Girl Meets Love

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As Maya practically stormed out of the mansion to go find Vanessa, Josh rose from the couch. After quickly mumbling, 'I should go with her', to Riley and Lucas, he walked away too. 'Should we follow them?' Riley asked, unsure. Lucas pulled her a little more close. 'No, they're fine. They can handle it themselves. And besides, we haven't really spent that much time together lately. Alone, I mean.' Lucas gave his girlfriend a small smile. Riley nodded. 'You're right. What do you want to do?' Lucas bit his lip, and thought about it for a while. 'We don't have to do anything. We can just stay here, and lay down, and talk a little.' Riley rested her head against his shoulder. 'Sounds good', she replied softly. Lucas put his arms around the brunette, and cuddled up to her.

'You remember our first meet?' he asked after about a minute of silence. Riley giggled softly, and answered, 'How could I forget?' 'I remember taking the subway, sitting down, and grabbing the book I had just began to read. I looked up when the underground stopped and two girls entered. I couldn't keep my eyes off one girl, feeling a slight flutter in my stomach, and I knew I wanted to get to know her. Even though I had never seen her before, I just knew Maya was the one', Lucas said. He chuckled as Riley prodded his side. 'You're so mean', she said. 'I'm kidding, Riles. It was you I was looking at. I pretty much knew I liked you before I even met you. And not just because of your looks', he added, twirling his finger around a strand of Riley's hair. 'Of course I noticed how beautiful you were - are - but that wasn't why I was so attracted to you, no, that had a totally different reason. You and Maya... You two were laughing so hard, and you had those adorable two dimples', Lucas said, poking at Riley's cheek as the girl couldn't hide her smile any longer. 'You were having so much fun. Then, all of a sudden, you looked at me, and our eyes met each other's. I don't know what made you look at me in that moment, but I thank God everyday because you did. You gave me this shy smile, which I found very cute. Then the underground came to a sudden stop and you fell onto my lap. We said 'hi' to each other for the first time. It probably was the best day of my life.'

Riley replied by pressing her lips softly against Lucas'. 'Thank you', she said, 'for all those kind words.' He smiled at her. 'I love you, Riley.' A grin spread on Riley's face as she said, 'I love you too, Lucas. Even though you just admitted your undying love for my best friend.' Lucas threw his head back in laughter. Just to prove that he hadn't meant it when he said he'd always known Maya was the one for him - which Riley knew - he tightened his grip around the brunette's waist a little, before reconnecting their lips.

Meanwhile, Maya was well on her way to the beach, where she assumed Vanessa would be. Josh hated to admit it, but he was having a hard time keeping up with his girlfriend. 'Maya', he said, panting, 'do we... really... have to... go... this... fast?' Maya kept running as she answered. 'Yes, we do. Those idiots need to be reminded of how crazy they are for one another!' Josh quickened his pace a little bit before replying, 'Maya, I love you, like, so much. You have no idea. But don't you think it's up to Vanessa and Zay to fix this? It's their relationship, well, it was, at least. They can look out for themselves. I don't think you should meddle with this. I don't know whether or not their relationship can be fixed - I like to believe it can - but if they truly want to be together, they should do it themselves.' Maya had stopped running as she listened to Josh's words closely, and was now walking slowly.

'You can't just go up to those two, put them together, and tell them they love one another. They need to tell each other without anyone forcing them to do so. They decide. Not you, my love. It's their call.'

Josh had finally caught up with Maya and was now walking next to her. 'They... They were just always so happy, and-' Maya said. She couldn't finish, though, because she was cut off by Josh pressing their lips together. 'Wha- what was that for?' Maya asked, a little surprised, as they pulled away after a few seconds. 'That was because I love you so much, Maya. You have the kindest, and purest soul anyone could ever have. You want to help them out, and I understand that. But you need to trust me when I say it's best if they take the initiative', Josh told his girlfriend. 'O- okay', Maya said. 'You're right', she added. She grabbed Josh's hand and turned around to go back to the mansion. 'But before we go back, though', Maya began to say. 'What?' Josh asked. 'Well, you remember what happened before you went all gooey sap on me and told me I had the kindest and purest soul?' Josh tapped his chin playfully, and said, 'No, I don't recall. Care to remind me?' He was barely able to make out those last few words before Maya smashed their lips together.

Thanks so much for reading :) I wish you all an amazing day!


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