Girl Meets the Dance(Girl Meets Loss)

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'You look amazing!' Maya exclaimed as soon as she'd spotted her friend Riley at the school's entrance. 'So do you', Riley said, smiling. Charlie, who was with her, awkwardly gave Maya and Josh a polite nod as a greeting, which they returned. Maya was holding Josh's hand. There had been some tension between them when he'd picked her up earlier that evening.

As soon as Maya had heard the doorbell ring, she rushed to the door. Before opening it, she took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled. She told herself it was going to be fine. Maya then opened the door. Josh stood in front of her. 'Hi', she said with a smile that was kind of rueful. 'Hey, Maya', Josh said. He sounded like he was nervous too. 'Um', he said, 'about last week...' 'Don't', Maya interrupted him, 'it's fine.' It wasn't, though, and he knew it. 'No, Maya, it isn't. I feel so bad for blowing you off and I want to make it up to you.' It was only then that Maya noticed the box he held in his hand. Josh opened it. Inside it was a beautiful corsage. It had light blue and white flowers that somehow managed to match Maya's dress. 'May I?' Josh asked as he put the corsage around her wrist. 'Josh... It's beautiful.' Maya still wasn't fully over what he'd done last week, but she appreciated the gesture. When he told her he couldn't come to the date because he was too busy, part of her had thought he didn't care all that much about her, but now... Maybe she'd been wrong. She let out a deep sigh. 'You don't like it?' Josh asked worriedly. 'No, no, I do', Maya quickly said. It had been a sigh of relief.
'You look beautiful, by the way', Josh told Maya as they were on their way to the school. 'Thank you', Maya replied, suddenly very self-conscious. 'You too', she said, her cheeks now showing the slightest hint of pink.

Back in the now, Farkle and Smackle had joined the group and they were complete. Lucas and Zay and their dates were already be inside. 'You alright?' Maya whispered to Riley. Riley gave her a confident nod. At least she hoped it was a confident, because on the inside, she was frightened. Maya took Riley's hand and squeezed it gently. 'I'll be right next to you', she said. She knew it had to be hard for her to see Lucas dancing with another girl.

They could hear the loud music even before they entered the school. The party was already in full swing when they arrived. It didn't take Riley long to spot Lucas. He was in the middle of the dance floor. Dancing with Emily. She let out deep breath before turning to Charlie to her friends. 'Who's ready to dance?'

'Riley?' a voice suddenly said. Riley turned around to the person who'd said her name with a big smile on her face. 'Vanessa!' she exclaimed, hugging her friend. 'How are you?' she asked her. 'Great! How about you?' 'Me too', Riley said, even though it wasn't one hundred percent true. 'It's so good to see you', she added. Vanessa nodded. 'Even though it's just been a few weeks, I missed you guys so much.'  After those words, she went on to greet Maya, Farkle, Josh and Smackle. Then she noticed Charlie. 'Hi', she said, extending her hand. 'I'm Vanessa', she said as he took her hand and shook it. 'Hi, I'm Charlie', Charlie said. She smiled politely. 'Where is Zay?' Maya asked Vanessa. 'He's with Lucas', Vanessa explained. She noticed Maya quickly glancing at Riley when she'd mentioned his name. 'Care to join me for a dance?' she asked, not sure what was going on. The girls nodded. Farkle and Smackle were off to dance too, for their very first time. That left Josh and Charlie. 'So... great party', Josh said. Charlie nodded. 'It sure is.' 'I like how, um, they decorated the gym and everything.' The party was held in the school's gym. 'Yeah.' Both boys stared at their feet, feeling equally as uncomfortable. 'Do you want something to drink?' Charlie asked after a while in an attempt to break the ice. 'Er, sure', Josh said hesitantly. He never had that much trouble communicating with people, but, even though he liked the guy, he didn't find talking to Charlie easy. When they got their drinks, they awkwardly lifted their cups filled with soda. 'Cheers', Josh said. 'Cheers', Charlie replied. Both boys finished their drinks in one gulp.

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