Girl Meets That Way

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It was raining when they arrived in New York. That only added to the group's already depressed state. They had been a little too optimistic, thinking they could travel in their Hawaii clothes, not checking the forecast for their home city.

'Ugh, it's raining, like, really hard', Lucas complained as he gazed out of one of the airport's large windows. 'Nope. That's just me shedding billions of tears because I won't see my girlfriend God knows how long', Zay said dramatically.

'I feel you, Zay', Emily told him, patting his shoulder. Last night had been wonderful. Dancing with Evan, kissing him, and not thinking about having to leave him in less than a day.

'If we weren't underage, we would be drinking our sorrow away', Zay said to her. Upon seeing Shawn's shocked and Topanga's stern look, he quickly said, 'But we aren't, of course.'

Satisfied with that comment, the adults went back to their conversation, while Zay and Emily tried not to think of how much they missed their girl- and boyfriend.

Riley let out a long sigh as she joined Lucas in front of the window, looking at her home city. 'I love New York, I really do', she said. 'But I can't help but feel like I just left home either.' Lucas placed his hand on her lower back, and lifted her chin. 'As long as you're with me, I don't give a damn about where I am.'

Riley stood on the tip of toes to peck his lips, smiling against his mouth. 'You're right', she said, her lips only a few inches removed from Lucas'. 'Although I must admit I would've preferred a warm welcome. Warm as in not freezing my fingers off.' Lucas laughed. 'It's not that cold', he told Riley. 'Compared to Hawaii it is', the brunette girl protested. 'You're such a drama queen', Lucas joked.

'Have I been summoned?' Josh asked at that moment, standing next to the couple, his left hand linked with Maya's right one. 'Did you really just call yourself a drama queen?' Maya asked him, quirking one eyebrow upwards.

'Yes, and I am proud of that', Josh replied, his head high. 'You're so weird', Maya told him. 'Sometimes I wonder why I am dating you.'

'It's 'cause I'm Uncle Boing. You simply can't resist me', Josh said. He leaned down to press a kiss to Maya's temple, before kissing her cheek, and then her nose, and finally softly pecking her nose.

'This is too much PDA for me', Riley announced. 'Oh, shut it', Maya told her. 'You literally met Lucas while sitting in his lap.' 'Touché', Riley said.

'Now, where were we?' Josh asked, before scattering gentle kisses all over Maya's cheekbones, then moving on to her jawline. 'Josh, babe, my parents are only a yards away.' Josh stepped away from her like he had just touched something scorching, a shocked look plastered on his face.

'What?' Maya asked, confused at his reaction. 'You- you...' Josh's eyes widened even further. 'You just called me babe', he said. 'No, I did not', Maya told him. 'Yes, you did. Rucas witnessed!' Josh shouted out excitedly.

'Rucas witnessed what?' Lucas asked. 'Maya calling me babe', Josh answered. Riley shrugged. 'I didn't hear anything, but if you say so...' From her tone, it was clear that she wasn't believing her uncle. 'Why are you saying it like that?' Josh asked. 'Maya really did call me babe.' 'Maya hates that word', Riley explained. 'She'd never use it.'

Josh's jaw dropped. 'You've got to be kidding me. Lucas, some help?' Lucas patted Josh on his back and said, 'I dunno man. Didn't hear anything either.' Josh was slowly growing frustrated. 'Why is no one believing me? Maya did call me babe!' he exclaimed. 'Sure Jan', Riley said with a wink.

Maya smiled brightly at her boyfriend. 'Sorry, Boing, you must be a little delusional. Maybe the flight shook you up.' 'Ugh, no more kisses for you then', Josh told her, to which Maya pouted. She put her arms around Josh's waist and tried to put on her doe-eyed look.

'I'm not falling for that', Josh told her, trying to look away, which was hard, what with Maya practically being suctioned to his body. 'One more kissie?' Maya asked sweetly, her lips still in a pout.

Riley gave her friend a strange look. 'I don't know who this Maya is, but she is scaring the hell out of me', she whispered to Lucas. 'I don't know, Riley. It's kind of nice to have her not being all tough and frightening for once. She's almost... soft', Lucas replied, not managing to keep his voice low enough for Maya not to hear. 'I will cut you, Ranger Roy', Maya hissed, trying to keep her tone sweet, her eyes not moving from Josh. Lucas raised both of his hands as a sign of surrender.

'I'm gonna miss it so much', Maya said all of a sudden. 'Miss what, love?' Josh asked her. 'Everything. The freedom you experience during a holiday. Always having you and the others near. The peace and quiet of the ocean... Being able to let everything go, even if it's just for a little while. And I like how special it is to now really have a father. I don't want for me to take that for granted someday. I don't want to get used to having a father so much that I stop being thankful for it every single day. And there's just something special, not being in New York. Like a new me of some sorts. I'm probably talking rubbish, but...'

'No, I understand', Josh told her, smiling at her warmly. 'You know what? The summer holidays aren't over yet. Remember how I promised you during our first trip to Hawaii that we'd go on that trip after the holiday was over? You haven't taken me up on that offer yet. How about we go somewhere for a few days? You and me', Josh suggested.

'I'd love that', Maya said. 'Good. Then you'd better start thinking of a destination', Josh told her, kissing her on her right cheek. Maya giggled. 'I thought you weren't going to give me any more kisses?' she said. 'Well, I changed my mind', Josh said, letting out a low chuckle. 'I'm glad you did', Maya told him. She cupped his cheeks with both of her hands, and guided him down so his lips could meet hers.

As their lips moved in sync, Maya could feel the butterflies in her belly pretty much exploding. Suddenly, everything around them disappeared. The sound of the rain ticking on the large windows couldn't be heard anymore, just like all of the other people had grown silent. The cold weather couldn't reach them any longer. It was just Josh and Maya. Maya and Josh. And she hoped it would always stay that way.

Hi everyone :) This was the last chapter before the epilogue. I hoped you all liked it! Thank you so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, I appreciate it a lot! I wish you all an incredibly great day :)


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