, Maya would have taken more care with her dress, but today was a special day. She could let go a little bit.

'So', she began to say, 'you really caught me off guard earlier.' 'I did?' Josh asked. Maya nodded. 'Yeah. I had kinda been hoping you'd ask me to be your girlfriend for a while now. When you didn't, I assumed you were embarrassed of me or something like that. I thought that, maybe, I was too immature for you because of the age difference. Or that you'd be scared of what your friends would think of me', she admitted.

Josh shook his head. 'Maya', he said, looking at her lovingly, 'the only reason I waited so long to ask you, is because I wanted to make it special. You're an amazing girl and you deserve the best. I didn't want to just ask you over text or at the cinema back in New York. I wanted it to be something we could always remember, at someplace special at the right time. I figured there couldn't be a better place and time to do it than right now. I didn't realize what it felt like for you. You know, me not asking you after almost a year of dating. I'm so sorry I ever gave you those insecurities.' He took her hand. 'Truth is, Maya, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You are not immature at all. You can be so mature at times it surprises me. But you also have this more crazy, child-like side to you that I love, 'cause everyone should keep some of their youthfulness. And you could never, ever, embarrass me. If anything, I'd show you off to all of my friends so they could see how beautiful and smart and funny you are.'

'You mean that?' Maya asked softly. 'I do', Josh said truthfully. 'I love you', Maya told him. 'And I love you', Josh replied. They leaned in for a quick kiss.

'Josh?' Maya then asked. 'Yes?' 'What, in the name of God, is up with Matthews?' she said, as she burst into fits of laughter. He was intensely looking how his daughter, Riley, was talking to Lucas. The expression on his face was priceless. Josh chuckled. 'I can't believe he's my brother.' 'I can', Maya said. She stuck out her tongue at Josh. 'Y'all crazy', she told him. 'Well, at least I don't have family named Clutterbucket', he answered teasingly.

'Oh no, you did not just go there!' Maya said. 'Oh damn straight I did', Josh replied. 'I'd now like to throw my wedding cake in your face, but, you know, I love food to much', Maya said. 'I do know', he said, chuckling. 'Here, have my strawberry', he said as he pierced the fruit that served as the cake's decoration on his fork and put it on Maya's plate.

'Thank you', she said happily. 'I'm not forgetting about the Clutterbucket thing, though', she said jokingly. 'I know', Josh told her, 'I'm already expecting some big revenge plan. 'Oh, you just wait', Maya said, a devilish grin spreading on her face. Josh laughed. 'This is why I love you', he said before leaning in to give her yet another kiss. Because why not, right? Today was a special day.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked the new chapter. Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters! I'll try to add all of the ships in the next few chapters. That includes Rucas, Joshaya, Shawn/Katy, Corpanga, Smarkle, Zaynessa. AND another ship will be happening soon... I wish you all a lovely day! :D


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