Girl Meets Another Very Merry Christmas

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It was December 24th and little snowflakes were drifting from the clouds. It was dark outside, the only light provided by lanterns and colourful Christmas lights. The Matthews' residence was packed with family members and friends.

'Maya!' Riley exclaimed as she opened the front door, revealing her best friend. 'Riles!' Maya shouted back, equally as happy. 'Merry Christmas' Eve, Peaches', Riley said, smiling. 'Merry Christmas' Eve to you too.' The blonde shrugged off her coat and threw it in one of the chairs in which a bunch of other people's jackets were already laying. Maya walked around the room, wishing everyone happy holidays and making small-talk. That was, until Riley dragged her to her bedroom to sit in the bay window, just like they did every year when the clock struck seven. They still had about an hour until dinner would be served and they always spent those sixty minutes reminiscing about the past year, even though the year wasn't over yet.

'It's been a wild ride, hasn't it?' Maya said. Riley nodded. 'You could say that. So much has happened these past twelve months.' Maya knew Riley was probably thinking of how she and Lucas had gotten together, and had then broken up a little while later. She decided not to ask about it though, knowing it would only make the girl more sad and that was not happening on Christmas' Eve. Or ever, if Maya had a say in it.

'Next year's gonna be awesome', the blonde then said. 'How do you know?' Riley asked, looking at her friend with hopeful eyes. 'I just know', Maya simply said. 'I sure hope so', Riley replied, letting out a deep sigh. Maya put her arm around her best friend soothingly.

Later that night, after dinner, Josh asked Maya to meet him on the rooftop. It brought back memories of the Christmas a year earlier, when they had almost shared a kiss there. Back when they didn't know about each other's feelings. And now they were dating. The past year sure had treated Maya well.

She followed his instructions and walked up the stairs to the building's roof. Her breath hitched as she took in her surroundings.

Candles had been placed all over the surface, creating some light in the darkness. The contrast with the dark night sky was breathtaking. As the cold hair hit her face, Maya looked around for Josh. He was leaning on the railing, just like he had done the year before.

He turned around at the sound of Maya's footsteps approaching him. He smiled sheepishly at her as he asked, 'You like it?' Maya was lost for words for a few moments before answering, 'Like it? I love it. It's perfect.' Josh looked at her lovingly as the girl looked around her. The light of the candles reflected in her blue eyes and he couldn't help but stare. He still couldn't believe he was so lucky to have Maya there with him.

'I can't believe you did this all for me. There are about a hundred candles. This must've cost you a lot of time', Maya gushed. 'You're worth every second', Josh replied with the smile still plastered on his face. 'Reminds me of last year', Maya told him.

'I should've just done it, you know?' Josh told her. 'Done what?' 'Kissed you. I was so close to doing it back then. I had liked you for so long already, and the moment was there. I should've just grabbed your face and kissed you.' Maya shot him a small smile and her eyes sparkled. 'Maybe. But maybe then we wouldn't have ended up where we are now.' Josh nodded. 'That's true. I'm happy with where I am now. With you next to me', he said truthfully. 'That makes two of us then', Maya said, blushing. She loved how after all this time, Josh still had this effect on him. Whenever he said something sweet, or said anything in general, the older boy never failed to make her cheeks turn a little more red. And when they hugged or kissed, her stomach still made somersaults.

'Why not do it now, then?' Maya asked cheekily. 'Make up for lost time and all.' Josh didn't hesitate one bit before cupping her cheeks with his hand and bringing his face closer to hers. 'Sounds like a plan to me', he said before meeting Maya's lips with his. Her lips were warm, and inviting. The kiss was sweet and if Josh could wish for anything, he'd wish for this moment to last for eternity. Them standing there on the rooftop, under a starry sky that was hidden behind a thick curtain of clouds, their lips moving in unison.

Josh deepened the kiss, practically melting Maya in his arms. Snowflakes fell down on them, and the temperature was below zero, but the two of them were kept warm by one another's bodies.

'How about we make this a tradition?' Josh suggested after they pulled back from the kiss. 'Every year from now on, we go up to this roof and stand here together.' Maya bit his lip, not wanting to get too excited too soon. 'That sounds like quite a long-term thing', she said softly. 'That's kind of how I see us together', Josh admitted shyly. 'But I understand if you don't want to-' He was cut off by Maya's lips crashing on top of his. 'Of course I want to. Thank you so much for saying that', she told him in the brief moment between the kisses. Without waiting for any response for Josh, she pulled him close again by grabbing his shirt, and closed her eyes. Their lips found each other again in no time.

Hi everyone :) I hope you liked this fluffy Joshaya Christmas chapter! I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas. And if you don't celebrate it, then I wish you an amazing week :) Thank you all so much for your continued support! Merry Christmas♥♥♥


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