Girl Meets an Unexpected Surprise

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As Riley stepped into the hallway and started marching towards Lucas' room, she felt someone take her by her wrist. 'What the-?' she said as she turned around to see who it was. 'Emily', she said softly. 'We need to talk', Emily told Riley, who nodded. 'Um, sure.' Emily gave a nod towards her room. 'We'll go in there. Smackle isn't there right now, so I have the room to myself... Well, to ourselves.' Riley didn't know whether to be scared or not. Emily and Lucas had just broken up and then the girl had found Riley comforting her ex-boyfriend immediately. Riley shuddered at the thought of something bad happening, but then asked herself: what could this girl possibly do? It was a very likely possibility Emily was angry with Riley for going up to Lucas, but she wouldn't do anything crazy. Right?

Riley had no time left to think about what might or might not happen, as Emily pulled her into the bedroom and closed the door behind them. 'So, what did you-' Riley started to ask the girl, but she was interrupted. 'I'm sure you remember what happened earlier.' It didn't sound like a question, more like a statement. Riley nodded slowly. 'I, um, do.' She felt her cheeks turn red as she thought about Emily shouting at Lucas. 'Right', the girl said. 'That was... intense', Emily continued. 'I hadn't expected things to escalate like that.' Riley frowned. 'Is that what you wanted to talk about?' Emily bit her lip. 'No, um, actually it's not.' Riley sat down on the chair that was facing the drawer. 'Then what did you want to talk about?' 'I wanted to tell you that..'

Maya, Smackle & Vanessa

'So, what do you guys think is happening with Riley and Lucas right now? Do you think she confessed her feelings yet?' Vanessa asked. She frowned when she saw both Maya and Smackle shaking their heads. 'Not yet', Maya said. 'She can't just step into Lucas' room and be all like ''Dude, I know you just had a tough break-up, but I wanted to tell you that I was really in love with you and I still am. Good talk, bye!''' Smackle added. Maya nodded. 'The girl's right.' Vanessa shrugged. 'Well, I don't know. We'll see.'

They then heard a knock on their door. 'Who is it?' Maya called. 'It's me', a voice replied. She immediately recognized it as belonging to Josh. 'Come in', she told him. The older boy slowly opened the door. 'Am I crashing a girls' only party?' he said jokingly, looking at Maya, Smackle and Vanessa sitting in a circle. 'No, you're fine', Vanessa told him. Josh sat down on the ground next to the three girls. 'What were you guys talking about?' he asked curiously. 'Riley and Lucas', Smackle blurted out. Maya and Vanessa both shot her a look. 'What? It's the truth.' She shrugged. 'Speaking of Riley, I was actually looking for her', Josh said. 'Cory is looking for her. Do any of you know where she is right now?' 'No', Maya and Vanessa said, shaking their heads ferociously, while Smackle said, 'She's with Lucas.' Maya gave herself a face-slap. 'Seriously, Smackle?' 'Wha- Why should that be a secret?' Josh asked, clearly confused. 'You can't go to her right now. They're, er... Having a moment', Vanessa explained. Josh frowned. 'What do you mean?' 'Isn't it obvious?' Smackle asked him. When Josh looked at Vanessa, she nodded. 'Yeah. Isn't it?' Josh shrugged. 'I have no idea what you guys mean, or why you are being so mysterious, or why I can't go to Riley.' Maya rolled her eyes. 'Oh, for God's sake, Riley is telling Lucas she still has feelings for him!'

Josh looked confused. 'But isn't he with Emily?' 'Just broke up', Vanessa explained. 'Oh', was all Josh could say. 'Anyway, you can't go to her now. You have to give her and Lucas some time together, so Riley can tell him everything', Smackle said. 'Yeah, can you please wait a little longer?' Josh nodded. 'Of course. I'll just go and tell Cory she's with Lucas now and that she can come find him later and-' 'No!' the girls all exclaimed in unison. 'Do. Not. Tell. Cory', Maya breathed. 'Why not?' Josh asked with genuine surprise. Vanessa raised an eyebrow. 'Have you not seen how overly-protective he gets when it comes to Riley and boys? No way, you're not telling him.' 'Okay, then I won't', Josh said, chuckling. 'Good', Maya said. 'But I am gonna go now and leave you three alone', Josh then told the girls. 'See you later', he said, turning to Maya. He leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek. Maya smiled and blushed a little. 'Yeah. See you later.'

