Girl Meets Not Alone/Girl Meets Girls' Night #2

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That night, the girls felt like having some girl time. Well, except for Emily. 'Where is she, anyway?' Vanessa asked. 'Watching a movie downstairs, and snuggling with Lucas on the couch', Riley said bitterly. She mentally scolded herself for using that tone. Smackle and Vanessa hadn't noticed however, or if they had, they didn't show it. 'I hate having to share a room with her', Smackle told the group. 'Why?' Vanessa asked her, furrowing her eyebrows. She had just met the girl a few days ago, and she had not noticed anything wrong with her. If only she knew the truth... Smackle made a face. 'I'll tell you why', she replied. 'She leaves her clothes everywhere - on the bed, the chairs, the floor, and she gave me no room in the closet to put my stuff in! She complains about practically everything! ''It's too hot. It's too cold. There's too much light'', Smackle said, mimicking Emily's voice. Maya tried not too laugh as she watched the intelligent girl ranting. 'Ugh, I'm sorry, but I just can't stand that girl', Smackle said. Riley felt a little guilty about the pleasure she got out of hearing this, but she couldn't help herself. Vanessa shrugged. 'Let our first Hawaiian girls' night begin!' she exclaimed happily. 'And may the odds be ever in your favor', Maya joked.

Three jars of Ben & Jerry's and twelve magazines later, the girls came to the subject of their boyfriends. 'So how are you and Zay?' Maya asked Vanessa, wiggling her eyebrows. Vanessa laughed. 'We're good. I'm so glad to see him.' Riley smiled at the girl. 'Zay was, no, is, really happy to see you, too', she told her. Vanessa blushed. 'You think so?' 'I know so!' Riley replied. 'The guy is crazy about you', Maya chimed in, and Smackle nodded. 'I really like him too', Vanessa admitted. 'I mean, really, really like.' 'Awww', the other girls said. 'Enough about me', Vanessa said then. 'How about you and Farkle?' she asked, turning to Smackle. The girl's pale cheeks immediately turned bright red. 'Smackle?' Riley asked curiously, nudging the girl. 'Well, um, I... No, we... Um, we...' Her friends were surprised to see the smart girl struggling for words. 'We kissed!' Smackle then blurted out. The girls' eyes widened. This was huge! 'Smackle!' Riley exclaimed. 'That's great!' She knew her friend often had trouble with intimacies and this was a big step for her. 'When?' Maya asked, the corners of her mouth curling into a big grin. 'Two weeks ago, after school', she answered. As if on cue, the other three girls leaned in and put their arms around Smackle for a hug. 'Oxygen level running low', she said robot-like as the girls pressed her close to them. They quickly let go, and Smackle took a deep breath. 'And you, Maya?' Vanessa asked the blonde-haired girl. 'What about me?' 'Jooosh', Vanessa playfully said Maya's crush's name, while wiggling her eyebrows in the same way Maya had when she'd asked about Zay. 'I had a lot of fun on our date today', Maya admitted, a big smile spreading on her face. 'Well, look at you, blushing and all', Vanessa said, smiling. She was happy for her friends.

'How about you, Riley?' she then asked. 'I heard something about this Charlie-guy?' Riley looked up, not having expected this particular question. 'Oh, that... Um, that didn't really work out.' 'Oh', Vanessa said, not really knowing what to do. 'That's, er, unfortunate.' Riley shrugged. 'Not really. I mean, he's a really good guy, but there was no spark, you know?' Vanessa nodded sympathetically. 'And you and Lucas?' Riley's eyes widened in shock. Did she know? 'Are you still friends, I mean?' Vanessa then continued. Riley let out a breath in relief. 'We're okay. Not like we used to be, but we're getting there.' 'That's good to hear.' As Vanessa said that, Riley thought about the kiss she and Lucas had shared that night after the school dance. The way he'd leaned in so quickly and then had pulled away equally as fast. 'Hey, how-' Smackle was starting to say, but Riley interrupted her by blurting out, 'I still like Lucas!' Vanessa and Smackle's jaws dropped. 'What did you just say?' Vanessa asked. 'I still like Lucas', Riley repeated, this time more like a whisper. 'Does Lucas know?' Smackle asked. Riley shook her head. Maya put an arm around her best friend. 'It would mean a great deal to me if you kept this quiet', Riley said. The girls nodded. 'Of course', Smackle said. Vanessa nodded. 'You can count on us. We're here for you.' Realizing something, Vanessa asked, 'Does Emily know?' Riley shook her head once more. 'Nope. But she is suspecting something. Also, she hates me.' Maya snorted ferociously. 'She is intervening every single time Riley talks to Lucas!' she exclaimed. 'And when we were fitting the dresses for my Mom's wedding yesterday, she bought Riley's dress, causing Riley to having to find something else', she continued. When the words ''my Mom's wedding'', she couldn't help but feel a slight flutter in stomach, so excited for her mother and Shawn. She then reminded herself of what they were talking about. 'That witch!' Vanessa exclaimed, a disgusted look on her face. 'Told you she's awful', Smackle said. 'We have your back, Riley', Vanessa told her friend. Riley smiled to her friends. 'Thank you so much for helping me through this', she said, grateful for their support. 'Always', Maya told her, hugging her tightly.

'Don't mean to spoil the moment right now, but it's late already', Smackle said, looking at her watch. It was nearing midnight. 'I should head back to my room', she continued. 'You can stay in our room if you want', Maya offered. 'If you really hate it so much sharing a room with Emily.' Smackle made a face when she was reminded of her current situation. 'That's really kind of you, Maya, but it's fine. I'm not gonna let her scare me away.' 'We're proud of you', Vanessa told her, putting an arm around the girl. 'I should go back too', she then said to Riley and Maya. 'Okay', they both said. 'Goodnight!' 'Goodnight', Vanessa and Smackle replied as they took off.

The girls' night had ended, but all four girls were lying in their beds with a smile on their face. Riley felt happy. Maybe she had to deal with a girl who was trying to sabotage her group of friends, but at least she wouldn't be alone.

Hi everybody :) I hope you liked the new chapter! I really wanted to do something with the girls' friendship, so here it is. Thank you all for reading. And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters :) I wish you all a great day!!


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