Girl Meets Wedding Day, part II

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After Topanga had finished doing Riley's hair, Riley had gone back to her room to prepare herself further for the wedding. She had also helped Maya get ready earlier. The blonde had already been in her light yellow wedding dress, when Riley created big waves in her hair and made a rosette side updo.

'Wow, this looks great, Riles', Maya told her friend as she was admiring herself in the mirror. 'You're so good at this kinda stuff.' Riley smiled gratefully. 'Why thank you', she said as she blushed at the compliment. She had always felt awkward when someone gave her a compliment. She never knew how to respond to it. 'You look amazing, Maya', she said. 'Thanks, Riles. I really appreciate it.' 'It needs a final touch, though', Riley then continued. She tapped her chin with her finger as she thought about what would make Maya look even more flawless. 'Ooh, I know!' she said as she started digging in one of the vanity's drawers. 'There it is!' she said to herself when she found the object she had been looking for.

Proudly she held up a hairpin with a flower of the same color as Maya's dress, engraved with little orange crystals. 'I saw it about a week after we ordered or dresses at the jeweler and I just had to buy it for you. It completely matches your dress.' Maya didn't know what to say. 'Riley, I... I can't take it. It's too much.' Riley sighed. She had already been expecting this exact reply. 'Maya - Peaches', she corrected herself before going on with what she wanted to say, 'this is a very important day for you. And I wanted to give you something special. You are an amazing person and an even more amazing friend. You're loyal, funny and kind. I love you, Maya. You're my best friend and I want you to have this', Riley told the blonde before frowning. 'Unless you don't like it', she quickly said. 'Then of course you don't have to wear it and-' She was cut off by Maya pulling her in for a tight hug.

'I love you so much, Riles.' Riley was surprised, but also very happy about Maya's reaction. 'I'll wear it', Maya promised. 'Thank you so much. It's beautiful.' 'Just like the person who will be wearing it', Riley told her, smiling. 'Beautiful inside and out.' Maya felt herself tear up. 'God', she said, 'I have no idea what I did to deserve a friend like you. But I'm so grateful to have you, Riles.'

She then looked at the clock and realized they only had half an hour more before they had to be on their way to the wedding. 'Riles!' she then exclaimed. 'We need to get you ready. It's almost time. Have you decided on what dress you are going to wear?' Riley shook her head. 'I've narrowed it down to a few though', she said. She walked over to the wardrobe and took out three dresses. One of a light shade of green and had little silver flowers delicately embroidered on it. The next one was a purple dress that was very elegant because of its simplicity. The third was a black one.

'Riley!' Maya said, scolding. 'I love you, but you are not gonna wear that black dress to the wedding!' Riley nodded. 'Yeah, I wasn't so sure about that one either', she admitted. 'So, what do you think? The silver or the purple one?' At that moment, Emily suddenly walked into the room without even bothering to knock.

'Um, hey', she said, feeling a little uncomfortable. 'Riley, could I, er... Borrow you just a sec?' 'We actually have to leave in twenty minutes and I still have to pick a dress', Riley replied hesitantly. 'It won't take long', Emily promised. Riley noticed she wasn't wearing her dress yet.'

Even though the girls were now on pretty good terms, they still felt awkward being around one another. 'Um, I guess you probably remember what happened at Dress to impress?' Emily asked softly. Riley nodded. 'Yeah, I do', she replied. 'Why?' 'Well, I thought about it and...' Emily let out a deep sigh. 'When you found out I was buying the same dress as you were, you decided on not making the sale final. You ordered it way before I had even seen it and still did not buy it. That's not really fair. It was rude of me to do so and I don't know what I was thinking at the time. Well, I do actually, but I... Doesn't matter. You really wanted that dress, and even though I think it's very pretty, I did not need it. I merely bought it to piss you off. You really like it. I think we have the same size so...' Riley frowned. 'What are you trying to say?' Emily turned away from Riley and walked over to her bed, where a dress was spread out. Riley immediately recognized the soft, burgundy fabric. 'You have to wear it to the wedding.'

'No, no, I can't. You bought it. You want to wear it.' Emily shook her head. 'I want to wear a nice dress to the wedding, yes, but it doesn't necessarily have to be this one. Just take it, Riley.' 'Bu- but what about you?' Riley asked. Emily picked up the burgundy dressed and offered it to the other girl, who hesitantly took it. 'I'll find something.' 'Are you sure?' Riley asked again. Emily nodded ferociously. 'I hope I have something wedding-appropriate though', she said half-jokingly, half worriedly. Riley thought about that for an instant. 'I think I have a solution', she told Emily, who gave her a questioning look.

Fifteen minutes later everyone was gathered in the living room. Maya in her light yellow dress, Riley in her original, burgundy one, looking happy as ever, and the boys all in a tux - including Auggie. Vanessa was wearing a light shade of pink, and Smackle looked beautiful as well as a little uncomfortable in her flowing forest green dress. As for Emily, she adjusted the strap on the purple dress she was wearing. Simple but elegant, Riley had told her.

'It's a good thing we wear the same size', Riley then said, and she winked at Emily. 'Sure thing.' Lucas looked at the girls, and smiled. 'You look beautiful. Both of you.' As both girls thanked him, Lucas walked over to Emily. The girl looked surprised as he whispered something in her ear.

'Evan's mind would be blown if he could see you right now.' Emily's eyes widened. 'How-' 'I'm not blind, Emily. Maybe you didn't or still don't know for yourself, but I have a feeling he's a little more than just a stranger you met on the beach.' 'Lucas, I-' 'Don't', Lucas told her. 'I'm happy as long as you are', he said. Emily smiled at him and spread her arms. 'Friends can still hug, right? I mean, I'd like for us to be friends. But only if you want to, of course', she added. 'I'd love to be friends', Lucas said as he put his arms around the girl for a second, before they both pulled away. 'Now, go be with your girlfriend', Emily said teasingly as she pushed him towards Riley.

As he jokingly stuck out his tongue at her and she rolled her eyes, Emily smiled. The fact she wasn't even upset anymore seeing Lucas with Riley even though it had only been, like, a little more than day since they had broken up, made her feel like maybe she had never really been in love with him. She sure had liked him. A lot. But in love? That's a whole different thing. She thought about what Lucas had said about Evan and her. The holiday in Hawaii wasn't over yet. Anything could still happen.

Hi everyone :) Thank you all so much for reading this new chapter, I hope you all liked it! And a special thanks to those who voted on previous chapters and to those who added this story to their reading list, your support really means a lot to me. Next chapter will have Joshaya in it, so get ready for some shipping! I wish you all a great day! :)


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