Girl Meets the Fight

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'We need to talk', was the first thing Lucas heard as soon as he entered the mansion, a little tired from the walk, but also feeling quite content. The person who was saying these words clearly wasn't. He looked up to see Emily, his girlfriend. While she did not exactly look mad, she didn't seem all too happy, either. 'Um, sure', Lucas said, feeling a little unsure and self-conscious since Riley, Maya and Josh were right behind him. 'Where do you want to talk?' Lucas asked Emily. 'Somewhere private', was all she said. 'Okay.' They walked up the stairs to the next floor and walked over to the bathroom.

'I don't think anyone's here', Lucas pointed out. Emily nodded. When they tried opening the door, they found it was locked. 'Anyone in there?' Lucas called. 'Um yeah', they heard someone say. They immediately recognized Zay's voice. 'And I'm gonna be in here for a while, so...' They heard barfing noises on the other side of the door. 'Zay, are you alright? Do you want me to come in and help you?' His question was followed by more barfing noises. 'No', they heard Zay say after a minute. 'I'll be fine. Just had some... bad fish', he said. 'Okay. Get well, buddy', Lucas told him. It sounded like Zay was about to thank him, but the fish had come back to him once more. 'Er... We should go somewhere else, maybe', Lucas said to Emily. 'No shit, sherlock', she replied. Lucas thought she sounded annoyed, but when he looked at her, he saw a small smile appearing on her face. They then chose to go to Lucas' bedroom, where - luckily - no one was at that moment.

'What did you want to talk to me about?' Lucas asked his girlfriend, who raised one eyebrow. 'Are you serious? Do you seriously have to ask?' Lucas bit his lip and looked at his feet. Emily sighed. 'I feel like things haven't... been going so well between us lately.' Lucas slowly nodded. 'I guess you're right.' Emily smoothed her hair. 'I talked to Evan about this today and-' 'Hold up', Lucas said, silencing her by holding his hand up. 'What do you mean, you talk to Evan about our situation?' 'I mean it like it said. That isn't a problem, right?' Now Lucas was raising his eyebrows. 'Seriously, Emily? You tell a stranger about our private situations and how things haven't been great of late? I can't believe this. And what were you doing with him anyway?' Emily crossed her arms over her chest. 'So now you're jealous? Because you never care when I talk to or hang out with another guy, but when Riley does it, you get all jealous. And it's not fair to lecture me about hanging out with Evan? He is not a stranger, he's a friend. And I can't hang out with a friend but you're allowed to be alone with your ex-girlfriend the whole freaking day!' Emily was practically shouting when she came to that last sentence. 'That's different, Riley is...' He stopped talking. Emily glared at him. 'Yeah, Lucas, what exactly is she? 'Cause I've been wondering that myself too.' Lucas bit his lip again. 'Can you, Lucas, look me in the eyes and tell me you have no feelings for Riley?' Emily asked. She wasn't shouting, she didn't sound angry anymore, no, the words sounded entirely different now. Lucas noticed her voice was laced with hurt. 'Emily...' he tried, but she turned away from him. 'I thought so', she said, before walking out the bedroom door. Lucas let out a deep sigh and let himself fall onto the bed.

On the way to her bedroom to get changed for dinner, Riley walk past Lucas' bedroom. She saw the boy sitting on his bed, looking tired and sad. 'Lucas?' she carefully asked. He didn't respond. He just sat there, looking straight ahead at something Riley could not see. 'Lucas?' she tried again. He turned his head slightly towards the brunette. 'Is everything... Are you alright?' It was a stupid question, she knew that, but she asked anyway. At first he slowly nodded, before sighing and shaking his head. He looked at the ground. Riley entered the room and sat down next to him. She felt awkward about this, even though they had been walking hand in hand just a few hours earlier. This seemed a little more close, a little more intimate. She shove her own feelings aside, thinking comforting Lucas was now more important. 'Do- Do you want to talk about it?' she said. He shrugged. 'I don't know', he told her. Riley thought he sounded hoarse. 'I don't know', he repeated, now sounding a little more like usual. 'If you ever want to-' Riley started to say, but she was interrupted by Lucas. 'Emily and I got into a fight', he blurted out. Riley's eyes widened in shock. At that moment, she wasn't thinking about how this could effect her in a positive way, she was only thinking about how bad she felt for the guy sitting next to her. 'Oh Lucas', she said, 'I'm so sorry. I know you really care for her.' Lucas was now looking right into her eyes. 'Thanks, Riley', he said. 'For, you know, being here.' Riley nodded. 'Of course', she told him. 'Always.' Without thinking too much about it, she put her arm around his shoulders. 'You'll be alright', she whispered to him. 'You two can fix this, I'm sure of it', she said. Lucas shook his head. 'I don't even know anymore. I-'

He stopped talking when he suddenly noticed standing right in front of him and Riley. He took in the person's features. Emily had returned. 'I knew it, Lucas. I knew it all along. I wanted to come back and make up, but I was right. You two do still have feelings for each other.' Emily usually was a tough girl - something she really liked about herself and admired herself for - but she now felt tears stinging in her eyes. 'Emily, please-' Lucas started to say. 'No, Lucas', Emily said, sounding cold. 'We're done.' 'Emily', Lucas tried again, but she didn't look at him and started walking away once more.

'Lucas, I am so sorry. If you want to go somewhere or talk about it, I-' Lucas cut her off again. 'Not now, Riley, please. Not now.' He stood up from the bed and slowly started walking out of the room zombie-like. She sighed and looked out of the bedroom's window. In the distance she could see the ocean glimmering in the sunlight. So beautiful, she thought. What a lie.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this chapter. Well, the Emily/Lucas ship is gone. Buh-bye! Thank you all so much for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and who added this story to their reading list, I really appreciate it :) I wish you all a great day!


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