Girl Meets Dusk Till Dawn

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'We should really check on Vanessa', Maya as she turned off the TV, promptly interrupting the show she, Josh, and Riley and Lucas had been watching. 'I tried calling her', Riley replied, 'but she didn't answer.' 'I feel so bad for her', Lucas said, letting out a deep sigh. 'I mean, I love Zay, but the guy screwed up - big time.' Josh shifted in his seat. 'Tell us what happened again', he said. Lucas cleared his throat before speaking. 'Well, I was with Vanessa to see if she was okay. She told me she had to do something, and so we went to Zay's room. Then she said, ''Forty-one hours, thirty-eight minutes.'' So of course, Zay was a little confused at first, but then Vanessa was telling about what happened all those hours ago, and she went like, ''Then I told you I loved you.'' Afterwards, when Vanessa had left the room, I asked Zay what that was about, and he explained to me how he had gotten upset with Vanessa, because they apparently didn't act all couple-y like they used to. How they didn't tell each other they loved one another as often as before. And then there was the forty-something hours thing.'

Maya took a deep breath. 'Wow', she said. 'So, they're really broken up, aren't they?' Lucas nodded. 'Yeah. They are.' Riley tried to hold back tears. She hated it when bad things happened to her friends. She knew Zay and Vanessa were probably crying their eyes out right now. She knew how those two loved one another more than anything else in the world. Riley felt the need to comfort them, but Zay had wished to be alone for a while. As for Vanessa... If only Riley knew where the girl was...

On the beach...

'Care to join us for a swim?' Emily asked Vanessa, who was stretched on one of the towels, enjoying the sun as much as she could while she thought of every single thing that had ever happened between her and Zay. The awful party that almost made sure they would never get together. How Zay had then forgiven her, and had gived Vanessa a second chance. How he likes to play with her curly hair. No, not likes. Liked. How he had once won her a stuffed unicorn while at a fun fair. How they had kissed each other last New Year's Eve, when the clock struck midnight, and the ball on Times Square dropped. How...

'Earth to Vanessa', she heard Emily say. 'Oh. Right, sorry. I, um, I'll just stay here, if that's okay', Vanessa replied to Emily's question, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand as she looked up at the girl. 'Okay then. If you need me I'm here for you. The boys are going to this party of a friend of theirs, and then we can talk.' Vanessa nodded. 'Sure.' She wasn't sure she even wanted to talk about Zay anymore. As Emily and Evan took off towards the ocean, Vanessa closed her eyes. Only for a little bit, though, because she was soon noticing someone's presence. 'Hey sugar', Eli said. 'I figured I could stay with you here.' Vanessa opened her eyes and looked at the handsome boy. 'P- please don't call me that', she said softly. Zay had called her sugar a few times, and even though they had broken up, she didn't want anyone else using that nickname for her. 'Of course, beautiful', Eli replied. Vanessa stiffened. Did he really just call her beautiful?

'So', Eli began to say, 'tell me something about yourself.' Something about myself? Vanessa thought. I'm Vanessa. I'm from Texas. I'm a cheerleader. I'm still madly in love with Isaiah Babineaux... She just blinked at Eli. 'There's not much to tell', Vanessa told him. 'I'm positive that's not true', Eli replied, putting his left hand on her right shoulder. Vanessa wondered whether it was rude to pull away from him. 'Wanna know what I see when I look at you?' Eli asked. No, Vanessa thought, but she remained quiet. 'I see a very, very pretty girl, who's also smart, and funny, and a little shy, but we'll work on that - and did I tell you that you're very pretty?' Vanessa didn't know whether she should be flattered or a little creeped out by this guy. 'You don't even know me', she told Eli, looking straight into this brown eyes. Still not as warm as Zay's. 'No, but I would like to', Eli said, and Vanessa noticed how smooth he was. He probably was like this with every girl that crossed his path.

'Can I have your number?' Eli asked out of the blue. Vanessa looked at the ocean, where Emily and Evan were laughing together, having a great time. She was silently hoping the two would return soon before she had to answer Eli's question. She quickly thought about what he'd asked her. Eli was just being friendly, right? He wasn't trying anything... Or was he? 'So... is it a yes or a no?' the boy asked. Vanessa swallowed hard before taking his phone and inserting her phone number. She said nothing as she handed him back the phone. Eli smiled. Now, Emily and Evan were returning to the shore. Just my luck, Vanessa thought. If only, they could've come back a few seconds sooner, than Emily could have prevented Eli from even thinking about asking Vanessa for her number.

'Mate, we have to leave soon', Evan said, as he reached Vanessa and Eli. He wrapped a towel around himself and grabbed his backpack, in which his dry clothes were. Eli nodded. 'Of course.' He waited patiently for Evan to dry himself off and put on his clothes and shoes. He occasionally glanced at Vanessa. When Evan was ready, Eli winked at Vanessa as he said, 'See ya later, beautiful.' He ignored Emily's glare, and said, 'Bye, Emily. It was great seeing you again.' He gave her a fake smile. Emily did her best not to give him the finger and stick out her calm. She had only seen Eli a few times, but she had already come to the conclusion he was a total prick. He was arrogant, incredibly smooth, and only cared for girl's attention - especially when getting a girl's attention was a challenge. He'd even tried making a move on Emily, even though it was obvious she was into Evan. Emily thought Eli was a womanizing jerk - and that was her putting it nicely.

When both boys disappeared, Emily turned to Vanessa. 'Now', she said to her friend, 'tell me what happened', and Vanessa started explaining the whole story.

Back at the mansion...

'I still can't believe it', Maya said. 'I know', Josh said, 'they care so much for each other.' 'Yes, they do', Maya replied. 'And someone needs to tell those fools that they are being complete idiots and make them realize that they are still madly in love with each other, and belong together, forever and always!' Riley smiled at her friend's sudden outburst. She loved how Maya was always so passionate when it came to her friends and family. 'And guess what?' Maya then proceeded to say. 'That someone's gonna be me!' she told the other three before marching out of the room.

Hi everyone :) As promised, another update. I hope you liked this chapter, and are curious to see what happens next(I know I am). Thank you all so much for reading :) And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, I appreciate it so, so much. By the way, if any of you were wondering why I named this chapter Girl Meets Dusk Till Dawn: it's because I was listening to this particular song while writing this and the lyrics are, ''You'll never be alone. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn.'' I felt like it fits this chapter in a way, because it's about always being there for someone you love. I wish you all a great day :)


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