Author's Note(Important!)

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Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a lovely day :)

As you all may or may not have noticed, this book is nearing its 70th chapter. I'm slowly running out of ideas, and I feel like I'm sort of dragging the story. I don't mind continuing the story, but I feel like it might be getting a bit boring. Now I have a question for you concerning this book's future. There are two options:

1. The book goes on for 10 chapters, maybe a few less or more. After that, the story is finished. Because there won't be that many chapters left, the story won't get boring(I hope it isn't boring already).

2. I continue writing chapters. The book won't go on forever, but there will be more chapters. In this scenario, there won't be a lot of drama in the book. I feel like this book has had a lot of drama already(the Riley/Lucas/Emily triangle, the Joshaya situation, Riley almost drowning, and now the Zaynessa break-up) and if I add more, the story will be drama only and it will just be too much. Also, it's hard to think of new situations in which drama will exist. So if I keep this book going for a while longer, I want you all to know that it will consist mostly of fluffy and rather funny parts, and not a lot of/no fights. I would add more chapters about all ships, including Corpanga and Katy/Shawn. Also, there will be more moments with the group/family, and more attention will be paid to Farkle and to various friendships, such as the girls in the group and Vanessa/Smackle. I'm not sure if the story won't get boring in this scenario, but this book contains a lot of drama already.

Please comment below which option you'd prefer :)


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