'So, we're five minutes further. Do you think Riley's told him by now?' Vanessa asked, repeating her question from before. Maya and Smackle both shot her a look that said, Are you kidding me? 'What? I'm just curious', Vanessa said defensive.

Riley & Emily

'I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry.' Riley's eyes widened as she was shocked by what Emily had just said. Out of all the things that could have come out of her mouth, those were the last ones Riley had expected. 'You what?' Emily tapped the floor with her foot impatiently. 'I'm sorry, okay? For the way I treated you the past couple of weeks. I was so jealous of you because of Lucas and I was a total pain in the ass.' 'You weren't that bad', Riley told her. 'Yeah, I totally was, though', Emily replied. Riley was surprised to see the girl smile. 'I'm sorry if I ever gave you any reason to think there was something going on between me and Lucas.' 'It's fine', Emily said. 'But this, the apology, was not the entire reason I wanted to talk to you', she admitted. Riley frowned. 'Then what is the reason?' Emily cleared her throat.

'Look', she said, 'I know you still like him.' When she saw Riley was about to protest, she quickly added, 'You can tell me whatever you want, lie to me, I don't care. I know you still have feelings for Lucas, no matter what you say.' Riley sighed in defeat. 'And I know Lucas returns those feelings', Emily then continued, looking just a little bit sad. 'He might not be willing to admit it right now, but I've seen the way he looks at you, so lovingly and gentle. The way he talks when he's with you... The point is, you both like each other. A lot.' She was silent for a few seconds, before continuing with what she had to say. 'I guess what I'm trying to tell you is, that if you have feelings for Lucas, I want you to feel free to explore them. I won't stand in your way.' Riley didn't know how to respond to this. This was the last thing she'd been expecting from the girl who used to hate her so much. And so she asked, 'Don't you hate me?'

Emily sighed. 'Of course I don't hate you. 'Like I said, I was jealous. Really jealous. And I hope that by not standing in your way if you want to tell Lucas how you feel is a way to make up for how I behaved myself towards you. You're a tough one to compete with.' Riley shook her head. 'It was never a competition though. He liked you, Emily. You had his full attention', she tried. Now it was Emily who was shaking her head. 'That's not true and I believe a part of you knows that. Lucas has never been completely over you. When he was with me, a part of him was still thinking of being with you, Riley.' Riley looked at the ground, not knowing what to say to the girl to make all of this better.

'I gotta say, I didn't think I'd ever be having this conversation with you, but here we are', Emily told Riley, when it became clear that the other girl wasn't going to respond. 'Me neither', Riley said. 'But, Riley?' Emily then asked. 'Yes?' 'What are you still doing here?' 'What do you mean?' Emily took a step closer to the other brunette and gave her a small smile. What she was about to say, was going to take a lot of courage a strength, but she knew it was the right thing to do. 'Go to Lucas', she told Riley, who then asked, 'But what about you?' Emily didn't even think about that question for a second, and instead just replied with, 'I'll be fine.' 'You sure?' Riley asked again. Emily nodded. 'Now go.' Riley smiled at her. 'Thank you, Emily. I, um, really appreciate it.'

Before she could walk out the door, Emily called out to her. 'Um, Riley?' she asked, hesitating just a little. 'Yes?' Riley said, turning back around. 'I'd love it if we could just start over. A clean slate. Maybe we could try and be friends? Only if you want of course. I'd understand if you don't-' 'I'd love to', Riley told her, and Emily's expression softened as she let out a sigh of relief. 'Now you can go and find Lucas', she said. And that was just what Riley was going to do.

Hi everybody :) I hope you liked the new chapter! As for the next one(s), it will contain the Big Conversation between Riley and Lucas, and I'm gonna add some conversations between Emily and Lucas, and Josh and Emily. Yes, you read that one right. I am thinking of making a Josh/Emily-friendship happen(strictly a friendship). Thank you all so much for reading! And a special thanks to everyone who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, I appreciate it a lot! I wish you all an amazing day :)


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